在msSQL数据库中存储JSON ?

时间:2022-09-14 16:57:25

I'm developing a form generator, and wondering if it would be bad mojo to store JSON in an SQL database?


I want to keep my database & tables simple, so I was going to have


`pKey, formTitle, formJSON`

on a table, and then store



in formJSON.


Any input is appreciated.


7 个解决方案



I use JSON extensively in my CMS (which hosts about 110 sites) and I find the speed of access data to be very fast. I was surprised that there wasn't more speed degradation. Every object in the CMS (Page, Layout, List, Topic, etc) has an NVARCHAR(MAX) column called JSONConfiguration. My ORM tool knows to look for that column and reconstitute it as an object if needed. Or, depending on the situation, I will just pass it to the client for jQuery or Ext JS to process.

我在CMS(大约有110个站点)中大量使用JSON,我发现访问数据的速度非常快。我很惊讶速度没有进一步下降。CMS中的每个对象(页面、布局、列表、主题等)都有一个名为JSONConfiguration的NVARCHAR(MAX)列。我的ORM工具知道要查找该列,并在需要时将其重构为对象。或者,根据具体情况,我将把它传递给客户端以便jQuery或Ext JS处理。

As for readability / maintainability of my code, you might say it's improved because I now have classes that represent a lot of the JSON objects stored in the DB.


I used JSON.net for all serialization / deserialization. http://james.newtonking.com/default.aspx


I also use a single query to return meta-JSON with the actual data. As in the case of Ext JS, I have queries that return both the structure of the Ext JS object as well as the data the object will need. This cuts out one post back / SQL round trip.

我还使用一个查询返回元json和实际数据。与Ext JS的情况一样,我的查询返回Ext JS对象的结构和对象需要的数据。这减少了一个post back / SQL往返。

I was also surprised at how fast the code was to parse a list of JSON objects and map them into a DataTable object that I then handed to a GridView.


The only downside I've seen to using JSON is indexing. If you have a property of the JSON you need to search, then you have to store it as a separate column.


There are JSON DB's out there that might server your needs better: CouchDB, MongoDB, and Cassandra.

有JSON DB可以更好地满足您的需求:CouchDB、MongoDB和Cassandra。



A brilliant way to make an object database from sql server. I do this for all config objects and everything else that doesn't need any specific querying. extending your object - easy, just create a new property in your class and init with default value. Don't need a property any more? Just delete it in the class. Easy roll out, easy upgrade. Not suitable for all objects, but if you extract any prop you need to index on - keep using it. Very modern way of using sql server.

从sql server创建对象数据库的一种绝妙方法。我对所有配置对象和其他不需要任何特定查询的东西都这样做。扩展你的对象——很简单,在你的类中创建一个新的属性,用默认值初始化。不再需要财产了吗?在类中删除它。容易推出,容易升级。不适合所有对象,但是如果您提取了任何需要索引的道具,请继续使用它。非常现代的使用sql server的方式。



It will be slower than having the form defined in code, but one extra query shouldn't cause you much harm. (Just don't let 1 extra query become 10 extra queries!)


Edit: If you are selecting the row by formTitle instead of pKey (I would, because then your code will be more readable), put an index on formTitle




We have used a modified version of XML for exactly the purpose you decribe for seven or eight years and it works great. Our customers' form needs are so diverse that we could never keep up with a table/column approach. We are too far down the XML road to change very easily but I think JSON would work as well and maybe evan better.


Reporting is no problem with a couple of good parsing functions and I would defy anyone to find a significant difference in performance between our reporting/analytics and a table/column solution to this need.




You should be able to use SisoDb for this. http://sisodb.com




I wouldn't recommend it.


If you ever want to do any reporting or query based on these values in the future it's going to make your life a lot harder than having a few extra tables/columns.


Why are you avoiding making new tables? I say if your application requires them go ahead and add them in... Also if someone has to go through your code/db later it's probably going to be harder for them to figure out what you had going on (depending on what kind of documentation you have).




I think it not an optimal idea to store object data in a string in SQL. You have to do transformation outside of SQL in order to parse it. That presents a performance issue and you lose the leverage of using SQL native data parsing capability. A better way would be to store JSON as an XML datatype in SQL. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: You don't have to create shit load of tables and still get all the native querying benefits of SQL.


