为什么我会收到此错误:致命错误 - 数组索引超出范围?

时间:2023-01-15 16:41:23

I have 2 view controllers: a cameraVC and a detailVC. The camera is an AVFoundation camera that can capture and then select pictures, which then populates 4 small imageViews on my detailVC. I am trying to swipe between the two VCs so that when you hit 'yes' on the cameraVC, that then adds that to one of the 4 imageViews. I am currently using for-loops to achieve this, and below is the code I have in my detail VCs.


It works when I first load the app and take a few pics, but when I swipe back to my cameraVC and then back to my detailVC, the app crashes and logs error above.


In my code, I am attempting to set the imageViewArray to however many images there are in my imageArray. Then each time I go back to the detailVC, I am to clear my imageView.images and re-assign them. For some reason, it's not working. Any ideas why?


override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
    if imageArray.count == 1 {
        imageViewArray += [imageView1]
    } else if imageArray.count == 2 {
        imageViewArray += [imageView1,imageView2]
    } else if imageArray.count == 3 {
        imageViewArray += [imageView1,imageView2,imageView3]
    } else if imageArray.count == 4 {
        imageViewArray += [imageView1,imageView2,imageView3,imageView4]

    for ima in imageViewArray {
        if ima.image != nil {
        ima.image = nil

    for (index, imageView) in imageViewArray.enumerate() {
        imageView.image = imageArray[index]

1 个解决方案



Add the line


imageViewArray = []

in the beginning of your viewWillAppear.


Or change your assignment to the imageViewArray in all 4 branches to something like:


imageViewArray = [imageView1,imageView2,imageView3,imageView4] // removed the "+"

The problem you are encountering here is that the method gets called when the view gets presented the first time AND when some presented view gets dismissed / popped again causing your view to appear again.


The result of that is that the imageViewArray still contains the imageviews from the last iteration. Adding the images again causes the array to get larger.


Assume that you had 3 images the first time, now the second time you have 4 images. Therefore you enter the last else section and add 4 new elements to the array, causing it to have 7 elements while the imageArray still only has 4. Now you iterate over all imageViewArray entries and try to access the imageArray at up to index 6 while the array only contains value until index 3 -> crash.

假设您第一次有3张图像,现在第二次有4张图像。因此,您输入最后一个else部分并向数组添加4个新元素,使其具有7个元素,而imageArray仍然只有4个。现在,您遍历所有imageViewArray条目并尝试访问imageArray,最多为索引6,而数组只包含值,直到索引3 - >崩溃。

Note that it was annoying writing this answer because you have too many variables that all sound and look the same imageView, image, imageArray, imageViewArray, ima, imageViewX. Please try to find better names.




Add the line


imageViewArray = []

in the beginning of your viewWillAppear.


Or change your assignment to the imageViewArray in all 4 branches to something like:


imageViewArray = [imageView1,imageView2,imageView3,imageView4] // removed the "+"

The problem you are encountering here is that the method gets called when the view gets presented the first time AND when some presented view gets dismissed / popped again causing your view to appear again.


The result of that is that the imageViewArray still contains the imageviews from the last iteration. Adding the images again causes the array to get larger.


Assume that you had 3 images the first time, now the second time you have 4 images. Therefore you enter the last else section and add 4 new elements to the array, causing it to have 7 elements while the imageArray still only has 4. Now you iterate over all imageViewArray entries and try to access the imageArray at up to index 6 while the array only contains value until index 3 -> crash.

假设您第一次有3张图像,现在第二次有4张图像。因此,您输入最后一个else部分并向数组添加4个新元素,使其具有7个元素,而imageArray仍然只有4个。现在,您遍历所有imageViewArray条目并尝试访问imageArray,最多为索引6,而数组只包含值,直到索引3 - >崩溃。

Note that it was annoying writing this answer because you have too many variables that all sound and look the same imageView, image, imageArray, imageViewArray, ima, imageViewX. Please try to find better names.
