使用Entity Framework从SQL数据库中获取所有内容

时间:2021-04-19 09:46:34

I have a list of Products like this


var r = db.Products.Where(x => x.Sites
                                .Where(z => z.Key == associatedProducts.Key)

There is an entity called Products, I want to get all elements from products except those exist in associatedProducts.Products


How can i do that ?

我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

3 个解决方案



The following query works if associatedProducts list is fetched using EF in a previos query.


var temp = db.Products.ToList().Except(associatedProducts).ToList();

otherwise, if associatedProducts is a list which has not been fetched using EF (assuming Key is an integer);


List<int> tempIdList = associatedProducts.Select(q => q.Key ).ToList();
var temp = db.Products.Where(q => !tempIdList.Contains(q.Key));



            var query = from p in db.Products
                        where !(from a in associatedProducts.Products
                                select a.Products)
                        select p;

I didn't test the query, but it should look like this.


You should have a look at how you can use "not in" in linq:
How would you do a "not in" query with LINQ?

您应该看看如何在linq中使用“not in”:如何使用LINQ进行“不在”查询?



You can load the list of products that you want to exclude, and then .Exclude() it from the list of all products.




The following query works if associatedProducts list is fetched using EF in a previos query.


var temp = db.Products.ToList().Except(associatedProducts).ToList();

otherwise, if associatedProducts is a list which has not been fetched using EF (assuming Key is an integer);


List<int> tempIdList = associatedProducts.Select(q => q.Key ).ToList();
var temp = db.Products.Where(q => !tempIdList.Contains(q.Key));



            var query = from p in db.Products
                        where !(from a in associatedProducts.Products
                                select a.Products)
                        select p;

I didn't test the query, but it should look like this.


You should have a look at how you can use "not in" in linq:
How would you do a "not in" query with LINQ?

您应该看看如何在linq中使用“not in”:如何使用LINQ进行“不在”查询?



You can load the list of products that you want to exclude, and then .Exclude() it from the list of all products.
