列表索引超出范围错误python 2.7

时间:2021-09-15 16:39:56

I'm creating a bunch of lists that looks like this:


[ObjectId('545284e7bf2e4ea2778b479d'), ObjectId('542de00c763f4a7f558be1d1')]

All of them have at least one item. When I run this loop, however:


for agent_id in agent_ids:
    curs_obj = user_coll_obj.find({"agent_id" : str(agent_id)}).distinct("_id")
    for obj in curs_obj:
    # print len(temp_list)
    print "len(temp_list) is" , len(temp_list)
    print "temp_list is" , temp_list
    print "temp_list[0] is", temp_list[0]

I get:

    print "temp_list[0] is", temp_list[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

If I comment out print "temp_list[1] is", temp_list[0] I get:

如果我注释掉打印“temp_list [1] is”,temp_list [0]我得到:

Len(temp_list) is 2
temp_list is [ObjectId('542de00c763f4a7f558be1cb'), ObjectId('54c123d2bf2e4e140e8b45fc')]

Why am I getting the error?


1 个解决方案


Since it's a loop, I'm assuming that at one point your query returns an empty list for a given agent_id which crashes the script at temp_list[0] since it's empty.

因为它是一个循环,所以我假设你的查询在某一点返回一个给定agent_id的空列表,该列表崩溃了temp_list [0]处的脚本,因为它是空的。

off topic mongo's distinct returns a list so there's no need to loop through it and append it to another list (unless you have a good reason to do so).



Since it's a loop, I'm assuming that at one point your query returns an empty list for a given agent_id which crashes the script at temp_list[0] since it's empty.

因为它是一个循环,所以我假设你的查询在某一点返回一个给定agent_id的空列表,该列表崩溃了temp_list [0]处的脚本,因为它是空的。

off topic mongo's distinct returns a list so there's no need to loop through it and append it to another list (unless you have a good reason to do so).
