
时间:2021-07-12 19:14:44

i want to run a find and replace query in my sql database using php my admin. The problem is that in the text that i want to find and replace are some " characters and this causes problems when i run the command...

我想使用php my admin在sql数据库中运行查找和替换查询。问题是,在我想要查找和替换的文本中有一些“字符,当我运行命令时,这会导致问题……”

i want to search for align="right"> and replace it by align="left">


i did run this command but its not working:


UPDATE `ps_product_lang` SET `description` = replace(`description`,"align="right">","align="left">");

So im wondering how should this query look like as there are " characters? How is it possible to search for even much longer text and replace it using sql queries?


many thanks


1 个解决方案



The replacement strings should be single-quoted as string literals:


UPDATE `ps_product_lang` SET `description` = replace(`description`, 'align="right">', 'align="left">');

Note that this solution is only useful if you are certain that all the strings in your description column are exactly align="right">. You will need to do additional work if, for example, you have some single-quoted attributes like align='right'> in addition to the double-quoted attribute as above.


Also, if this is HTML markup you are performing replacements on, it is entirely possible that the closing > won't occur right after the align attribute. In that case, you would really need to load each row into an HTML parser to change the attribute.




The replacement strings should be single-quoted as string literals:


UPDATE `ps_product_lang` SET `description` = replace(`description`, 'align="right">', 'align="left">');

Note that this solution is only useful if you are certain that all the strings in your description column are exactly align="right">. You will need to do additional work if, for example, you have some single-quoted attributes like align='right'> in addition to the double-quoted attribute as above.


Also, if this is HTML markup you are performing replacements on, it is entirely possible that the closing > won't occur right after the align attribute. In that case, you would really need to load each row into an HTML parser to change the attribute.
