
时间:2021-09-30 19:18:08

I want to find the index of the last occurrence of a character in a String. For example if my string is "google.com/program/test" and I want to find the letter /, I want my function to return 18 because that is the last occurrence of / in that string. I have tried to follow Finding index of character in Swift String and have also tried to implement a means to loop through the string and simply find the last index of the String that has my desired character but the advance() function seems to complain about getting an Integer.

我想找到String中最后一个字符出现的索引。例如,如果我的字符串是“google.com/program/test”并且我想找到字母/,我希望我的函数返回18,因为这是该字符串中/的最后一次出现。我试图在Swift String中查找字符的查找索引,并且还尝试实现循环字符串的方法,只是找到具有我想要的字符的String的最后一个索引,但advance()函数似乎抱怨获取一个整数。

var strCount = 0
var lastSlashIndex = 0
for i in urlAsString {
  if i == "/"{
    if lastSlashIndex < strCount{
      lastSlashIndex = strCount

var endOfString = strCount - lastSlash
//Cannot seem to use the advance function to get the remaining substring
var fileName = urlAsString.substringFromIndex(advance(lastSlashIndex, endOfString))

Can't seem to figure this out, any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: This problem is not ment to be specific to just the '/' character. For example, if the string is "abbccd" and I'm looking for the letter 'c', then I want to return the index 4 because that is the last index in which 'c' occurs in.


5 个解决方案



Rather than answering the question in the title, I'm taking a look at your example code and assuming this is an XY problem. If you just need to remove the last path component (or retrieve just the last path component), there are existing methods on NSString which make this very easy.


If all you want is the file name extracted out of a path:


let path = "/tmp/scratch.tiff"
let fileName = path.lastPathComponent

This works even when path looks like some sort of URL.


let path = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/s73824fsda/FileName.ext"
let fileName = path.lastPathComponent

This prints:



As a note, this works whether or not the last path component has any sort of extension or whatever. lastPathComponent just returns everything after the last / character (or if there is no /, the whole string).

作为一个注释,无论最后一个路径组件是否具有任何类型的扩展或其他什么,这都有效。 lastPathComponent只返回最后一个/字符后的所有内容(或者如果没有/,则返回整个字符串)。

NSString actually defines quite a lot of methods explicitly for working with file paths (and these all work on Swift's String). I recommend taking a look at the official documentation. NSString has a whole section of methods called "Working with Paths"

NSString实际上明确地定义了许多用于处理文件路径的方法(这些方法都适用于Swift的String)。我建议看看官方文档。 NSString有一整个方法称为“使用路径”



If you wanted to find the first occurrence of a character, you could use the find function, so one option is to write a reverse-find equivalent, modeled on the regular find, and then use that:


func rfind
  <C: CollectionType
       where C.Generator.Element: Equatable,
             // one extra constraint needed - the ability
             // to iterate backwards through the collection
             C.Index: BidirectionalIndexType>
  (domain: C, value: C.Generator.Element) -> C.Index? {

    // the wrapping of the indices in reverse() is really
    // the only difference between this and the regular find
    for idx in reverse(indices(domain)) {
        if domain[idx] == value {
            return idx
    return nil

Given this, it’s easy to use it to find the substring separated by the last occurrence of a character:


let path = "/some/path/to/something"

if let firstSlash = rfind(path, "/") {
    let file = path[firstSlash.successor()..<path.endIndex]
    println(file)  // prints “something”

Of course, you could just write the loop directly in your code if you don’t want to go to the trouble of defining the generic function.


Note, while strings in Swift aren’t random-access via integers, it doesn’t really matter since nowhere do you need to know that the last slash is the nth character, just the index of where it is.


If you want to assume absence of a slash means take the entire string as a filename you could do:


let start = find(path, "/")?.successor() ?? path.startIndex
let file = path[start..<path.endIndex]



@Duncan C suggested the rangeOfString function.

@Duncan C建议使用rangeOfString函数。

Here's an example of what that might look like in Swift 2.0:

以下是Swift 2.0中可能出现的示例:

func lastIndexOf(s: String) -> Int? {
    if let r: Range<Index> = self.rangeOfString(s, options: .BackwardsSearch) {
        return self.startIndex.distanceTo(r.startIndex)

     return Optional<Int>()



func testStringLastIndexOf() {
    let lastIndex = "google.com/program/test".lastIndexOf("/")

    XCTAssertEqual(lastIndex, 18)

func testStringLastIndexOfNotFound() {
    let lastIndex = "google.com".lastIndexOf("/")

    XCTAssertEqual(lastIndex, nil);



@nhgrif is probably right that this is an XY problem and what you really want to do is to parse a path or an URL, and there are built-in methods in NSString and NSURL to do that for you.


If you ARE Talking about general purpose string parsing, there are also methods for that.


By far the easiest thing to do is to use the NSString method rangeOfString:options: One of the option values is BackwardsSearch. So you'd pass it an options value of BackwardsSearch. You'd get back the range of the last occurrence of your search string.


I've seen some Swift string methods that use "Swift-ified" versions of range, and am not clear on what NSString methods have native Swift variants. (I'm learning Swift myself.)

