
时间:2022-12-12 19:03:34

I am writing an iOS app to communicate with a BLE device. The device can change names between connections (not during the BLE connection), but iOS refuses to change the device name.


For example: I can connect to the device when its name is SadName. I disconnect it, shut down the app, etc. and change the device's name to HappyName. But, when I scan for devices iOS still shows the peripheral name as SadName.


If I debug the app and look at:


 (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI

the value of is SadName so I don't think that it is something that I am interpreting incorrectly in code. I should mention that when I scan for devices, my code is:


[self.CM scanForPeripheralsWithServices:nil options:0]; // Start scanning 

I am guessing that it is simply because the devices UUID is the same so iOS is pulling it from its cached devices list, but I want to override that.


Thoughts? Sorry, I am new to iOS. Cheers - MSchmidtbauer

思考?对不起,我是iOS新手。干杯 - MSchmidtbauer

4 个解决方案



The CoreBluetooth API of iOS SDK does not provide a way to force refresh the peripheral name.

iOS SDK的CoreBluetooth API不提供强制刷新外围设备名称的方法。

Currently it is not feasible to use in iOS when the device name in the BLEdevice changes.


Apple suggests to scan for a specific device by specifying a list of CBUUID objects (containing one or more service UUIDs) that you pass to scanForPeripheralsWithServices:


NSArray *services = @[[CBUUID UUIDWithString: @"2456e1b9-26e2-8f83-e744-f34f01e9d701"] ]; // change to your service UUID!
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey];

[self.manager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:services options:dictionary];

This reduces the number of calls of didDiscoverPeripheral. Do not just pass nil to scanForPeripheralsWithServices. It also allows your app to scan for a peripheral when in background state.


If you are looking for a way to broadcast dynamic information that's available before a connection is established, you can use the Advertise or Scan Response Data. The peripheral can be configured to broadcast the entries called Local Name and Manufacturer Specific Data. This data is availabe in the didDiscoverPeripheral:


- (void)centralManager:         (CBCentralManager *)central
 didDiscoverPeripheral:  (CBPeripheral *)peripheral
     advertisementData:      (NSDictionary *)advertisementData
                  RSSI:         (NSNumber *)RSSI {
NSString *localName = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey];
NSData *manufacturerData = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey];
NSLog(@"Local: name: %@", localName); 
NSLog(@"Manufact. Data: %@", [manufacturerData description]);

Local Name is an NSString, so write only printable characters on the BLE device in this filed. Manufacturer Data is an NSData, this can contain any byte value, so you can even have binary data here.


Depending on the BLE device you use, the length of Local Name and Manufacturer Specific Data is limited.


On my BLE device,I can send the 128 Bit service UUID and a 8 char Local Name with the Advertise Data. The Manufacturer Specific Data goes into the Scan Response Data and can be 29 bytes long.


Good thing about using the Adv./Scan Response Data is, it can change on this BLE device without a power cycle.




  1. Use the service UUID to filter when scanning (UUID must be part of advertising data! I omitted it in the above description)
  2. 扫描时使用服务UUID进行过滤(UUID必须是广告数据的一部分!我在上面的描述中省略了它)
  3. Use the Advertise/Scan Response Data for further filtering
  4. 使用播发/扫描响应数据进行进一步过滤
  5. Forget about as long as there is no deterministic refresh available
  6. 只要没有可用的确定性刷新,忘记



Your guessing is correct.
It is because of the core-blutetooth cache.

你的猜测是正确的。这是因为核心 - blutetooth缓存。

Generally changing name / services / characteristics on BLE devices are "not supported". All these parameters are getting cached.


There are two ways of solving this:


  • restart bluetooth adapter, so bluetooth cache gets cleared (I'm afraid there is no way to do this programatically, but i might be wrong)
  • 重新启动蓝牙适配器,所以蓝牙缓存被清除(我担心没有办法以编程方式执行此操作,但我可能错了)
  • your device BLE implements the GATT Service Changed characteristic: read about this here
    Vol 3, Part G, 2.5.2, and Vol 3, Part G, 7.1.
  • 您的设备BLE实现GATT服务更改特性:在此处阅读第3卷,第G部分,2.5.2和第3卷,第G部分,第7.1节。

Alternatively check the advertisement data of your BLE device. It might have a name property which should get refreshed every time the BLE device is advertising data (advertising data doesn't get cachced).




