
时间:2022-03-21 16:44:35

Hoping this is a simple one


I am extracting the data from a column of my dataset. As the SQL query is supplied an ID only one result will ever be returned. So I would think this result would always be at row '0' of the dataset.


If i click the first result in my datagrid........send the id '0' across to my second page which then extracts the image name from the DB it crashes. If I select the second result in the grid i.e '1' it is fine.


Here is my code:


     SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(connstring);
        SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("select pic from cds WHERE _id = '" + passedID + "'", sqlcon);
        SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlcmd);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        // Rows set to '0' for the first result in the dataset but crashes if the first item is selected.
        object a = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pic"];
        string test = a.ToString();

2 个解决方案



Add a check to be sure that your query has retrieved at least one row


if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
    object a = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pic"];
    string test = a.ToString();
    Response.Write("No rows for the ID = " + passedID);

Datasets don't have Rows. It's the DataTable contained in the Dataset that has the Rows property, but if your query fails (doesn't find a row with the ID requested) then the Rows collection has zero elements and you cannot access the index zero. (out of range)

数据集没有行。它是数据集中包含的具有Rows属性的DataTable,但如果您的查询失败(找不到具有请求ID的行),则Rows集合具有零元素,您无法访问索引零。 (超出范围)



I would hazzard a guess that the problem is that you are either passing the wrong id, or that there is no data in the cds table for the passed id.


When you try to access Rows[0], you get an error because there is no data, so there are no rows in the collection.

当您尝试访问Rows [0]时,由于没有数据,您会收到错误,因此集合中没有行。



Add a check to be sure that your query has retrieved at least one row


if(ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
    object a = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pic"];
    string test = a.ToString();
    Response.Write("No rows for the ID = " + passedID);

Datasets don't have Rows. It's the DataTable contained in the Dataset that has the Rows property, but if your query fails (doesn't find a row with the ID requested) then the Rows collection has zero elements and you cannot access the index zero. (out of range)

数据集没有行。它是数据集中包含的具有Rows属性的DataTable,但如果您的查询失败(找不到具有请求ID的行),则Rows集合具有零元素,您无法访问索引零。 (超出范围)



I would hazzard a guess that the problem is that you are either passing the wrong id, or that there is no data in the cds table for the passed id.


When you try to access Rows[0], you get an error because there is no data, so there are no rows in the collection.

当您尝试访问Rows [0]时,由于没有数据,您会收到错误,因此集合中没有行。