错误:使用Entity Framework从数据库更新模型

时间:2021-10-05 16:53:59

I have added a new table in the database which contains a column of type geometry. I am using VS10 with SP1. I updated my Entity framework to Microsoft Entity Framework June 2011 CTP as in earlier version geometry type column was not supported.
Now I am getting the following error "No EntityContainer exists in the model, so no code was generated" while auto-generation of MyDbContext.cs in MyProject.Data. What could be the problem ? Any help is much appreciated.

我在数据库中添加了一个新表,其中包含一个几何类型的列。我正在使用带有SP1的VS10。我将我的实体框架更新为Microsoft Entity Framework 2011年6月CTP,因为不支持早期版本几何类型列。现在我收到以下错误“模型中没有EntityContainer,因此在MyProject.Data中自动生成MyDbContext.cs时没有生成代码”。可能是什么问题呢 ?任何帮助深表感谢。

1 个解决方案



The problem is that you are using June 2011 CTP. The functionality has already shipped in form of EntityFramework 5 and Visual Studio 2012. Note that you need to unistall June CTP otherwise it will break your VS2012 installation. See this blog post for more details

问题是您使用的是2011年6月的CTP。该功能已经以EntityFramework 5和Visual Studio 2012的形式发布。请注意,您需要取消安装June CTP,否则会破坏您的VS2012安装。有关详细信息,请参阅此博客文章



The problem is that you are using June 2011 CTP. The functionality has already shipped in form of EntityFramework 5 and Visual Studio 2012. Note that you need to unistall June CTP otherwise it will break your VS2012 installation. See this blog post for more details

问题是您使用的是2011年6月的CTP。该功能已经以EntityFramework 5和Visual Studio 2012的形式发布。请注意,您需要取消安装June CTP,否则会破坏您的VS2012安装。有关详细信息,请参阅此博客文章