Haskell与C ++中的简单π(x)

时间:2022-12-21 17:00:42

I'm learning Haskell. My interest is to use it for personal computer experimentation. Right now, I'm trying to see how fast Haskell can get. Many claim parity with C(++), and if that is true, I would be very happy (I should note that I will be using Haskell whether or not it's fast, but fast is still a good thing).


My test program implements π(x) with a very simple algorithm: Primes numbers add 1 to the result. Prime numbers have no integer divisors between 1 and √x. This is not an algorithm battle, this is purely for compiler performance.


Haskell seems to be about 6x slower on my computer, which is fine (still 100x faster than pure Python), but that could be just because I'm a Haskell newbie.


Now, my question: How, without changing the algorithm, can I optimize the Haskell implementation? Is Haskell really on performance parity with C?

现在,我的问题是:如何在不改变算法的情况下优化Haskell实现? Haskell真的与C的性能平价吗?

Here is my Haskell code:


import System.Environment

-- a simple integer square root
isqrt :: Int -> Int
isqrt = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral

-- primality test        
prime :: Int -> Bool
prime x = null [x | q <- [3, 5..isqrt x], rem x q == 0]

main = do
  n <- fmap (read . head) getArgs
  print $ length $ filter prime (2:[3, 5..n])

Here is my C++ code:

这是我的C ++代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

bool isPrime(int);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int primes = 10000, count = 0;
    if (argc > 1) {
        primes = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (isPrime(2)) {
    for (int i = 3; i <= primes; i+=2) {
        if (isPrime(i)){
    cout << count << endl;
    return 0;

bool isPrime(int x){
    for (int i = 2; i <= floor(sqrt(x)); i++) {
        if (x % i == 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

2 个解决方案



Your Haskell version is constructing a lazy list in prime only to test if it is null. This seems to indeed be a bottle neck. The following version runs just as fast as the C++ version on my machine:

你的Haskell版本只是在prime中构造一个惰性列表,以测试它是否为null。这似乎确实是瓶颈。以下版本的运行速度与我机器上的C ++版本一样快:

prime :: Int -> Bool
prime x = go 3
    go q | q <= isqrt x = if rem x q == 0 then False else go (q+2)
    go _  = True

3.31s when compiled with -O2 vs. 3.18s for C++ with gcc 4.8 and -O3 for n=5000000.

使用-O2编译时为3.31s,对于C ++编译为3.18s,gcc为4.8,-O3为n = 5000000。

Of course, 'guessing' where the program is slow to optimize it is not a very good approach. Fortunately, Haskell has good profiling tools on board.


Compiling and running with


$ ghc --make primes.hs -O2 -prof -auto-all -fforce-recomp && ./primes 5000000 +RTS -p


# primes.prof
  Thu Feb 20 00:49 2014 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

     primes +RTS -p -RTS 5000000

  total time  =        5.71 secs   (5710 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
  total alloc = 259,580,976 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE MODULE  %time %alloc

prime.go    Main     96.4    0.0
main        Main      2.0   84.6
isqrt       Main      0.9   15.4

                                                      individual     inherited
COST CENTRE MODULE                  no.     entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

MAIN        MAIN                     45           0    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
 main       Main                     91           0    2.0   84.6   100.0  100.0
  prime     Main                     92     2500000    0.7    0.0    98.0   15.4
   prime.go Main                     93   326103491   96.4    0.0    97.3   15.4
    isqrt   Main                     95           0    0.9   15.4     0.9   15.4

--- >8 ---

which clearly shows that prime is where things get hot. For more information on profiling, I'll refer you to Real World Haskell, Chap 25.


To really understand what is going on, you can look at (one of) GHC's intermediate languages Core, which will show you how the code looks like after optimization. Some good info is at the Haskell wiki. I would not recommend to do that unless necessary, but it is good to know that the possibility exists.


To your other questions:


1) How, without changing the algorithm, can I optimize the Haskell implementation?


Profile, and try to write inner loops so that they don't do any memory allocations and can be made strict by the compiler. Doing so can take some practice and experience.


2) Is Haskell really on performance parity with C?


That depends. GHC is amazing and can often optimize your program very well. If you know what you're doing you can usually get close to the performance of optimized C (100% - 200% of C's speed). That said, these optimizations are not always easy or pretty to the eye and high level Haskell can be slower. But don't forget that you're gaining amazing expressiveness and high level abstractions when using Haskell. It will usually be fast enough for all but the most performance critical applications and even then you can often get pretty close to C with some profiling and performance optimizations.

那要看。 GHC非常棒,通常可以很好地优化您的计划。如果您知道自己在做什么,通常可以接近优化C的性能(100% - C的速度的200%)。也就是说,这些优化并不总是容易或看起来很漂亮,而高级Haskell可能会更慢。但是不要忘记在使用Haskell时你获得了惊人的表现力和高水平的抽象。对于除了性能最关键的应用程序之外的所有应用程序来说,它通常都足够快,即便如此,通过一些性能分析和性能优化,您通常可以非常接近C。



I dont think that the Haskell version (original and improved by first answer) are equivalent with the C++ version. The reason is this: Both only consider every second element (in the prime function), while the C++ version scans every element (only i++ in the isPrime() function.

