
时间:2022-11-27 17:10:01

I'm currently reading through the excellent Library for Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic paper, and in the first few lines I notice they perform a sum in the following way:


std::pair<double, double> TwoSum(double a, double b)
    double s = a + b;
    double v = s - a;
    double e = (a - (s - v)) + (b - v);
    return std::make_pair(s, e);

The calculation of the error, e, relies on the fact that the calculation follows that order of operations exactly because of the non-associative properties of IEEE-754 floating point math.


If I compile this within a modern optimizing C++ compiler (e.g. MSVC or gcc), can I be ensured that the compiler won't optimize out the way this calculation is done?


Secondly, is this guaranteed anywhere within the C++ standard?


10 个解决方案



Yes, that is safe (at least in this case). You only use two "operators" there, the primary expression (something) and the binary something +/- something (additive).


Section 1.9 Program execution (of C++0x N3092) states:

第1.9节程序执行(C+ 0x N3092)

Operators can be regrouped according to the usual mathematical rules only where the operators really are associative or commutative.


In terms of the grouping, 5.1 Primary expressions states:


A parenthesized expression is a primary expression whose type and value are identical to those of the enclosed expression. ... The parenthesized expression can be used in exactly the same contexts as those where the enclosed expression can be used, and with the same meaning, except as otherwise indicated.


I believe the use of the word "identical" in that quote requires a conforming implementation to guarantee that it will be executed in the specified order unless another order can give the exact same results.


And for adding and subtracting, section 5.7 Additive operators has:


The additive operators + and - group left-to-right.


So the standard dictates the results. If the compiler can ascertain that the same results can be obtained with different ordering of the operations then it may re-arrange them. But whether this happens or not, you will not be able to discern a difference.




You might like to look at the g++ manual page: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gcc/Optimize-Options.html#Optimize-Options


Particularly -fassociative-math, -ffast-math and -ffloat-store

特别是-fassociative math, - ffastt -math和-ffloat-store

According to the g++ manual it will not reorder your expression unless you specifically request it.




This is a very valid concern, because Intel's C++ compiler, which is very widely used, defaults to performing optimizations that can change the result.


See http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/cpp/lin/compiler_c/copts/common_options/option_fp_model.htm#option_fp_model

看到http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/cpp/lin/compiler_c/copts/common_options/option_fp_model.htm option_fp_model



I would be quite surprised if any compiler wrongly assumed associativity of arithmetic operators with default optimising options.


But be wary of extended precision of FP registers.


Consult compiler documentation on how to ensure that FP values do not have extended precision.




In general, you should be able to -- the optimizer should be aware of the properties of the real operations.


That said, I'd test the hell out of the compiler I was using.




Yes. The compiler will not change the order of your calculations within a block like that.




Between compiler optimizations and out-of-order execution on the processor, it is almost a guarantee that things will not happen exactly as you ordered them.


HOWEVER, it is also guaranteed that this will NEVER change the result. C++ follows standard order of operations and all optimizations preserve this behavior.


Bottom line: Don't worry about it. Write your C++ code to be mathematically correct and trust the compiler. If anything goes wrong, the problem was almost certainly not the compiler.




If you really need to, I think you can make a noinline function no_reorder(float x) { return x; }, and then use it instead of parenthesis. Obviously, it's not a particularly efficient solution though.

如果您确实需要,我认为您可以创建noinline函数no_reorder(float x) {return x;},然后用它代替括号。显然,这不是一个特别有效的解决方案。



As per the other answers you should be able to rely on the compiler doing the right thing -- most compilers allow you to compile and inspect the assembler (use -S for gcc) -- you may want to do that to make sure you get the order of operation you expect.

按照其他答案你应该能够依靠编译器做正确的事情——大多数编译器允许您编译和检查汇编程序(使用- s gcc)——你可能想这样做,以确保你得到你期望的顺序操作。

Different optimization levels (in gcc, -O _O2 etc) allows code to be re-arranged (however sequential code like this is unlikely to be affected) -- but I would suggest you should then isolate that particular part of code into a separate file, so that you can control the optimization level for just the calculation.

不同的优化级别(gcc - o _O2等)允许将代码重新(然而顺序代码这样不太可能受到影响),但我建议你应该那么隔离特定部分的代码到一个单独的文件,这样你可以控制优化级别的计算。



The short answer is: the compiler will probably change the order of your calculations, but it will never change the behavior of your program (unless your code makes use of expression with undefined behavior: http://blog.regehr.org/archives/213)


However, you can still influence this behavior by deactivating all compiler optimizations (option "-O0" with gcc). If you still needs the compiler to optimize the rest of your code, you may put this function in a separate ".c" which you can compile with "-O0". Additionally, you can use some hacks. For instance, if you interleaves your code with extern function calls the compiler may consider that it is unsafe to re-order your code as the function may have unknown side-effect. Calling "printf" to print the value of your intermediate results will conduct to similar behavior.


