在c# WPF应用程序中显示数据表

时间:2021-11-01 16:55:35

I am writing a WPF application in C# that needs to display data in a spreadsheet-like format dynamically. What is the best way to go about this?


The application will be getting data outputted from a fire alarm panel, chopping it up, and then displaying it in a neat table (or at least that's the plan).


3 个解决方案



Why not use WPF's Datagrid control? It should have all the functionality you need for the requirements you posted, more info here






If you are using .Net 3.5, then please download WPF Toolkit and install to your VS 2008.

如果您正在使用。net 3.5,请下载WPF工具包并安装到VS 2008。

If you are using .Net 4.0, you can use the build in DataGrid control which you can select from the toolbox.

如果您正在使用。net 4.0,您可以使用DataGrid控件中的build,您可以从工具箱中选择该控件。



i think you might try to use using. Graham Knight is developing a lightweight, high performance data grid for WPF. This data grid, known as WPF Table View, is available on CodePlex under the Microsoft Public License. It's able to view 100,000+ rows of data with dynamically defined columns and column data templates, as soon as I threw this at the data grid the user experience began to suffer. http://tableview.codeplex.com/

我认为你可以尝试使用。Graham Knight正在为WPF开发一个轻量级、高性能的数据网格。这个数据网格被称为WPF表视图,在微软公共许可证的CodePlex上可以使用。它可以使用动态定义的列和列数据模板查看100,000多行数据,一旦我将这些数据放到数据网格中,用户体验就开始受到影响。http://tableview.codeplex.com/



Why not use WPF's Datagrid control? It should have all the functionality you need for the requirements you posted, more info here






If you are using .Net 3.5, then please download WPF Toolkit and install to your VS 2008.

如果您正在使用。net 3.5,请下载WPF工具包并安装到VS 2008。

If you are using .Net 4.0, you can use the build in DataGrid control which you can select from the toolbox.

如果您正在使用。net 4.0,您可以使用DataGrid控件中的build,您可以从工具箱中选择该控件。



i think you might try to use using. Graham Knight is developing a lightweight, high performance data grid for WPF. This data grid, known as WPF Table View, is available on CodePlex under the Microsoft Public License. It's able to view 100,000+ rows of data with dynamically defined columns and column data templates, as soon as I threw this at the data grid the user experience began to suffer. http://tableview.codeplex.com/

我认为你可以尝试使用。Graham Knight正在为WPF开发一个轻量级、高性能的数据网格。这个数据网格被称为WPF表视图,在微软公共许可证的CodePlex上可以使用。它可以使用动态定义的列和列数据模板查看100,000多行数据,一旦我将这些数据放到数据网格中,用户体验就开始受到影响。http://tableview.codeplex.com/