
时间:2021-02-23 17:02:26

I have code that frequently uses functions that look like


foo :: (MyMonad m) => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

To try to shorten this, I wrote the following type alias:


type FooT m a = (MyMonad m) => ListT m a

GHC asked me to turn on Rank2Types (or RankNTypes), but didn't complain when I used the alias to shorten my code to


foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> FooT m a

By contrast, when I wrote another type alias


type Bar a b = (Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b

and used it in a negative position


bar :: Bar a b -> InsertTypeHere

GHC loudly yelled at me for being wrong.


I think I have an idea of what's going on, but I'm sure I could get a better grasp from your explanations, so I have two questions:


  • What are the type aliases actually doing/what do they actually mean?
  • 什么类型的别名实际上在做/它们实际上是什么意思?
  • Is there a way to get the terseness in both cases?
  • 在这两种情况下,是否有一种方法可以做到简洁?

2 个解决方案



There are essentially three parts to a type signature:


  1. variable declarations (these are usually implicit)
  2. 变量声明(通常是隐式的)
  3. variable constraints
  4. 变量的约束
  5. the type signature head
  6. 签名的头类型

These three elements essentially stack. Type variables must be declared before they can be used, either in constraints or elsewhere, and a class constraint scopes over all uses within the type signature head.


We can rewrite your foo type so the variables are explicitly declared:


foo :: forall m a. (MyMonad m) => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

The variable declarations are introduced by the forall keyword, and extend to the .. If you don't explicitly introduce them, GHC will automatically scope them at the top level of the declaration. Constraints come next, up to the =>. The rest is the type signature head.

变量声明由forall关键字引入,并扩展到.. .如果您没有显式地介绍它们,GHC将自动地在声明的顶层对它们进行作用域。接下来是约束条件,直到=>。其余的是类型签名头。

Look at what happens when we try to splice in your type FooT definition:


foo :: forall m a. MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ( (MyMonad m) => ListT m a )

The type variable m is brought into existence at the top level of foo, but your type alias adds a constraint only within the final value! There are two approaches to fixing it. You can either:


  • move the forall to the end, so m comes into existence later
  • 把forall移动到最后,m就会在后面出现
  • or move the class constraint to the top
  • 或者将类约束移动到顶部

Moving the constraint to the top looks like


foo :: forall m a. MyMonad m => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

GHC's suggestion of enabling RankNTypes does the former (sort of, there's something I'm still missing), resulting in:


foo :: forall a. MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ( forall m. (MyMonad m) => ListT m a )

This works because m doesn't appear anywhere else, and it's right of the arrow, so these two mean essentially the same thing.


Compare to bar


bar :: (forall a b. (Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

With the type alias in a negative position, a higher-rank type has a different meaning. Now the first argument to bar must be polymorphic in a and b, with appropriate constraints. This is different from the usual meaning, where bars caller chooses how to instantiate those type variables. It's not


In all likelihood, the best approach is to enable the ConstraintKinds extension, which allows you to create type aliases for constraints.


type BarConstraint a b = (Something a, SomethingElse b)

bar :: BarConstraint a b => NotAsBar a b -> InsertTypeHere

It's not quite as terse as what you hoped for, but much better than writing out long constraints every time.


An alternative would be to change your type alias into a GADT, but that has several other consequences you may not want to bring in. If you're simply hoping to get more terse code, I think ConstraintKinds is the best option.




You can think of typeclass constraints essentially as implicit parameters -- i.e. think of


Foo a => b



FooDict a -> b

where FooDict a is a dictionary of methods defined in the class Foo. For example, EqDict would be the following record:

FooDict a是在类Foo中定义的方法字典。例如,EqDict将是以下记录:

data EqDict a = EqDict { equal :: a -> a -> Bool, notEqual :: a -> a -> Bool }

The differences are that there can only be one value of each dictionary at each type (generalize appropriately for MPTCs), and GHC fills in its value for you.


With this in mind, we can come back to your signatures.


type FooT m a = (MyMonad m) => ListT m a
foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> FooT m a

expands to


foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> (MyMonad m => ListT m a)

using the dictionary interpretation


foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> MyMonadDict m -> ListT m a

which is equivalent by reordering of arguments to


foo :: MyMonadDict m -> MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

which is equivalent by the inverse of the dictionary transformation to


foo :: (MyMonad m) => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

which is what you were looking for.


