I am converting a double value to currency string format and it gets converted string with pound symbol currency. Is it culture dependent?
3 个解决方案
If you always want to use a a specific locale, which may be desirable if your server target is hosted in a different timezone, etc... ToString() can be supplied with a CultureInfo argument.
如果您总是希望使用特定的区域设置,如果您的服务器目标托管在不同的时区等,则可能需要这样做... ToString()可以提供CultureInfo参数。
How to convert string to double with proper cultureinfo
If you want to tailor it to the user's locale, You might be able to examine the request values:
Get CultureInfo from current visitor and setting resources based on that?
This probably isn't the best/most efficient way to do this, but have the decimal you want to show pounds converted into a string and just replace the dollar sign with the pound sign
decimal monies = 2.50m;
string moniesString = monies.ToString();
string moniesFormatted = string.Format("{0}£", moniesString);
again this most likely isn't the best or most efficient way to do so, but its a work around to avoid having to change your computer settings.
Hope this helps! If not let me know and I'll remove the answer(I had to use an answer because I can't comment under 50 rep, otherwise I would have used a comment to get some more clarity before answering) Cheers!
If you always want to use a a specific locale, which may be desirable if your server target is hosted in a different timezone, etc... ToString() can be supplied with a CultureInfo argument.
如果您总是希望使用特定的区域设置,如果您的服务器目标托管在不同的时区等,则可能需要这样做... ToString()可以提供CultureInfo参数。
How to convert string to double with proper cultureinfo
If you want to tailor it to the user's locale, You might be able to examine the request values:
Get CultureInfo from current visitor and setting resources based on that?
This probably isn't the best/most efficient way to do this, but have the decimal you want to show pounds converted into a string and just replace the dollar sign with the pound sign
decimal monies = 2.50m;
string moniesString = monies.ToString();
string moniesFormatted = string.Format("{0}£", moniesString);
again this most likely isn't the best or most efficient way to do so, but its a work around to avoid having to change your computer settings.
Hope this helps! If not let me know and I'll remove the answer(I had to use an answer because I can't comment under 50 rep, otherwise I would have used a comment to get some more clarity before answering) Cheers!