sql server报告服务和其他报告工具之间有什么区别

时间:2022-03-24 16:39:21

I'm a self taught student and I created some web application in ASP.NET using Entity Framework and SQL Server.

我是一名自学成才的学生,我使用Entity Framework和SQL Server在ASP.NET中创建了一些Web应用程序。

For reporting, I dynamically create database queries using Entity SQL. After pulling the result I show the result in HTML or some other format like Excel.

对于报告,我使用Entity SQL动态创建数据库查询。拉动结果后,我会以HTML或其他格式(如Excel)显示结果。

I would like to do some professional reporting, but I don't know which direction I should go.


I've heard about SQL Server reporting services, Crystal Report, Stimul Report and Fast report. Do they all do the same thing? I'm wondering which tools or technologies should I study and use?

我听说过SQL Server报告服务,Crystal Report,Stimul Report和Fast报告。他们都做同样的事吗?我想知道我应该学习和使用哪些工具或技术?

3 个解决方案



Do they all do the same thing?


For 80%+ of use cases, yes. But each product has its own niche and its own unique features.


SSRS is the clear choice in a pure MS development environment. It benefits from the vast MS help and support infrastructure, and has numerous built-in integrations with other MS products like Excel and SharePoint


Crystal Reports has momentum and history on its side. It has no less bugs than the others, but has numerous mature usergroups, forums, etc. that leave only a very slim chance that you will have any issues that others haven't already had, fixed, and posted answers to. Additionally, many companies have stuck with it as their standard tools, since prior to SSRS, no products really threatened CRs position as market share leader. (Not that SSRS immediately threatened CR, but because SSRS was given away free as part of SQL Server, it developed a large following on the principle that SSRS is typically "good enough" and doesn't require additional licensing after you've paid for SQL Server.

Crystal Reports有其动力和历史。它具有比其他错误更少的错误,但有许多成熟的用户组,论坛等,只留下一个非常小的机会,你将有任何其他人尚未拥有,修复和发布的答案的问题。此外,许多公司都坚持使用它作为标准工具,因为在SSRS之前,没有任何产品真正威胁到CR作为市场份额领先者的地位。 (并不是因为SSRS立即威胁CR,但是因为SSRS作为SQL Server的一部分免费赠送,所以它开发了大量关注SSRS通常“足够好”的原则,并且在您付款后不需要额外的许可SQL Server。

I'm not familiar with Fast Report, and my understanding of Stimulsoft Reporting is that it works well in environments that employ numerous types of data sources.

我对Fast Report并不熟悉,而且我对Stimulsoft Reporting的理解是它在使用多种类型数据源的环境中运行良好。

I'm wondering which tools or technologies should I study and use?


Assuming you want a job working with these tools, the answer lies in the market you want a job in. If your job market is hiring primarily for a particular reporting system, it is a no brainer: Study the one that you local companies are mostly hiring for. (Sounds obvious, but I constantly see young techies studying a particular product for academic reasons, and then get frustrated that local companies aren't interested in the product they've devoted their learning energy towards.)

假设您希望找到一份使用这些工具的工作,那么答案就在于您希望找到工作的市场。如果您的就业市场主要是针对特定的报告系统而招聘,那就明白了:研究一下您当地公司大多数雇用。 (听起来很明显,但我经常看到年轻的技术人员出于学术原因研究特定产品,然后对当地公司对他们投入学习能力的产品不感兴趣感到沮丧。)

If your job market is neutral (or you don't care where you get a job), I'd recommend sticking with the big players (SSRS, Crystal Reports are the players in the list you mentioned) because job are more plentiful there.

如果你的就业市场是中立的(或者你不关心你找工作的地方),我建议你坚持使用大型企业(SSRS,Crystal Reports是你提到的名单中的参与者),因为那里的工作比较丰富。

From there, pick the philosophy you are most comfortable with: (Beware, generalizations ahead) SSRS works best in MS-centric environments and is used more by upstart companies, due to its price. If you like new development, smaller companies and startups, this is your choice. (My opinion only: SSRS is a growing product that is backed solidly by Microsoft. It hasn't even reached its "golden age" yet, and will continue getting better in future SQL versions.) Crystal Reports is seen much more in larger corporate environments with numerous databases, and long lists of legacy systems. If you like larger corporate environments, and maintaining established systems, this is your choice. (My opinion only: Crystal reports had its golden age in the '90s, and is gradually declining in market significance. It'll still be around for decades as a big player, but I don't see them ever regaining their '90s prominence.)

