Let's say I have two class Foo and Bar as follows
public class Foo
private Bar _bar;
private string _whatever = "whatever";
public Foo()
_bar = new Bar();
public Bar TheBar
return _bar;
public class Bar
public string Name { get; set; }
I have an application that attaches to a process that is using these classes. I would like to see all instances of Foo type in .NET heap and inspect the TheBar.Name property or _whatever field of all Foo instances present in .NET heap. I can find the type but I am not sure how to get the instance and see its properties. Any ideas how?
using (DataTarget target = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(processId, 30000))
string dacLocation = target.ClrVersions[0].TryGetDacLocation();
ClrRuntime runtime = target.CreateRuntime(dacLocation);
if (runtime != null)
ClrHeap heap = runtime.GetHeap();
foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjects())
ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(obj);
if (type.Name.Compare("Foo") == 0 )
// I would like to see value of TheBar.Name property or _whatever field of all instances of Foo type in the heap. How can I do it?
3 个解决方案
I don't think you can get property values directly because that would require you to run code and the target might not even be a process but a dump file.
You can definitely get an object's fields and their values. ClrType has a Fields property which you can use to loop through fields. Then you can call GetFieldValue for fields where HasSimpleValue is true.
你绝对可以获得一个对象的字段及其值。 ClrType有一个Fields属性,可用于循环遍历字段。然后,您可以为HasSimpleValue为true的字段调用GetFieldValue。
A simple example:
private static void PrintFieldsForType(ClrRuntime runtime, string targetType)
ClrHeap heap = runtime.GetHeap();
foreach (var ptr in heap.EnumerateObjects())
ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(ptr);
if (type.Name == targetType)
foreach(var field in type.Fields)
if (field.HasSimpleValue)
object value = field.GetFieldValue(ptr);
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2}", field.Name, field.Type.Name, value);
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", field.Name, field.Type.Name);
So you could look for a field that has "Name", "_name", or something similar in it. If it is an auto-implemented property, the name will be something like <Name>k__BackingField
Your scenario is a little more complicated in that you want to go into another object. To do that we can recursively inspect the fields. However note that in the general case you would want to keep track of which objects you've visited so you don't recurse indefinitely.
Here is an example that is more appropriate for this:
private static void PrintFieldsForType(ClrRuntime runtime, TextWriter writer, string targetType)
ClrHeap heap = runtime.GetHeap();
foreach (var ptr in heap.EnumerateObjects())
ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(ptr);
if (type.Name == targetType)
writer.WriteLine("{0}:", targetType);
PrintFields(type, writer, ptr, 0);
private static void PrintFields(ClrType type, TextWriter writer, ulong ptr, int indentLevel)
string indent = new string(' ', indentLevel * 4);
foreach (var field in type.Fields)
if (field.IsObjectReference() && field.Type.Name != "System.String")
writer.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", field.Name, field.Type.Name);
ulong nextPtr = (ulong)field.GetFieldValue(ptr);
PrintFields(field.Type, writer, nextPtr, indentLevel + 1);
else if (field.HasSimpleValue)
object value = field.GetFieldValue(ptr);
writer.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2}", field.Name, field.Type.Name, value);
writer.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", field.Name, field.Type.Name);
Here is how you could do it in LINQPad with ClrMD.Extensions:
var session = ClrMDSession.AttachToProcess(processId);
I don't know if it's possible to query the heap in such a way . but an easy soluotion is to do something like this :
public class Foo
public static List<WeakReference<Foo>> allInstances = new List<WeakReference<Foo>>();
public Foo()
allInstances.Add(new WeakReference<Foo>(this));
Make sure to wrap then in a WeakReference so your collection won't keep them in the heap until the process ends .
I don't think you can get property values directly because that would require you to run code and the target might not even be a process but a dump file.
You can definitely get an object's fields and their values. ClrType has a Fields property which you can use to loop through fields. Then you can call GetFieldValue for fields where HasSimpleValue is true.
你绝对可以获得一个对象的字段及其值。 ClrType有一个Fields属性,可用于循环遍历字段。然后,您可以为HasSimpleValue为true的字段调用GetFieldValue。
A simple example:
private static void PrintFieldsForType(ClrRuntime runtime, string targetType)
ClrHeap heap = runtime.GetHeap();
foreach (var ptr in heap.EnumerateObjects())
ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(ptr);
if (type.Name == targetType)
foreach(var field in type.Fields)
if (field.HasSimpleValue)
object value = field.GetFieldValue(ptr);
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2}", field.Name, field.Type.Name, value);
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", field.Name, field.Type.Name);
So you could look for a field that has "Name", "_name", or something similar in it. If it is an auto-implemented property, the name will be something like <Name>k__BackingField
Your scenario is a little more complicated in that you want to go into another object. To do that we can recursively inspect the fields. However note that in the general case you would want to keep track of which objects you've visited so you don't recurse indefinitely.
Here is an example that is more appropriate for this:
private static void PrintFieldsForType(ClrRuntime runtime, TextWriter writer, string targetType)
ClrHeap heap = runtime.GetHeap();
foreach (var ptr in heap.EnumerateObjects())
ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(ptr);
if (type.Name == targetType)
writer.WriteLine("{0}:", targetType);
PrintFields(type, writer, ptr, 0);
private static void PrintFields(ClrType type, TextWriter writer, ulong ptr, int indentLevel)
string indent = new string(' ', indentLevel * 4);
foreach (var field in type.Fields)
if (field.IsObjectReference() && field.Type.Name != "System.String")
writer.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", field.Name, field.Type.Name);
ulong nextPtr = (ulong)field.GetFieldValue(ptr);
PrintFields(field.Type, writer, nextPtr, indentLevel + 1);
else if (field.HasSimpleValue)
object value = field.GetFieldValue(ptr);
writer.WriteLine("{0} ({1}) = {2}", field.Name, field.Type.Name, value);
writer.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", field.Name, field.Type.Name);
Here is how you could do it in LINQPad with ClrMD.Extensions:
var session = ClrMDSession.AttachToProcess(processId);
I don't know if it's possible to query the heap in such a way . but an easy soluotion is to do something like this :
public class Foo
public static List<WeakReference<Foo>> allInstances = new List<WeakReference<Foo>>();
public Foo()
allInstances.Add(new WeakReference<Foo>(this));
Make sure to wrap then in a WeakReference so your collection won't keep them in the heap until the process ends .