我已经看到一些使用“Swift-ified”版本范围的Swift字符串方法,并且我不清楚NSString方法有什么原生Swift变种。 (我自己在学习Swift。)



The following accomplishes this task using an extension that can take a string of your choosing to locate. If it is not available, then you get a nil value back you can handle.


extension String {
    func lastOccurrenceOfString(string: String) -> String.Index? {
        let characterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)
        if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: characterSet, options: .backwards) {
            let offsetBy = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.upperBound)

            return index(startIndex, offsetBy: offsetBy)

        return nil

And the following shows this in use:


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let testString = "google.com/program/test"

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        getIndex(of: "/") // 19
        getIndex(of: ".") // 7
        getIndex(of: "z") // N/A
        getIndex(of: "me") // 21, e appears before m

    func getIndex(of string: String) {

        let slashIndex = testString.lastOccurrenceOfString(string: string)
        print(slashIndex?.encodedOffset ?? "N/A")

extension String {
    func lastOccurrenceOfString(string: String) -> String.Index? {
        let characterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)
        if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: characterSet, options: .backwards) {
            let offsetBy = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.upperBound)

            return index(startIndex, offsetBy: offsetBy)

        return nil



Rather than answering the question in the title, I'm taking a look at your example code and assuming this is an XY problem. If you just need to remove the last path component (or retrieve just the last path component), there are existing methods on NSString which make this very easy.


If all you want is the file name extracted out of a path:


let path = "/tmp/scratch.tiff"
let fileName = path.lastPathComponent

This works even when path looks like some sort of URL.


let path = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/s73824fsda/FileName.ext"
let fileName = path.lastPathComponent

This prints:



As a note, this works whether or not the last path component has any sort of extension or whatever. lastPathComponent just returns everything after the last / character (or if there is no /, the whole string).

作为一个注释,无论最后一个路径组件是否具有任何类型的扩展或其他什么,这都有效。 lastPathComponent只返回最后一个/字符后的所有内容(或者如果没有/,则返回整个字符串)。

NSString actually defines quite a lot of methods explicitly for working with file paths (and these all work on Swift's String). I recommend taking a look at the official documentation. NSString has a whole section of methods called "Working with Paths"

NSString实际上明确地定义了许多用于处理文件路径的方法(这些方法都适用于Swift的String)。我建议看看官方文档。 NSString有一整个方法称为“使用路径”



If you wanted to find the first occurrence of a character, you could use the find function, so one option is to write a reverse-find equivalent, modeled on the regular find, and then use that:


func rfind
  <C: CollectionType
       where C.Generator.Element: Equatable,
             // one extra constraint needed - the ability
             // to iterate backwards through the collection
             C.Index: BidirectionalIndexType>
  (domain: C, value: C.Generator.Element) -> C.Index? {

    // the wrapping of the indices in reverse() is really
    // the only difference between this and the regular find
    for idx in reverse(indices(domain)) {
        if domain[idx] == value {
            return idx
    return nil

Given this, it’s easy to use it to find the substring separated by the last occurrence of a character:


let path = "/some/path/to/something"

if let firstSlash = rfind(path, "/") {
    let file = path[firstSlash.successor()..<path.endIndex]
    println(file)  // prints “something”

Of course, you could just write the loop directly in your code if you don’t want to go to the trouble of defining the generic function.


Note, while strings in Swift aren’t random-access via integers, it doesn’t really matter since nowhere do you need to know that the last slash is the nth character, just the index of where it is.


If you want to assume absence of a slash means take the entire string as a filename you could do:


let start = find(path, "/")?.successor() ?? path.startIndex
let file = path[start..<path.endIndex]



@Duncan C suggested the rangeOfString function.

@Duncan C建议使用rangeOfString函数。

Here's an example of what that might look like in Swift 2.0:

以下是Swift 2.0中可能出现的示例:

func lastIndexOf(s: String) -> Int? {
    if let r: Range<Index> = self.rangeOfString(s, options: .BackwardsSearch) {
        return self.startIndex.distanceTo(r.startIndex)

     return Optional<Int>()



func testStringLastIndexOf() {
    let lastIndex = "google.com/program/test".lastIndexOf("/")

    XCTAssertEqual(lastIndex, 18)

func testStringLastIndexOfNotFound() {
    let lastIndex = "google.com".lastIndexOf("/")

    XCTAssertEqual(lastIndex, nil);



@nhgrif is probably right that this is an XY problem and what you really want to do is to parse a path or an URL, and there are built-in methods in NSString and NSURL to do that for you.


If you ARE Talking about general purpose string parsing, there are also methods for that.


By far the easiest thing to do is to use the NSString method rangeOfString:options: One of the option values is BackwardsSearch. So you'd pass it an options value of BackwardsSearch. You'd get back the range of the last occurrence of your search string.


I've seen some Swift string methods that use "Swift-ified" versions of range, and am not clear on what NSString methods have native Swift variants. (I'm learning Swift myself.)

我已经看到一些使用“Swift-ified”版本范围的Swift字符串方法,并且我不清楚NSString方法有什么原生Swift变种。 (我自己在学习Swift。)



The following accomplishes this task using an extension that can take a string of your choosing to locate. If it is not available, then you get a nil value back you can handle.


extension String {
    func lastOccurrenceOfString(string: String) -> String.Index? {
        let characterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)
        if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: characterSet, options: .backwards) {
            let offsetBy = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.upperBound)

            return index(startIndex, offsetBy: offsetBy)

        return nil

And the following shows this in use:


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let testString = "google.com/program/test"

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        getIndex(of: "/") // 19
        getIndex(of: ".") // 7
        getIndex(of: "z") // N/A
        getIndex(of: "me") // 21, e appears before m

    func getIndex(of string: String) {

        let slashIndex = testString.lastOccurrenceOfString(string: string)
        print(slashIndex?.encodedOffset ?? "N/A")

extension String {
    func lastOccurrenceOfString(string: String) -> String.Index? {
        let characterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)
        if let range = rangeOfCharacter(from: characterSet, options: .backwards) {
            let offsetBy = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.upperBound)

            return index(startIndex, offsetBy: offsetBy)

        return nil