WPF Canvas在绘制很多时冻结

时间:2021-12-09 16:53:15

Iam an beginner and doing some C# exercises. I found out about Forest Fire Model and tried to do this with WPF and for drawing iam using canvas by creating a rectange for every pixel. The problem iam getting is that the Program freezes and canvas doesnt draw anything (with the while(true) loop). Also iam deleting all childrens after an iteration, still the program is collecting GBs of RAM.


Simplified Code for testing:


public partial class TestDrawing : Window
    public TestDrawing()
    private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    private void DrawForestFire()

        Random rand = new Random();

        while (true)
            for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
                    Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();

                    Color color = Color.FromRgb((byte)rand.Next(200), 
                              (byte)rand.Next(200), (byte)rand.Next(200));

                    rectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(color);
                    rectangle.Width = 4;
                    rectangle.Height = 4;

                    Canvas.SetTop(rectangle, y * 4);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(rectangle, x * 4);


I also tried to draw run the "DrawForestFire()" in a Thread, with the canvas Object in a "this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ... });" but it didnt made any difference for me. What is it iam doing wrong?

我还尝试在线程中绘制“DrawForestFire()”,其中canvas对象位于“this.Dispatcher.Invoke(()=> {...});”但它对我没有任何影响。我做错了什么?

And is there something better than Canvas for this kind of operations?


2 个解决方案



Instead of adding 10000 Rectangle elements to a Canvas, better draw into a single WriteableBitmap.


Declare an Image element in XAML


<Image x:Name="image"/>

and assign a WriteableBitmap to its Source property. Then use a DispatcherTimer to update the bitmap pixels:


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    private const int width = 100;
    private const int height = 100;

    private readonly Random random = new Random();
    private readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[3 * width * height];
    private readonly WriteableBitmap bitmap =
        new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null);

    public MainWindow()

        image.Source = bitmap;

        var timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50) };
        timer.Tick += OnTimerTick;

    private void UpdateBuffer()
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                var i = 3 * (width * y + x);
                buffer[i++] = (byte)random.Next(200);
                buffer[i++] = (byte)random.Next(200);
                buffer[i++] = (byte)random.Next(200);

    private async void OnTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await Task.Run(() => UpdateBuffer());

        bitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), buffer, 3 * width, 0);



Just for fun, here is a working forest fire implementation. I enjoyed to play around with the self-ignitition and new-tree probabilities.


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    private enum CellState
        Empty, Tree, Burning

    private const int width = 400;
    private const int height = 400;

    private readonly WriteableBitmap bitmap =
        new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null);

    private readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[3 * width * height];
    private readonly Random random = new Random();

    private readonly Dictionary<CellState, Color> stateColors =
        new Dictionary<CellState, Color>
            { CellState.Empty, Colors.Black },
            { CellState.Tree, Colors.Green },
            { CellState.Burning, Colors.Yellow }

    private CellState[,] cells = new CellState[height, width];

    private double ignitionProbability = 0.0001;
    private double newTreeProbability = 0.01;

    public MainWindow()

        image.Source = bitmap;

        var timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50) };
        timer.Tick += OnTimerTick;

    private async void OnTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await Task.Run(() => UpdateCells());

        bitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), buffer, 3 * width, 0);

    private bool IsBurning(int y, int x)
        return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height
            && cells[y, x] == CellState.Burning;

    private bool StartsBurning(int y, int x)
        return IsBurning(y - 1, x - 1)
            || IsBurning(y - 1, x)
            || IsBurning(y - 1, x + 1)
            || IsBurning(y, x - 1)
            || IsBurning(y, x + 1)
            || IsBurning(y + 1, x - 1)
            || IsBurning(y + 1, x)
            || IsBurning(y + 1, x + 1)
            || random.NextDouble() <= ignitionProbability;

    private CellState GetNewState(int y, int x)
        var state = cells[y, x];

        switch (state)
            case CellState.Burning:
                state = CellState.Empty;

            case CellState.Empty:
                if (random.NextDouble() <= newTreeProbability)
                    state = CellState.Tree;

            case CellState.Tree:
                if (StartsBurning(y, x))
                    state = CellState.Burning;

        return state;

    private void UpdateCells()
        var newCells = new CellState[height, width];

        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                newCells[y, x] = GetNewState(y, x);

                var color = stateColors[newCells[y, x]];
                var i = 3 * (width * y + x);

                buffer[i++] = color.B;
                buffer[i++] = color.G;
                buffer[i++] = color.R;

        cells = newCells;



Instead of adding 10000 Rectangle elements to a Canvas, better draw into a single WriteableBitmap.


Declare an Image element in XAML


<Image x:Name="image"/>

and assign a WriteableBitmap to its Source property. Then use a DispatcherTimer to update the bitmap pixels:


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    private const int width = 100;
    private const int height = 100;

    private readonly Random random = new Random();
    private readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[3 * width * height];
    private readonly WriteableBitmap bitmap =
        new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null);

    public MainWindow()

        image.Source = bitmap;

        var timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50) };
        timer.Tick += OnTimerTick;

    private void UpdateBuffer()
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                var i = 3 * (width * y + x);
                buffer[i++] = (byte)random.Next(200);
                buffer[i++] = (byte)random.Next(200);
                buffer[i++] = (byte)random.Next(200);

    private async void OnTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await Task.Run(() => UpdateBuffer());

        bitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), buffer, 3 * width, 0);



Just for fun, here is a working forest fire implementation. I enjoyed to play around with the self-ignitition and new-tree probabilities.


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    private enum CellState
        Empty, Tree, Burning

    private const int width = 400;
    private const int height = 400;

    private readonly WriteableBitmap bitmap =
        new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null);

    private readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[3 * width * height];
    private readonly Random random = new Random();

    private readonly Dictionary<CellState, Color> stateColors =
        new Dictionary<CellState, Color>
            { CellState.Empty, Colors.Black },
            { CellState.Tree, Colors.Green },
            { CellState.Burning, Colors.Yellow }

    private CellState[,] cells = new CellState[height, width];

    private double ignitionProbability = 0.0001;
    private double newTreeProbability = 0.01;

    public MainWindow()

        image.Source = bitmap;

        var timer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50) };
        timer.Tick += OnTimerTick;

    private async void OnTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await Task.Run(() => UpdateCells());

        bitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), buffer, 3 * width, 0);

    private bool IsBurning(int y, int x)
        return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height
            && cells[y, x] == CellState.Burning;

    private bool StartsBurning(int y, int x)
        return IsBurning(y - 1, x - 1)
            || IsBurning(y - 1, x)
            || IsBurning(y - 1, x + 1)
            || IsBurning(y, x - 1)
            || IsBurning(y, x + 1)
            || IsBurning(y + 1, x - 1)
            || IsBurning(y + 1, x)
            || IsBurning(y + 1, x + 1)
            || random.NextDouble() <= ignitionProbability;

    private CellState GetNewState(int y, int x)
        var state = cells[y, x];

        switch (state)
            case CellState.Burning:
                state = CellState.Empty;

            case CellState.Empty:
                if (random.NextDouble() <= newTreeProbability)
                    state = CellState.Tree;

            case CellState.Tree:
                if (StartsBurning(y, x))
                    state = CellState.Burning;

        return state;

    private void UpdateCells()
        var newCells = new CellState[height, width];

        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                newCells[y, x] = GetNewState(y, x);

                var color = stateColors[newCells[y, x]];
                var i = 3 * (width * y + x);

                buffer[i++] = color.B;
                buffer[i++] = color.G;
                buffer[i++] = color.R;

        cells = newCells;