如何用Apache Derby替换MySQL Server作为PHP应用程序数据库?

时间:2021-07-12 19:14:50

What's the code syntax, and what all do I need to install and configure, for connecting to a Derby DB and invoking Derby Stored Procedures (which are really Java code) from a PHP Application?

什么是代码语法,以及我需要安装和配置什么才能连接到Derby DB并从PHP应用程序调用Derby存储过程(实际上是Java代码)?

i.e. In the PHP code, I want to replace the familiar mysql_connect() and mysql_query() calls with something that will connect to a Derby database instead, and execute queries and stored procedures there.


2 个解决方案



If I understand correctly, you want to connect to JavaDB (also called Derby or Apache Derby) from PHP?

如果我理解正确,您想从PHP连接到JavaDB(也称为Derby或Apache Derby)?

If so, you'll need IBM DB2 support on your PHP server.

如果是这样,您将需要PHP服务器上的IBM DB2支持。



You can also use PDO with ODBC.




If I understand correctly, you want to connect to JavaDB (also called Derby or Apache Derby) from PHP?

如果我理解正确,您想从PHP连接到JavaDB(也称为Derby或Apache Derby)?

If so, you'll need IBM DB2 support on your PHP server.

如果是这样,您将需要PHP服务器上的IBM DB2支持。



You can also use PDO with ODBC.