XML in SQL Server 2005? Better than JSON in Varchar?

SQL Server 2005中的XML ?在Varchar中优于JSON ?



I use JSON extensively in my CMS (which hosts about 110 sites) and I find the speed of access data to be very fast. I was surprised that there wasn't more speed degradation. Every object in the CMS (Page, Layout, List, Topic, etc) has an NVARCHAR(MAX) column called JSONConfiguration. My ORM tool knows to look for that column and reconstitute it as an object if needed. Or, depending on the situation, I will just pass it to the client for jQuery or Ext JS to process.

我在CMS(大约有110个站点)中大量使用JSON,我发现访问数据的速度非常快。我很惊讶速度没有进一步下降。CMS中的每个对象(页面、布局、列表、主题等)都有一个名为JSONConfiguration的NVARCHAR(MAX)列。我的ORM工具知道要查找该列,并在需要时将其重构为对象。或者,根据具体情况,我将把它传递给客户端以便jQuery或Ext JS处理。

As for readability / maintainability of my code, you might say it's improved because I now have classes that represent a lot of the JSON objects stored in the DB.


I used JSON.net for all serialization / deserialization. http://james.newtonking.com/default.aspx


I also use a single query to return meta-JSON with the actual data. As in the case of Ext JS, I have queries that return both the structure of the Ext JS object as well as the data the object will need. This cuts out one post back / SQL round trip.

我还使用一个查询返回元json和实际数据。与Ext JS的情况一样,我的查询返回Ext JS对象的结构和对象需要的数据。这减少了一个post back / SQL往返。

I was also surprised at how fast the code was to parse a list of JSON objects and map them into a DataTable object that I then handed to a GridView.


The only downside I've seen to using JSON is indexing. If you have a property of the JSON you need to search, then you have to store it as a separate column.


There are JSON DB's out there that might server your needs better: CouchDB, MongoDB, and Cassandra.

有JSON DB可以更好地满足您的需求:CouchDB、MongoDB和Cassandra。



A brilliant way to make an object database from sql server. I do this for all config objects and everything else that doesn't need any specific querying. extending your object - easy, just create a new property in your class and init with default value. Don't need a property any more? Just delete it in the class. Easy roll out, easy upgrade. Not suitable for all objects, but if you extract any prop you need to index on - keep using it. Very modern way of using sql server.

从sql server创建对象数据库的一种绝妙方法。我对所有配置对象和其他不需要任何特定查询的东西都这样做。扩展你的对象——很简单,在你的类中创建一个新的属性,用默认值初始化。不再需要财产了吗?在类中删除它。容易推出,容易升级。不适合所有对象,但是如果您提取了任何需要索引的道具,请继续使用它。非常现代的使用sql server的方式。



It will be slower than having the form defined in code, but one extra query shouldn't cause you much harm. (Just don't let 1 extra query become 10 extra queries!)


Edit: If you are selecting the row by formTitle instead of pKey (I would, because then your code will be more readable), put an index on formTitle




We have used a modified version of XML for exactly the purpose you decribe for seven or eight years and it works great. Our customers' form needs are so diverse that we could never keep up with a table/column approach. We are too far down the XML road to change very easily but I think JSON would work as well and maybe evan better.


Reporting is no problem with a couple of good parsing functions and I would defy anyone to find a significant difference in performance between our reporting/analytics and a table/column solution to this need.




You should be able to use SisoDb for this. http://sisodb.com




I wouldn't recommend it.


If you ever want to do any reporting or query based on these values in the future it's going to make your life a lot harder than having a few extra tables/columns.


Why are you avoiding making new tables? I say if your application requires them go ahead and add them in... Also if someone has to go through your code/db later it's probably going to be harder for them to figure out what you had going on (depending on what kind of documentation you have).




I think it not an optimal idea to store object data in a string in SQL. You have to do transformation outside of SQL in order to parse it. That presents a performance issue and you lose the leverage of using SQL native data parsing capability. A better way would be to store JSON as an XML datatype in SQL. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: You don't have to create shit load of tables and still get all the native querying benefits of SQL.


XML in SQL Server 2005? Better than JSON in Varchar?

SQL Server 2005中的XML ?在Varchar中优于JSON ?