
时间:2022-08-08 16:59:52

I have been having a debate with a coworker about whether it would be a good idea to store structured data (such as XML or JSON) in a database column instead of creating subtables. For example, say we need to store information about questions. The two types of questions are Multiple choice and Rating (rate from 1-10 for example). I would typically create at structure like the one below:


Table                   |   Columns
Question                | ID, Title, QuestionTypeId
Question_MultipleChoice | QuestionId, Choice
Question_Rating         | QuestionId, Min, Max
QuestionTypes           | ID, TypeName

My co-worker believes it would be better to store information in a single Question table with a column for subinfo. For example:


SubInfo  <-- JSON

Because it would make queries simpler and possibly faster by avoiding JOINS. Are there reasons that this type of database structure should be avoided? It seems like if you need to query based on the data in the SubInfo column this would be a bad idea, but if that is not needed, is this a reasonable database structure?


3 个解决方案



Speaking very personally, surveys are one case where I think normalizing nothing and storing JSON pretty much as is is the better option.


Without it, you're going to end up with all sorts of bizarre use-cases that you'll eventually want to manage down the road. In addition to tidy multiple choice questions of all sorts, you'll also need to manage that "Other" answer in them, condition questions, conditional groups of questions, the list goes on and on. What more, surveys are — like other forms of data — subject to change, and things go from gawdawful to nuclear when they do.


The merit of JSON is that, since surveys are conceptually independent from one another, you've little to no need for referential integrity from one to the next, so you might as well store the entire tree of questions and options as one JSON blob, and worry about formatting it in your app.

JSON的优点是,由于调查在概念上独立于彼此,你几乎不需要引用完整性从一个到另一个,所以你不妨存储整个树的问题和选项作为一个JSON blob和担心格式在你的应用程序。

The same for each submitted answer, for that matter: take the original blob, mark the relevant answer as selected and so forth within that, and store the resulting JSON as is, rather than storing references to the the original questions alongside whatever was answered. This will allow you to readily keep track of what users actually answered, as opposed to whatever the current version of the survey says, and do irrespective of how much the survey has diverged since it was originally answered.


If you need to mine the answers later, note that Postgres allows to index JSON using GIST indexes on the whole field, and BTREE indexes on expressions.




JSON, XML are essentially data types.

JSON, XML本质上是数据类型。

So, if your chosen DB supports that data type and has appropriate set of matching operators then all is good.


If you plan to stick XML or JSON in a DB and declare it to be a string, then definitely not recommended. String is a string, it is not JSON nor XML.


For example, equality operator for JSON data type knows (or should know) that {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith"} = {"lastName": "Smith", "firstName": "John"} is true.

例如,JSON数据类型的相等运算符知道(或应该知道){"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith"} = {"lastName": "Smith", "firstName": "John"}为真。

Equality operator for strings returns false for that -- and so on.


Do not expect much from a DB if it can not tell if two things are equal.




We're considering doing both for a similar problem. You could store a blob in the 'Question' table so that you don't have the n+1 issue when trying to retrieve a question with all of its answers, but also keep the 'Answers' table so you can write queries like:


FROM Questions q
           SELECT a.question_id 
           FROM Answers a 
              a.question_id = q.id AND 
              a.Choice = 'SomeAnswer');

If Questions and Answers don't change often, updating both tables on inserts and updates will work fine.


I don't think I would put min/max rating in a separate table though.




Speaking very personally, surveys are one case where I think normalizing nothing and storing JSON pretty much as is is the better option.


Without it, you're going to end up with all sorts of bizarre use-cases that you'll eventually want to manage down the road. In addition to tidy multiple choice questions of all sorts, you'll also need to manage that "Other" answer in them, condition questions, conditional groups of questions, the list goes on and on. What more, surveys are — like other forms of data — subject to change, and things go from gawdawful to nuclear when they do.


The merit of JSON is that, since surveys are conceptually independent from one another, you've little to no need for referential integrity from one to the next, so you might as well store the entire tree of questions and options as one JSON blob, and worry about formatting it in your app.

JSON的优点是,由于调查在概念上独立于彼此,你几乎不需要引用完整性从一个到另一个,所以你不妨存储整个树的问题和选项作为一个JSON blob和担心格式在你的应用程序。

The same for each submitted answer, for that matter: take the original blob, mark the relevant answer as selected and so forth within that, and store the resulting JSON as is, rather than storing references to the the original questions alongside whatever was answered. This will allow you to readily keep track of what users actually answered, as opposed to whatever the current version of the survey says, and do irrespective of how much the survey has diverged since it was originally answered.


If you need to mine the answers later, note that Postgres allows to index JSON using GIST indexes on the whole field, and BTREE indexes on expressions.




JSON, XML are essentially data types.

JSON, XML本质上是数据类型。

So, if your chosen DB supports that data type and has appropriate set of matching operators then all is good.


If you plan to stick XML or JSON in a DB and declare it to be a string, then definitely not recommended. String is a string, it is not JSON nor XML.


For example, equality operator for JSON data type knows (or should know) that {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith"} = {"lastName": "Smith", "firstName": "John"} is true.

例如,JSON数据类型的相等运算符知道(或应该知道){"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith"} = {"lastName": "Smith", "firstName": "John"}为真。

Equality operator for strings returns false for that -- and so on.


Do not expect much from a DB if it can not tell if two things are equal.




We're considering doing both for a similar problem. You could store a blob in the 'Question' table so that you don't have the n+1 issue when trying to retrieve a question with all of its answers, but also keep the 'Answers' table so you can write queries like:


FROM Questions q
           SELECT a.question_id 
           FROM Answers a 
              a.question_id = q.id AND 
              a.Choice = 'SomeAnswer');

If Questions and Answers don't change often, updating both tables on inserts and updates will work fine.


I don't think I would put min/max rating in a separate table though.