我不认为Haskell版本(原始和第一回答改进)与C ++版本相同。原因是:两者都只考虑每个第二个元素(在prime函数中),而C ++版本扫描每个元素(在isPrime()函数中只有i ++。

When i fix this (change i++ to i+=2 in the isPrime() function for C++) i get down to almost 1/3 of the runtime of the optimized Haskell version (2.1s C++ vs 6s Haskell).

当我解决这个问题时(在C ++的isPrime()函数中将i ++更改为i + = 2)我得到了优化的Haskell版本(2.1s C ++ vs 6s Haskell)运行时的近1/3。

The output remains the same for both (of course). Note that this is no specific opimization of the C++ version ,just an adaptation of the trick already applied in the Haskell version.

两者的输出保持不变(当然)。请注意,这不是C ++版本的特定选择,只是对Haskell版本中已经应用的技巧的改编。



Your Haskell version is constructing a lazy list in prime only to test if it is null. This seems to indeed be a bottle neck. The following version runs just as fast as the C++ version on my machine:

你的Haskell版本只是在prime中构造一个惰性列表,以测试它是否为null。这似乎确实是瓶颈。以下版本的运行速度与我机器上的C ++版本一样快:

prime :: Int -> Bool
prime x = go 3
    go q | q <= isqrt x = if rem x q == 0 then False else go (q+2)
    go _  = True

3.31s when compiled with -O2 vs. 3.18s for C++ with gcc 4.8 and -O3 for n=5000000.

使用-O2编译时为3.31s,对于C ++编译为3.18s,gcc为4.8,-O3为n = 5000000。

Of course, 'guessing' where the program is slow to optimize it is not a very good approach. Fortunately, Haskell has good profiling tools on board.


Compiling and running with


$ ghc --make primes.hs -O2 -prof -auto-all -fforce-recomp && ./primes 5000000 +RTS -p


# primes.prof
  Thu Feb 20 00:49 2014 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

     primes +RTS -p -RTS 5000000

  total time  =        5.71 secs   (5710 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
  total alloc = 259,580,976 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE MODULE  %time %alloc

prime.go    Main     96.4    0.0
main        Main      2.0   84.6
isqrt       Main      0.9   15.4

                                                      individual     inherited
COST CENTRE MODULE                  no.     entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

MAIN        MAIN                     45           0    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
 main       Main                     91           0    2.0   84.6   100.0  100.0
  prime     Main                     92     2500000    0.7    0.0    98.0   15.4
   prime.go Main                     93   326103491   96.4    0.0    97.3   15.4
    isqrt   Main                     95           0    0.9   15.4     0.9   15.4

--- >8 ---

which clearly shows that prime is where things get hot. For more information on profiling, I'll refer you to Real World Haskell, Chap 25.


To really understand what is going on, you can look at (one of) GHC's intermediate languages Core, which will show you how the code looks like after optimization. Some good info is at the Haskell wiki. I would not recommend to do that unless necessary, but it is good to know that the possibility exists.


To your other questions:


1) How, without changing the algorithm, can I optimize the Haskell implementation?


Profile, and try to write inner loops so that they don't do any memory allocations and can be made strict by the compiler. Doing so can take some practice and experience.


2) Is Haskell really on performance parity with C?


That depends. GHC is amazing and can often optimize your program very well. If you know what you're doing you can usually get close to the performance of optimized C (100% - 200% of C's speed). That said, these optimizations are not always easy or pretty to the eye and high level Haskell can be slower. But don't forget that you're gaining amazing expressiveness and high level abstractions when using Haskell. It will usually be fast enough for all but the most performance critical applications and even then you can often get pretty close to C with some profiling and performance optimizations.

那要看。 GHC非常棒,通常可以很好地优化您的计划。如果您知道自己在做什么,通常可以接近优化C的性能(100% - C的速度的200%)。也就是说,这些优化并不总是容易或看起来很漂亮,而高级Haskell可能会更慢。但是不要忘记在使用Haskell时你获得了惊人的表现力和高水平的抽象。对于除了性能最关键的应用程序之外的所有应用程序来说,它通常都足够快,即便如此,通过一些性能分析和性能优化,您通常可以非常接近C。



I dont think that the Haskell version (original and improved by first answer) are equivalent with the C++ version. The reason is this: Both only consider every second element (in the prime function), while the C++ version scans every element (only i++ in the isPrime() function.

我不认为Haskell版本(原始和第一回答改进)与C ++版本相同。原因是:两者都只考虑每个第二个元素(在prime函数中),而C ++版本扫描每个元素(在isPrime()函数中只有i ++。

When i fix this (change i++ to i+=2 in the isPrime() function for C++) i get down to almost 1/3 of the runtime of the optimized Haskell version (2.1s C++ vs 6s Haskell).

当我解决这个问题时(在C ++的isPrime()函数中将i ++更改为i + = 2)我得到了优化的Haskell版本(2.1s C ++ vs 6s Haskell)运行时的近1/3。

The output remains the same for both (of course). Note that this is no specific opimization of the C++ version ,just an adaptation of the trick already applied in the Haskell version.

两者的输出保持不变(当然)。请注意,这不是C ++版本的特定选择,只是对Haskell版本中已经应用的技巧的改编。