JSON的全称是”JavaScript Object Notation”,意思是JavaScript对象表示法,它是一种基于文本,独立于语言的轻量级数据交换格式。XML也是一种数据交换格式,为什么没 有选择XML呢?因为XML虽然可以作为跨平台的数据交换格式,但是在JS(JavaScript的简写)中处理XML非常不方便,同时XML标记比数据 多,增加了交换产生的流量,而JSON没有附加的任何标记,在JS中可作为对象处理,所以我们更倾向于选择JSON来交换数据。这篇文章主要从以下几个方 面来说明JSON。
Json 的两种结构
认识 JSON 字符串
json字符串:指的是符合json格式要求的js字符串。例如:var jsonStr = "{StudentID:'100',Name:'tmac',Hometown:'usa'}";
json对象:指符合json格式要求的js对象。例如:var jsonObj = { StudentID: "100", Name: "tmac", Hometown: "usa" };
操作 JSON 字符串
在操作 json 之前,需要在 Manager NuGet Package 上安装 Newtonsoft.Json ,在cs 文件中引用
using Newtonsoft.Json;
1. 读取 json

string folder = @"..\..\JsonFile\resourse.zh-CN.json";
//read the json
var sourceContent = File.ReadAllText(folder);
//parse as array
var sourceobjects = JArray.Parse("[" + sourceContent + "]");
JObject source = JObject.Parse(sourceContent);
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2. 获取 json 中的值

public static void tranversJToken(JToken token, string propName, ref Dictionary<string, string> stringsList)
var prop = token as JProperty;
if (prop != null)
propName = propName + "_" + prop.Name;
if (prop != null && prop.Value.GetType().Name.ToLower().Equals("jvalue"))
string _propName = propName.Substring(1);
string _prop = prop.Value.ToString();
stringsList[_propName] = _prop;
foreach (JToken child in token.Children())
tranversJToken(child, propName, ref stringsList);
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3.在已存在 json 文件中添加 json 数据 。用 JObject add 方法添加数据,在最后以 string 类型写入进文件

using System.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Json
class AddJson
/// <summary>
/// Read the other json file value add to local json
/// </summary>
public static void addJson()
//read the other json
var sourceContent = File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\JsonFile\resourse.json");
var sourceobjects = JArray.Parse("[" + sourceContent + "]"); // parse as array
JObject source = JObject.Parse(sourceContent);
//read the local json
string p = @"..\..\JsonFile\resourse.zh-CN.json";
var content = File.ReadAllText(p);
var objects = JArray.Parse("[" + content + "]"); // parse as array
JObject o = JObject.Parse(content);
//foreach the JObject add the value
foreach (JToken child in source.Children())
var prop = child as JProperty;
string jsonText = prop.Value.ToString();
JObject jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonText);
if (prop.Name == "choosecolor")
//add the json value to local JOnbject
o.Add(prop.Name, new JObject(jo));
//found the file exist
if (!File.Exists(p))
FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(p, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
//write the json to file
File.WriteAllText(p, o.ToString());
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4.创建新的 json 文件

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;View Code
using System.IO;
namespace Json
class CreateNewJson
public static void CreateJson()
JObject source = new JObject();
source.Add("Name", "yanzhiyi");
string p = @"..\..\NewJson\Create.json";
//found the file exist
if (!File.Exists(p))
FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(p, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
//write the json to file
File.WriteAllText(p, source.ToString());