However, things do not work out that way in your other example.


type Bar a b = (Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b
bar :: Bar a b -> InsertTypeHere

expands to


bar :: ((Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

These variables are still quantified at the top level (i.e.


bar :: forall a b. ((Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

), since you mentioned them explicitly in bar's signature, but when we do the dictionary transformation


bar :: (SomethingDict a -> SomethingElseDict b -> NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

we can see that this is not equivalent to


bar :: SomethingDict a -> SomethingElseDict b -> NotAsBar a b -> InsertTypeHere

which would give rise to what you want.


It's pretty tough to come up with realistic examples in which a typeclass constraint is used at a different place than its point of quantification -- I have never seen it in practice -- so here's an unrealistic one just to show that that's what's happening:


sillyEq :: forall a. ((Eq a => Bool) -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool
sillyEq f x y = f (x == y)

Contrast to what happens if we use try to use == when we are not passing an argument to f:


sillyEq' :: forall a. ((Eq a => Bool) -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool
sillyEq' f x y = f (x == y) || x == y

we get a No instance for Eq a error.

我们得到一个无实例的Eq a错误。

The (x == y) in sillyEq gets its Eq dict from f; its dictionary form is:

(x == y)在西约q得到f;词典的形式是:

sillyEq :: forall a. ((EqDict a -> Bool) -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool
sillyEq f x y = f (\eqdict -> equal eqdict x y)

Stepping back a bit, I think the way you are tersifying here is going to be painful -- I think you're wanting the mere use of something to quantify its context, where its context is defined as the "function signature where it is used". That notion has no simple semantics. You should be able to think of Bar as function on sets: it takes as arguments two sets and returns another. I don't believe there will be such a function for the use you are trying to achieve.


As far as shortening contexts, you may be able to make use of the ConstraintKinds extension which allows you to make constraint synonyms, so at least you could say:


type Bars a = (Something a, SomethingElse a)

to get


bar :: Bars a => Bar a b -> InsertTypeHere

But what you want still may be possible -- your names are not descriptive enough for me to tell. You may want to look into Existential Quantification and Universal Quantification, which are two ways of abstracting over type variables.


Moral of the story: remember that => is just like -> except that those arguments are filled in automatically by the compiler, and make sure that you are trying to define types with well-defined mathematical meanings.




There are essentially three parts to a type signature:


  1. variable declarations (these are usually implicit)
  2. 变量声明(通常是隐式的)
  3. variable constraints
  4. 变量的约束
  5. the type signature head
  6. 签名的头类型

These three elements essentially stack. Type variables must be declared before they can be used, either in constraints or elsewhere, and a class constraint scopes over all uses within the type signature head.


We can rewrite your foo type so the variables are explicitly declared:


foo :: forall m a. (MyMonad m) => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

The variable declarations are introduced by the forall keyword, and extend to the .. If you don't explicitly introduce them, GHC will automatically scope them at the top level of the declaration. Constraints come next, up to the =>. The rest is the type signature head.

变量声明由forall关键字引入,并扩展到.. .如果您没有显式地介绍它们,GHC将自动地在声明的顶层对它们进行作用域。接下来是约束条件,直到=>。其余的是类型签名头。

Look at what happens when we try to splice in your type FooT definition:


foo :: forall m a. MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ( (MyMonad m) => ListT m a )

The type variable m is brought into existence at the top level of foo, but your type alias adds a constraint only within the final value! There are two approaches to fixing it. You can either:


  • move the forall to the end, so m comes into existence later
  • 把forall移动到最后,m就会在后面出现
  • or move the class constraint to the top
  • 或者将类约束移动到顶部

Moving the constraint to the top looks like


foo :: forall m a. MyMonad m => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

GHC's suggestion of enabling RankNTypes does the former (sort of, there's something I'm still missing), resulting in:


foo :: forall a. MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ( forall m. (MyMonad m) => ListT m a )

This works because m doesn't appear anywhere else, and it's right of the arrow, so these two mean essentially the same thing.