Anyway, unless you have any very good reason (e.g. debugging) you typically don't want to care about that, and you should trust the compiler.




Yes, that is safe (at least in this case). You only use two "operators" there, the primary expression (something) and the binary something +/- something (additive).


Section 1.9 Program execution (of C++0x N3092) states:

第1.9节程序执行(C+ 0x N3092)

Operators can be regrouped according to the usual mathematical rules only where the operators really are associative or commutative.


In terms of the grouping, 5.1 Primary expressions states:


A parenthesized expression is a primary expression whose type and value are identical to those of the enclosed expression. ... The parenthesized expression can be used in exactly the same contexts as those where the enclosed expression can be used, and with the same meaning, except as otherwise indicated.


I believe the use of the word "identical" in that quote requires a conforming implementation to guarantee that it will be executed in the specified order unless another order can give the exact same results.


And for adding and subtracting, section 5.7 Additive operators has:


The additive operators + and - group left-to-right.


So the standard dictates the results. If the compiler can ascertain that the same results can be obtained with different ordering of the operations then it may re-arrange them. But whether this happens or not, you will not be able to discern a difference.




You might like to look at the g++ manual page: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gcc/Optimize-Options.html#Optimize-Options


Particularly -fassociative-math, -ffast-math and -ffloat-store

特别是-fassociative math, - ffastt -math和-ffloat-store

According to the g++ manual it will not reorder your expression unless you specifically request it.




This is a very valid concern, because Intel's C++ compiler, which is very widely used, defaults to performing optimizations that can change the result.


See http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/cpp/lin/compiler_c/copts/common_options/option_fp_model.htm#option_fp_model

看到http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/compilerpro/en-us/cpp/lin/compiler_c/copts/common_options/option_fp_model.htm option_fp_model



I would be quite surprised if any compiler wrongly assumed associativity of arithmetic operators with default optimising options.


But be wary of extended precision of FP registers.


Consult compiler documentation on how to ensure that FP values do not have extended precision.




In general, you should be able to -- the optimizer should be aware of the properties of the real operations.


That said, I'd test the hell out of the compiler I was using.




Yes. The compiler will not change the order of your calculations within a block like that.




Between compiler optimizations and out-of-order execution on the processor, it is almost a guarantee that things will not happen exactly as you ordered them.


HOWEVER, it is also guaranteed that this will NEVER change the result. C++ follows standard order of operations and all optimizations preserve this behavior.


Bottom line: Don't worry about it. Write your C++ code to be mathematically correct and trust the compiler. If anything goes wrong, the problem was almost certainly not the compiler.




If you really need to, I think you can make a noinline function no_reorder(float x) { return x; }, and then use it instead of parenthesis. Obviously, it's not a particularly efficient solution though.

如果您确实需要,我认为您可以创建noinline函数no_reorder(float x) {return x;},然后用它代替括号。显然,这不是一个特别有效的解决方案。



As per the other answers you should be able to rely on the compiler doing the right thing -- most compilers allow you to compile and inspect the assembler (use -S for gcc) -- you may want to do that to make sure you get the order of operation you expect.

按照其他答案你应该能够依靠编译器做正确的事情——大多数编译器允许您编译和检查汇编程序(使用- s gcc)——你可能想这样做,以确保你得到你期望的顺序操作。

Different optimization levels (in gcc, -O _O2 etc) allows code to be re-arranged (however sequential code like this is unlikely to be affected) -- but I would suggest you should then isolate that particular part of code into a separate file, so that you can control the optimization level for just the calculation.

不同的优化级别(gcc - o _O2等)允许将代码重新(然而顺序代码这样不太可能受到影响),但我建议你应该那么隔离特定部分的代码到一个单独的文件,这样你可以控制优化级别的计算。



The short answer is: the compiler will probably change the order of your calculations, but it will never change the behavior of your program (unless your code makes use of expression with undefined behavior: http://blog.regehr.org/archives/213)


However, you can still influence this behavior by deactivating all compiler optimizations (option "-O0" with gcc). If you still needs the compiler to optimize the rest of your code, you may put this function in a separate ".c" which you can compile with "-O0". Additionally, you can use some hacks. For instance, if you interleaves your code with extern function calls the compiler may consider that it is unsafe to re-order your code as the function may have unknown side-effect. Calling "printf" to print the value of your intermediate results will conduct to similar behavior.


Anyway, unless you have any very good reason (e.g. debugging) you typically don't want to care about that, and you should trust the compiler.
