
时间:2021-11-01 16:55:41

I am very new to windows application development. I was planning to develop an application that will take an xml schema file and create a tree view control.


Can some one guide me what articles to read and how to architect the software in C#? I know that this is an irrevelant question, but still expect some help.


(I have the 2008 version).


1 个解决方案



Since you're new, I would suggest to start working on two fronts: how XSD is supported on the .NET platform, particularly the System.Xml.Schema package, and how to play around with Winform controls.


To begin with, XSD is just XML. Simple XSD, would be particularly easy to start with. Binding an XML file to a tree view control, is something that's probably beaten to death. Take a look at Codeproject, maybe start with this article. Knowing XSD, maybe the XSD API I was referring above, will help you understand what is it you want to see in the tree, and what's the best method of expression based on your need. For e.g., how do you want to organize the nodes? how do you want to parse the XSD files? as XML or as compiled and valid XSD files? Do you want to display the layout as it was authored in the source, or showing the post compilation infoset?

首先,XSD只是XML。简单的XSD,特别容易入手。将XML文件绑定到树视图控件,可能会被打死。看看Codeproject,也许从这篇文章开始。知道XSD,也许我上面提到的XSD API,可以帮助你理解你想在树中看到什么,以及根据你的需要最好的表达方法是什么。例如,您想如何组织节点?你想如何解析XSD文件?作为XML或编译和有效的XSD文件?是否要显示在源中创建的布局,或显示后编译信息集?

Maybe you can take a look at existing software that does it already. For example, QTAssistant XSR has different views of XSD content, using trees.

也许你可以看一下现有的软件。例如,QTAssistant XSR使用树具有不同的XSD内容视图。


If you're familiar with XSD, you may know the answers already. Otherwise, learn enough XSD to answer the above yourself, as it'll drive your design. Good luck!




Since you're new, I would suggest to start working on two fronts: how XSD is supported on the .NET platform, particularly the System.Xml.Schema package, and how to play around with Winform controls.


To begin with, XSD is just XML. Simple XSD, would be particularly easy to start with. Binding an XML file to a tree view control, is something that's probably beaten to death. Take a look at Codeproject, maybe start with this article. Knowing XSD, maybe the XSD API I was referring above, will help you understand what is it you want to see in the tree, and what's the best method of expression based on your need. For e.g., how do you want to organize the nodes? how do you want to parse the XSD files? as XML or as compiled and valid XSD files? Do you want to display the layout as it was authored in the source, or showing the post compilation infoset?

首先,XSD只是XML。简单的XSD,特别容易入手。将XML文件绑定到树视图控件,可能会被打死。看看Codeproject,也许从这篇文章开始。知道XSD,也许我上面提到的XSD API,可以帮助你理解你想在树中看到什么,以及根据你的需要最好的表达方法是什么。例如,您想如何组织节点?你想如何解析XSD文件?作为XML或编译和有效的XSD文件?是否要显示在源中创建的布局,或显示后编译信息集?

Maybe you can take a look at existing software that does it already. For example, QTAssistant XSR has different views of XSD content, using trees.

也许你可以看一下现有的软件。例如,QTAssistant XSR使用树具有不同的XSD内容视图。


If you're familiar with XSD, you may know the answers already. Otherwise, learn enough XSD to answer the above yourself, as it'll drive your design. Good luck!
