在xml文档中存储布尔值并使用PHP SimpleXML读取

时间:2022-10-26 17:02:53

How do you store boolean values in an XML document such that you can read them using PHP's SimpleXML class?


I have the following XML document:


<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
sample log

And the following php script to read it:


if (file_exists($filename)) {
    $statusXml = simplexml_load_file($filename);
        if ($statusXml) {
            $investigating = (bool)($statusXml->investigating);
            echo $investigating;
} else {
    exit('Failed to open ' . $filename .'.');

No matter what I put in the tag, it always gets read as true. I've tried "0", empty string, "false", and a bunch of other ideas but nothing has worked. I thought empty string should would because of what I found in this doc: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php#language.types.boolean.casting

不管我在标签里放什么,它总是被读成是真的。我尝试过“0”、空字符串、“false”,以及其他一些想法,但都没有成功。因为我在这个文档中找到了:http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php# language.php # language.boolean.php # types.boolean.casting,所以我认为空字符串应该是空的

3 个解决方案



Considering that:


  1. XML data is always a string
  2. XML数据总是一个字符串
  3. PHP type casting rules can be pretty counter-intuitive
  4. PHP类型强制转换规则可能与直觉相反

... I would not rely on automatic type juggling. Simply, define a syntax you are comfortable with, cast to string when reading and write your own code to cast to boolean.



function get_bool($value){
    switch( strtolower($value) ){
        case 'true': return true;
        case 'false': return false;
        default: return NULL;

$data = '<?xml version="1.0"?>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
var_dump( get_bool((string)$xml->empty_tag) );
var_dump( get_bool((string)$xml->true_tag) );
var_dump( get_bool((string)$xml->false_tag) );

Whatever, if you are curious about how to make (bool) work, you are basically dealing with objects so this is the rule that applies when casting to boolean:


  • SimpleXML objects created from empty tags: FALSE
  • 由空标签创建的SimpleXML对象:FALSE
  • Every other value: TRUE
  • 其他值:真的

That means that you will only get FALSE with <investigating /> (and TRUE with absolutely anything else). A trick I can think of to widen the range of possible TRUE values is to perform double casting:

这意味着您只会在< investigation />中得到FALSE(在其他任何情况下都是TRUE)。我能想到的扩大可能的真值范围的一个技巧是执行双铸造:


Update: don't forget to debug with var_dump(). If you use echo you'll find that TRUE boolean casts to '1' string and FALSE to '' (empty string).

更新:不要忘记与var_dump()进行调试。如果您使用echo,您将发现TRUE boolean类型转换为'1'字符串,FALSE转换为'(空字符串)。



You are not grabbing the right element.


if (file_exists($filename)) {
    $statusXml = simplexml_load_file($filename);
    if ($statusXml = simplexml_load_file($filename)) {
        $investigating = (bool) $statusXml->investigating[0];
        echo $investigating;



This is quite old but just in case someone is looking for an answer. You could just use:


<example is-true=1>


<example is-true=0>

This should work fine.


Note using <example is-true="0"> will return true if you use an an if statement on it.

注意,如果使用if语句,使用 将返回true。



Considering that:


  1. XML data is always a string
  2. XML数据总是一个字符串
  3. PHP type casting rules can be pretty counter-intuitive
  4. PHP类型强制转换规则可能与直觉相反

... I would not rely on automatic type juggling. Simply, define a syntax you are comfortable with, cast to string when reading and write your own code to cast to boolean.



function get_bool($value){
    switch( strtolower($value) ){
        case 'true': return true;
        case 'false': return false;
        default: return NULL;

$data = '<?xml version="1.0"?>

$xml = simplexml_load_string($data);
var_dump( get_bool((string)$xml->empty_tag) );
var_dump( get_bool((string)$xml->true_tag) );
var_dump( get_bool((string)$xml->false_tag) );

Whatever, if you are curious about how to make (bool) work, you are basically dealing with objects so this is the rule that applies when casting to boolean:


  • SimpleXML objects created from empty tags: FALSE
  • 由空标签创建的SimpleXML对象:FALSE
  • Every other value: TRUE
  • 其他值:真的

That means that you will only get FALSE with <investigating /> (and TRUE with absolutely anything else). A trick I can think of to widen the range of possible TRUE values is to perform double casting:

这意味着您只会在< investigation />中得到FALSE(在其他任何情况下都是TRUE)。我能想到的扩大可能的真值范围的一个技巧是执行双铸造:


Update: don't forget to debug with var_dump(). If you use echo you'll find that TRUE boolean casts to '1' string and FALSE to '' (empty string).

更新:不要忘记与var_dump()进行调试。如果您使用echo,您将发现TRUE boolean类型转换为'1'字符串,FALSE转换为'(空字符串)。



You are not grabbing the right element.


if (file_exists($filename)) {
    $statusXml = simplexml_load_file($filename);
    if ($statusXml = simplexml_load_file($filename)) {
        $investigating = (bool) $statusXml->investigating[0];
        echo $investigating;



This is quite old but just in case someone is looking for an answer. You could just use:


<example is-true=1>


<example is-true=0>

This should work fine.


Note using <example is-true="0"> will return true if you use an an if statement on it.

注意,如果使用if语句,使用 将返回true。