The CBPeripheralDelegate protocol contains a method...


- (void)peripheralDidUpdateName:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral NS_AVAILABLE(NA, 6_0);

... which is made for this purpose.




Edit - just realized that the second part of the accepted answer above has the same solution :-( I should have read more closely. I will leave this answer here anyway, since it includes RoboVM code.

编辑 - 刚才意识到上面接受的答案的第二部分有相同的解决方案:-(我应该仔细阅读。无论如何我都会留下这个答案,因为它包含RoboVM代码。

I have found a solution to this problem. Adding the GATT Service Changed characteristic didn't work, nor did reading the device name directly from the Device Name characteristic 2A00 since iOS hides the Generic Access service. However, if the peripheral includes its local name in an advertising packet, it is available from the advertisement data dictionary provided on a scan result using the retrieval key CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey. I copy this into my BLE device wrapper and use it instead of the name available from the CBPeripheral. Example code in Java for RoboVM is below. The OBJC or Swift equivalent is straightforward.

我找到了解决这个问题的方法。添加GATT服务更改的特性不起作用,也没有直接从设备名称特征2A00读取设备名称,因为iOS隐藏了通用访问服务。然而,如果外围设备在广告包中包括其本地名称,则可以使用检索关键字CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey从扫描结果上提供的广告数据字典中获得它。我将其复制到我的BLE设备包装器中并使用它而不是CBPeripheral提供的名称。用于RoboVM的Java示例代码如下。 OBJC或Swift等价物很简单。

    public void didDiscoverPeripheral(CBCentralManager cbCentralManager, CBPeripheral cbPeripheral, CBAdvertisementData cbAdvertisementData, NSNumber rssi) {
        NSData manufacturerData = cbAdvertisementData.getManufacturerData();
        byte[] data = null;
        if(manufacturerData != null)
            data = manufacturerData.getBytes();
        IosBleDevice bleDevice = new IosBleDevice(cbPeripheral);
        String name = cbAdvertisementData.getLocalName();
        if(name != null && !name.equals(cbPeripheral.getName())) {
            CJLog.logMsg("Set local name to %s (was %s)", name, cbPeripheral.getName());
        deviceList.put(bleDevice.getAddress(), bleDevice);
        if(!iosBlueMaxService.getSubscriber().isDisposed()) {
            BleScanResult bleScanResult = new IosBleScanResult(bleDevice,



The CoreBluetooth API of iOS SDK does not provide a way to force refresh the peripheral name.

iOS SDK的CoreBluetooth API不提供强制刷新外围设备名称的方法。

Currently it is not feasible to use in iOS when the device name in the BLEdevice changes.


Apple suggests to scan for a specific device by specifying a list of CBUUID objects (containing one or more service UUIDs) that you pass to scanForPeripheralsWithServices:


NSArray *services = @[[CBUUID UUIDWithString: @"2456e1b9-26e2-8f83-e744-f34f01e9d701"] ]; // change to your service UUID!
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey];

[self.manager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:services options:dictionary];

This reduces the number of calls of didDiscoverPeripheral. Do not just pass nil to scanForPeripheralsWithServices. It also allows your app to scan for a peripheral when in background state.


If you are looking for a way to broadcast dynamic information that's available before a connection is established, you can use the Advertise or Scan Response Data. The peripheral can be configured to broadcast the entries called Local Name and Manufacturer Specific Data. This data is availabe in the didDiscoverPeripheral:


- (void)centralManager:         (CBCentralManager *)central
 didDiscoverPeripheral:  (CBPeripheral *)peripheral
     advertisementData:      (NSDictionary *)advertisementData
                  RSSI:         (NSNumber *)RSSI {
NSString *localName = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey];
NSData *manufacturerData = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey];
NSLog(@"Local: name: %@", localName); 
NSLog(@"Manufact. Data: %@", [manufacturerData description]);

Local Name is an NSString, so write only printable characters on the BLE device in this filed. Manufacturer Data is an NSData, this can contain any byte value, so you can even have binary data here.


