
时间:2022-01-06 16:37:53

I'm attempting to integrate Red Gate's SQLBackup Pro software into my in-house backup software, written in C#. The natural way to do this is via their Extended Stored Procedure. The problems is that it's called in a format I've never seen before:

我正在尝试将Red Gate的SQLBackup Pro软件集成到我用C#编写的内部备份软件中。这样做的自然方式是通过扩展存储过程。问题在于它以我以前从未见过的格式调用:

master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\Backups\pubs.sqb]"'

This works just fine when run via SSMS. Where I run into trouble is trying to call it from C# (using .NET 4 and Dapper Dot Net).

通过SSMS运行时,这很好用。遇到麻烦的地方是尝试从C#调用它(使用.NET 4和Dapper Dot Net)。

My first attempt doesn't work because it interprets the entire cmd string as the name of the stored procedure and throws the error "Cannot find stored procedure ''":


var cmd = "master..sqlbackup '-SQL \"BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\\Backups\\pubs.sqb]\"'";
connection.Execute(cmd, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, commandTimeout: 0);

My second attempt returns immediately and appears (to C#) to succeed, but no backup is actually taken (this also sucks for parameterization):


var cmd = "master..sqlbackup";
var p = new DynamicParameters();
p.Add("", "'-SQL \"BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\\Backups\\pubs.sqb]\"'");
connection.Execute(cmd, p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, commandTimeout: 0);

My third attempt also appears to succeed, but no backup is actually taken:


var cmd = "master..sqlbackup '-SQL \"BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\\Backups\\pubs.sqb]\"'";
connection.Execute(cmd, commandTimeout: 0);

What am I missing?




I overlooked the Red Gate documentation that says the stored proc won't actually raise a SQL error, it just returns errors in an output table. Slick. This might explain why I was getting silent failures in the second and third tests above: some underlying problem and they're not collecting the output to show why.

我忽略了Red Gate文档,该文档说存储的proc实际上不会引发SQL错误,它只是在输出表中返回错误。油滑。这可能解释了为什么我在上面的第二次和第三次测试中得到了无声的失败:一些潜在的问题,他们没有收集输出来说明原因。

Here's where I am now:


var cmd = "master..sqlbackup";
var p = new DynamicParameters();
p.Add("", "'-SQL \"BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\\Backups\\pubs.sqb]\"'");
p.Add("@exitcode", DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output);
p.Add("@sqlerrorcode", DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output);
connection.Execute(cmd, p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, commandTimeout: 0);

When I run this and check those output parameters, I get Exit Code 870:


No command passed to SQL Backup.


The command is empty.


So it's not seeing the empty-named paramater.


Update 2:


Capturing the above in a trace shows that the empty parameter string ends up replaced with @Parameter1= which explains why the stored procedure doesn't see it.

在跟踪中捕获上述内容表明空参数字符串最终被@ Parameter1 =替换,这解释了存储过程没有看到它的原因。

4 个解决方案



Your first attempt looks almost right. What I notice is that you failed to escape the backslashes. For this kind of thing, it's often easier to use the @ prefix to disable escaping for the string. Also, you want to prepend with exec and make it CommandType.Text:


EDIT: fixed my own escaping bugs here


var cmd = @"exec 'master..sqlbackup -SQL ""BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\Backups\pubs.sqb]""'";
connection.Execute(cmd, commandType: CommandType.Text, commandTimeout: 0);



It's gross and not at all what I wanted, but this is what I've got working now:


var cmd = String.Format(@"
DECLARE @exitcode int; 
DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int;
EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL \"BACKUP DATABASE [{0}] TO DISK = [{1}])\"', @exitcode OUTPUT, @sqlerrorcode OUTPUT;
IF (@exitcode >= 500) OR (@sqlerrorcode <> 0)
RAISERROR('SQLBackup failed with exitcode %d and sqlerrorcode %d ', 16, 1, @exitcode, @sqlerrorcode)
", myDbName, myBkpPath);

connection.Execute(cmd, commandTimeout: 0);

This executes the backup and actually returns failure status, which exposed an underlying issue that caused the failure part of the silent failures.


Before it runs, myDbName is checked against a list of known databases to ensure it exists and myBkpPath is generated by my code, so I'm not worried about injections. It's just...well, look at that. Hideous.




Have you tried creating a typical stored procedure that calls the extended stored procedure, and calling that from code? It looks like you have only a few parameters to deal with here.




You had several problems in your tests.


In the first one you set the CommandType.StoredProcedure. You should have set it to CommandType.Text so that it would be smart enough to just pass that string along to be exec'd.


In the subsequent examples, you didn't actually give the parameter a name. Go look at their SqlBackup procedure and see what the parameter names are. Then use it. Otherwise, nothing is going to be assigned to it.




Your first attempt looks almost right. What I notice is that you failed to escape the backslashes. For this kind of thing, it's often easier to use the @ prefix to disable escaping for the string. Also, you want to prepend with exec and make it CommandType.Text:


EDIT: fixed my own escaping bugs here


var cmd = @"exec 'master..sqlbackup -SQL ""BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [C:\Backups\pubs.sqb]""'";
connection.Execute(cmd, commandType: CommandType.Text, commandTimeout: 0);



It's gross and not at all what I wanted, but this is what I've got working now:


var cmd = String.Format(@"
DECLARE @exitcode int; 
DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int;
EXEC master..sqlbackup '-SQL \"BACKUP DATABASE [{0}] TO DISK = [{1}])\"', @exitcode OUTPUT, @sqlerrorcode OUTPUT;
IF (@exitcode >= 500) OR (@sqlerrorcode <> 0)
RAISERROR('SQLBackup failed with exitcode %d and sqlerrorcode %d ', 16, 1, @exitcode, @sqlerrorcode)
", myDbName, myBkpPath);

connection.Execute(cmd, commandTimeout: 0);

This executes the backup and actually returns failure status, which exposed an underlying issue that caused the failure part of the silent failures.


Before it runs, myDbName is checked against a list of known databases to ensure it exists and myBkpPath is generated by my code, so I'm not worried about injections. It's just...well, look at that. Hideous.




Have you tried creating a typical stored procedure that calls the extended stored procedure, and calling that from code? It looks like you have only a few parameters to deal with here.




You had several problems in your tests.


In the first one you set the CommandType.StoredProcedure. You should have set it to CommandType.Text so that it would be smart enough to just pass that string along to be exec'd.


In the subsequent examples, you didn't actually give the parameter a name. Go look at their SqlBackup procedure and see what the parameter names are. Then use it. Otherwise, nothing is going to be assigned to it.