Compare to bar


bar :: (forall a b. (Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

With the type alias in a negative position, a higher-rank type has a different meaning. Now the first argument to bar must be polymorphic in a and b, with appropriate constraints. This is different from the usual meaning, where bars caller chooses how to instantiate those type variables. It's not


In all likelihood, the best approach is to enable the ConstraintKinds extension, which allows you to create type aliases for constraints.


type BarConstraint a b = (Something a, SomethingElse b)

bar :: BarConstraint a b => NotAsBar a b -> InsertTypeHere

It's not quite as terse as what you hoped for, but much better than writing out long constraints every time.


An alternative would be to change your type alias into a GADT, but that has several other consequences you may not want to bring in. If you're simply hoping to get more terse code, I think ConstraintKinds is the best option.




You can think of typeclass constraints essentially as implicit parameters -- i.e. think of


Foo a => b



FooDict a -> b

where FooDict a is a dictionary of methods defined in the class Foo. For example, EqDict would be the following record:

FooDict a是在类Foo中定义的方法字典。例如,EqDict将是以下记录:

data EqDict a = EqDict { equal :: a -> a -> Bool, notEqual :: a -> a -> Bool }

The differences are that there can only be one value of each dictionary at each type (generalize appropriately for MPTCs), and GHC fills in its value for you.


With this in mind, we can come back to your signatures.


type FooT m a = (MyMonad m) => ListT m a
foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> FooT m a

expands to


foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> (MyMonad m => ListT m a)

using the dictionary interpretation


foo :: MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> MyMonadDict m -> ListT m a

which is equivalent by reordering of arguments to


foo :: MyMonadDict m -> MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

which is equivalent by the inverse of the dictionary transformation to


foo :: (MyMonad m) => MyType a -> MyOtherType a -> ListT m a

which is what you were looking for.


However, things do not work out that way in your other example.


type Bar a b = (Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b
bar :: Bar a b -> InsertTypeHere

expands to


bar :: ((Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

These variables are still quantified at the top level (i.e.


bar :: forall a b. ((Something a, SomethingElse b) => NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

), since you mentioned them explicitly in bar's signature, but when we do the dictionary transformation


bar :: (SomethingDict a -> SomethingElseDict b -> NotAsBar a b) -> InsertTypeHere

we can see that this is not equivalent to


bar :: SomethingDict a -> SomethingElseDict b -> NotAsBar a b -> InsertTypeHere

which would give rise to what you want.


It's pretty tough to come up with realistic examples in which a typeclass constraint is used at a different place than its point of quantification -- I have never seen it in practice -- so here's an unrealistic one just to show that that's what's happening:


sillyEq :: forall a. ((Eq a => Bool) -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool
sillyEq f x y = f (x == y)

Contrast to what happens if we use try to use == when we are not passing an argument to f:


sillyEq' :: forall a. ((Eq a => Bool) -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool
sillyEq' f x y = f (x == y) || x == y

we get a No instance for Eq a error.

我们得到一个无实例的Eq a错误。

The (x == y) in sillyEq gets its Eq dict from f; its dictionary form is:

(x == y)在西约q得到f;词典的形式是:

sillyEq :: forall a. ((EqDict a -> Bool) -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Bool
sillyEq f x y = f (\eqdict -> equal eqdict x y)

Stepping back a bit, I think the way you are tersifying here is going to be painful -- I think you're wanting the mere use of something to quantify its context, where its context is defined as the "function signature where it is used". That notion has no simple semantics. You should be able to think of Bar as function on sets: it takes as arguments two sets and returns another. I don't believe there will be such a function for the use you are trying to achieve.


As far as shortening contexts, you may be able to make use of the ConstraintKinds extension which allows you to make constraint synonyms, so at least you could say:


type Bars a = (Something a, SomethingElse a)

to get


bar :: Bars a => Bar a b -> InsertTypeHere

But what you want still may be possible -- your names are not descriptive enough for me to tell. You may want to look into Existential Quantification and Universal Quantification, which are two ways of abstracting over type variables.


Moral of the story: remember that => is just like -> except that those arguments are filled in automatically by the compiler, and make sure that you are trying to define types with well-defined mathematical meanings.