Depending on the BLE device you use, the length of Local Name and Manufacturer Specific Data is limited.


On my BLE device,I can send the 128 Bit service UUID and a 8 char Local Name with the Advertise Data. The Manufacturer Specific Data goes into the Scan Response Data and can be 29 bytes long.


Good thing about using the Adv./Scan Response Data is, it can change on this BLE device without a power cycle.




  1. Use the service UUID to filter when scanning (UUID must be part of advertising data! I omitted it in the above description)
  2. 扫描时使用服务UUID进行过滤(UUID必须是广告数据的一部分!我在上面的描述中省略了它)
  3. Use the Advertise/Scan Response Data for further filtering
  4. 使用播发/扫描响应数据进行进一步过滤
  5. Forget about as long as there is no deterministic refresh available
  6. 只要没有可用的确定性刷新,忘记



Your guessing is correct.
It is because of the core-blutetooth cache.

你的猜测是正确的。这是因为核心 - blutetooth缓存。

Generally changing name / services / characteristics on BLE devices are "not supported". All these parameters are getting cached.


There are two ways of solving this:


  • restart bluetooth adapter, so bluetooth cache gets cleared (I'm afraid there is no way to do this programatically, but i might be wrong)
  • 重新启动蓝牙适配器,所以蓝牙缓存被清除(我担心没有办法以编程方式执行此操作,但我可能错了)
  • your device BLE implements the GATT Service Changed characteristic: read about this here
    Vol 3, Part G, 2.5.2, and Vol 3, Part G, 7.1.
  • 您的设备BLE实现GATT服务更改特性:在此处阅读第3卷,第G部分,2.5.2和第3卷,第G部分,第7.1节。

Alternatively check the advertisement data of your BLE device. It might have a name property which should get refreshed every time the BLE device is advertising data (advertising data doesn't get cachced).




The CBPeripheralDelegate protocol contains a method...


- (void)peripheralDidUpdateName:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral NS_AVAILABLE(NA, 6_0);

... which is made for this purpose.




Edit - just realized that the second part of the accepted answer above has the same solution :-( I should have read more closely. I will leave this answer here anyway, since it includes RoboVM code.

编辑 - 刚才意识到上面接受的答案的第二部分有相同的解决方案:-(我应该仔细阅读。无论如何我都会留下这个答案,因为它包含RoboVM代码。

I have found a solution to this problem. Adding the GATT Service Changed characteristic didn't work, nor did reading the device name directly from the Device Name characteristic 2A00 since iOS hides the Generic Access service. However, if the peripheral includes its local name in an advertising packet, it is available from the advertisement data dictionary provided on a scan result using the retrieval key CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey. I copy this into my BLE device wrapper and use it instead of the name available from the CBPeripheral. Example code in Java for RoboVM is below. The OBJC or Swift equivalent is straightforward.

我找到了解决这个问题的方法。添加GATT服务更改的特性不起作用,也没有直接从设备名称特征2A00读取设备名称,因为iOS隐藏了通用访问服务。然而,如果外围设备在广告包中包括其本地名称,则可以使用检索关键字CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey从扫描结果上提供的广告数据字典中获得它。我将其复制到我的BLE设备包装器中并使用它而不是CBPeripheral提供的名称。用于RoboVM的Java示例代码如下。 OBJC或Swift等价物很简单。

    public void didDiscoverPeripheral(CBCentralManager cbCentralManager, CBPeripheral cbPeripheral, CBAdvertisementData cbAdvertisementData, NSNumber rssi) {
        NSData manufacturerData = cbAdvertisementData.getManufacturerData();
        byte[] data = null;
        if(manufacturerData != null)
            data = manufacturerData.getBytes();
        IosBleDevice bleDevice = new IosBleDevice(cbPeripheral);
        String name = cbAdvertisementData.getLocalName();
        if(name != null && !name.equals(cbPeripheral.getName())) {
            CJLog.logMsg("Set local name to %s (was %s)", name, cbPeripheral.getName());
        deviceList.put(bleDevice.getAddress(), bleDevice);
        if(!iosBlueMaxService.getSubscriber().isDisposed()) {
            BleScanResult bleScanResult = new IosBleScanResult(bleDevice,