
时间:2023-01-11 08:41:06

I am fairly new to doing more involved SQL work.


My goal is to email using the results of a query to drive email creation. I intend to create a stored procedure and schedule this twice a week (there will be at most 20 emails, this will not be heavy email load) on SQL Server 2008.

我的目标是使用查询结果通过电子邮件来推动电子邮件创建。我打算在SQL Server 2008上创建一个存储过程并每周安排两次(最多20封电子邮件,这不会是繁重的电子邮件加载)。

SELECT ProjectCodes.ProjectCode, COUNT(Projects.ProjectsID),  ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover
FROM Projects 
INNER JOIN ProjectCodes
    ON Projects.ProjectCodesID=ProjectCodes.ProjectCodesID
INNER JOIN ProjectApprovers
    ON Projects.ProjectCodesID=ProjectApprovers.ProjectCodesID
WHERE ProjectApprovers.IsPrimaryApprover=1
group by ProjectCodes.ProjectCode, ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover

This returns something similar to:


| ProjectCode | Count | EmailAddress |
| Code1       |     4 | Email1       |
| Code2       |     2 | Email2       |
| Code3       |     2 | Email3       |
| Code4       |     3 | Email4       |

What I would like to do is basically loop through this result, running the following:


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients= 'email1',     --email address from above query
@subject='Test email',
@body='You have X projects waiting'    -- where X is the COUNT() term

for each of the rows.


My understanding is I could do this somewhat straightforward for each entry if I use a cursor, but, all the documentation and Stack Overflow results I've found strongly suggest this is not a good strategy.

我的理解是,如果我使用游标,我可以为每个条目做一些简单的操作,但是,我发现所有文档和Stack Overflow结果强烈建议这不是一个好策略。

What is the best way to do something like this?


4 个解决方案



Usually the reason cursors are discouraged is because there's ways to do what you want without using a cursor. Many developers start in procedural languages so loops are common and natural. Thinking in terms of set-based operations is not "natural" and so cursors are used to mimic loops.


In this case, using a cursor is appropriate because there's no set-based way to send individual emails.


Whether or not it's a good idea to send emails directly from you database server is another question...




Assuming this is going into some temp table or table var, you can add a row number to that result set, like so:


SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProjectCodes.ProjectCode) RowNumber, ProjectCodes.ProjectCode, COUNT(Projects.ProjectsID),  ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover

And then, using a while loop, iterate over that temp table and grab the values you require to execute the SP, matching by row number.


DECLARE @i int = 0
DECLARE @count int = -- length of query results

WHILE (@i < @count)
    SELECT @emailAddress = EmailApprover, ...
    FROM @YourTempResults
    WHERE RowNumber = (@i + 1) -- row number is 1-based

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @emailAddress, ...

    SET @i = @i + 1

We're not doing any heavy lifting here though, so I wouldn't necessarily advice against a cursor in this case. Except that it's been so long, I'd have to refresh on how to code one. :)

我们在这里没有做任何繁重的工作,所以在这种情况下我不一定会反对光标。除了它已经这么久了,我不得不刷新如何编码一个。 :)



You could define a function that did the send mail with the parameters you desire. Then do a select on your query where the select calls the function.


Select SendPMMail(ProjectCode, EmailAddress, ProjectCount) from
(SELECT ProjectCodes.ProjectCode as ProjectCode, 
        COUNT(Projects.ProjectsID) as ProjectCount, 
        ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover as EmailAddress
   FROM Projects 
  INNER JOIN ProjectCodes
        ON Projects.ProjectCodesID=ProjectCodes.ProjectCodesID
  INNER JOIN ProjectApprovers
        ON Projects.ProjectCodesID=ProjectApprovers.ProjectCodesID
  WHERE ProjectApprovers.IsPrimaryApprover=1
  GROUP BY ProjectCodes.ProjectCode, ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover)



You can do this:


Create a SQL AGENT JOB : That will call your stored procedure every 2 time a week ( depending on your need)


  • You can see this option on SSMS all the bottom of the SQL Server and configure the settings
  • 您可以在SSMS的所有底部的SQL Server上看到此选项并配置设置

You can control what to sent them or whom to send via stored proc.




Usually the reason cursors are discouraged is because there's ways to do what you want without using a cursor. Many developers start in procedural languages so loops are common and natural. Thinking in terms of set-based operations is not "natural" and so cursors are used to mimic loops.


In this case, using a cursor is appropriate because there's no set-based way to send individual emails.


Whether or not it's a good idea to send emails directly from you database server is another question...




Assuming this is going into some temp table or table var, you can add a row number to that result set, like so:


SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProjectCodes.ProjectCode) RowNumber, ProjectCodes.ProjectCode, COUNT(Projects.ProjectsID),  ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover

And then, using a while loop, iterate over that temp table and grab the values you require to execute the SP, matching by row number.


DECLARE @i int = 0
DECLARE @count int = -- length of query results

WHILE (@i < @count)
    SELECT @emailAddress = EmailApprover, ...
    FROM @YourTempResults
    WHERE RowNumber = (@i + 1) -- row number is 1-based

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients = @emailAddress, ...

    SET @i = @i + 1

We're not doing any heavy lifting here though, so I wouldn't necessarily advice against a cursor in this case. Except that it's been so long, I'd have to refresh on how to code one. :)

我们在这里没有做任何繁重的工作,所以在这种情况下我不一定会反对光标。除了它已经这么久了,我不得不刷新如何编码一个。 :)



You could define a function that did the send mail with the parameters you desire. Then do a select on your query where the select calls the function.


Select SendPMMail(ProjectCode, EmailAddress, ProjectCount) from
(SELECT ProjectCodes.ProjectCode as ProjectCode, 
        COUNT(Projects.ProjectsID) as ProjectCount, 
        ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover as EmailAddress
   FROM Projects 
  INNER JOIN ProjectCodes
        ON Projects.ProjectCodesID=ProjectCodes.ProjectCodesID
  INNER JOIN ProjectApprovers
        ON Projects.ProjectCodesID=ProjectApprovers.ProjectCodesID
  WHERE ProjectApprovers.IsPrimaryApprover=1
  GROUP BY ProjectCodes.ProjectCode, ProjectApprovers.EmailApprover)



You can do this:


Create a SQL AGENT JOB : That will call your stored procedure every 2 time a week ( depending on your need)


  • You can see this option on SSMS all the bottom of the SQL Server and configure the settings
  • 您可以在SSMS的所有底部的SQL Server上看到此选项并配置设置

You can control what to sent them or whom to send via stored proc.
