
时间:2022-06-25 18:55:14

Hi when I have an array in actionscript


var arr : Array = new Array();
arr["fsad"] = 1;

and now put an entry to it with an associative string and afterwards count the length I get a length of 0 but why? How can I iterate it now?


Thanks in advance



5 个解决方案


Well, to quote the reference:


Do not use the Array class to create associative arrays (also called hashes), which are data structures that contain named elements instead of numbered elements. To create associative arrays, use the Object class. Although ActionScript permits you to create associative arrays using the Array class, you cannot use any of the Array class methods or properties with associative arrays.


I'm not sure why AS3 still allows Arrays to be used associatively - perhaps they were worried about AS2 migration - but it's best avoided. So far as I know, built-in Array fixtures like length and pop() will simply ignore anything added with a a key that isn't an integer, but they might also behave unpredictably.

我不确定为什么AS3仍允许Arrays以关联方式使用 - 也许他们担心AS2迁移 - 但最好避免使用。据我所知,像length和pop()这样的内置数组灯会简单地忽略用一个不是整数的键添加的任何东西,但它们也可能表现得不可预测。


What you want to accomplish is called a Dictionary i guess :)



There is a post describing the same problem as you mentioned


How do I find the length of an associative array in ActionScript 3.0?

如何在ActionScript 3.0中找到关联数组的长度?

I hope that it will help



In JavaScript (which is a brother of ActionScript) using spidermonkey:


var obj = new Object(); // {}
obj["foo"] = 1;
print(obj.__count__); => 1 // non-standard Gecko

var arr = new Array(); // []
print(arr.length); => 1

Use Array for arrays and Object for dictionaries. It's not like PHP where everything is done using the same type.



you can create you own associative arrays using Proxy ... this will come at a high performance cost, but you can implement array access overriding getProperty and setProperty, and for each in and for in overriding nextNameIndex as well as nextValue and nextName respectively ... you can also implement Array's forEach, filter, map, any, every etc. methods, so it looks like a real Array from outside ... but you should only do that, in situations, where it is not performace critical or unevitable ...

您可以使用代理创建自己的关联数组...这将带来高性能成本,但您可以实现覆盖getProperty和setProperty的数组访问,以及分别覆盖nextNameIndex以及nextValue和nextName的每个in和for。你也可以实现Array的forEach,filter,map,any,every等方法,所以它看起来像是一个来自外部的真实数组......但是你应该只在那些不具备关键性或不可避免的性能的情况下这样做。 ..




Well, to quote the reference:


Do not use the Array class to create associative arrays (also called hashes), which are data structures that contain named elements instead of numbered elements. To create associative arrays, use the Object class. Although ActionScript permits you to create associative arrays using the Array class, you cannot use any of the Array class methods or properties with associative arrays.


I'm not sure why AS3 still allows Arrays to be used associatively - perhaps they were worried about AS2 migration - but it's best avoided. So far as I know, built-in Array fixtures like length and pop() will simply ignore anything added with a a key that isn't an integer, but they might also behave unpredictably.

我不确定为什么AS3仍允许Arrays以关联方式使用 - 也许他们担心AS2迁移 - 但最好避免使用。据我所知,像length和pop()这样的内置数组灯会简单地忽略用一个不是整数的键添加的任何东西,但它们也可能表现得不可预测。


What you want to accomplish is called a Dictionary i guess :)



There is a post describing the same problem as you mentioned


How do I find the length of an associative array in ActionScript 3.0?

如何在ActionScript 3.0中找到关联数组的长度?

I hope that it will help



In JavaScript (which is a brother of ActionScript) using spidermonkey:


var obj = new Object(); // {}
obj["foo"] = 1;
print(obj.__count__); => 1 // non-standard Gecko

var arr = new Array(); // []
print(arr.length); => 1

Use Array for arrays and Object for dictionaries. It's not like PHP where everything is done using the same type.



you can create you own associative arrays using Proxy ... this will come at a high performance cost, but you can implement array access overriding getProperty and setProperty, and for each in and for in overriding nextNameIndex as well as nextValue and nextName respectively ... you can also implement Array's forEach, filter, map, any, every etc. methods, so it looks like a real Array from outside ... but you should only do that, in situations, where it is not performace critical or unevitable ...

您可以使用代理创建自己的关联数组...这将带来高性能成本,但您可以实现覆盖getProperty和setProperty的数组访问,以及分别覆盖nextNameIndex以及nextValue和nextName的每个in和for。你也可以实现Array的forEach,filter,map,any,every等方法,所以它看起来像是一个来自外部的真实数组......但是你应该只在那些不具备关键性或不可避免的性能的情况下这样做。 ..