从那里,选择您最满意的理念:(注意,提前概括)SSRS在以MS为中心的环境中效果最佳,并且由于其价格而被新贵公司更多地使用。如果您喜欢新开发,小型公司和初创公司,这是您的选择。 (我的观点是:SSRS是一个不断增长的产品,得到了微软的坚定支持。它还没有达到其“黄金时代”,并且在未来的SQL版本中将继续变得更好。)Crystal Reports在大型企业中看得更多具有大量数据库的环境以及遗留系统的长列表。如果您喜欢更大的企业环境,并且维护已建立的系统,那么这是您的选择。 (仅限我的观点:水晶报道在90年代有黄金时代,市场意义逐渐下降。作为一个重要的球员,它仍然会存在几十年,但我不认为它们会重新夺回他们90年代的重要地位。)



My suggestion tends to be for Crystal Reports when talking about "customer facing" reports: Invoices, Statements, Confirmations, etc

在谈论“面向客户”的报告时,我的建议往往是Crystal Reports:发票,声明,确认等

SSRS is my favoured solution for all tabular, number-centric reporting.




The only experience I have is with Crystal Reports. They seem to be nice to use once you get used to the quirks. Also if you want to print labels and such they are fairly robust. Exporting to Excel is nice but not as amazing as SSRS. I would use CR for a clientele that is somewhat savvy with computers. They can modify the reports themselves which is nice.

我唯一的经验是使用Crystal Reports。一旦你习惯了怪癖,它们似乎很好用。此外,如果你想打印标签,它们相当健壮。导出到Excel很不错,但不如SSRS那么惊人。我会使用CR作为一个对计算机有点精明的客户。他们可以自己修改报告,这很好。



Do they all do the same thing?


For 80%+ of use cases, yes. But each product has its own niche and its own unique features.


SSRS is the clear choice in a pure MS development environment. It benefits from the vast MS help and support infrastructure, and has numerous built-in integrations with other MS products like Excel and SharePoint


Crystal Reports has momentum and history on its side. It has no less bugs than the others, but has numerous mature usergroups, forums, etc. that leave only a very slim chance that you will have any issues that others haven't already had, fixed, and posted answers to. Additionally, many companies have stuck with it as their standard tools, since prior to SSRS, no products really threatened CRs position as market share leader. (Not that SSRS immediately threatened CR, but because SSRS was given away free as part of SQL Server, it developed a large following on the principle that SSRS is typically "good enough" and doesn't require additional licensing after you've paid for SQL Server.

Crystal Reports有其动力和历史。它具有比其他错误更少的错误,但有许多成熟的用户组,论坛等,只留下一个非常小的机会,你将有任何其他人尚未拥有,修复和发布的答案的问题。此外,许多公司都坚持使用它作为标准工具,因为在SSRS之前,没有任何产品真正威胁到CR作为市场份额领先者的地位。 (并不是因为SSRS立即威胁CR,但是因为SSRS作为SQL Server的一部分免费赠送,所以它开发了大量关注SSRS通常“足够好”的原则,并且在您付款后不需要额外的许可SQL Server。

I'm not familiar with Fast Report, and my understanding of Stimulsoft Reporting is that it works well in environments that employ numerous types of data sources.

我对Fast Report并不熟悉,而且我对Stimulsoft Reporting的理解是它在使用多种类型数据源的环境中运行良好。

I'm wondering which tools or technologies should I study and use?


Assuming you want a job working with these tools, the answer lies in the market you want a job in. If your job market is hiring primarily for a particular reporting system, it is a no brainer: Study the one that you local companies are mostly hiring for. (Sounds obvious, but I constantly see young techies studying a particular product for academic reasons, and then get frustrated that local companies aren't interested in the product they've devoted their learning energy towards.)

假设您希望找到一份使用这些工具的工作,那么答案就在于您希望找到工作的市场。如果您的就业市场主要是针对特定的报告系统而招聘,那就明白了:研究一下您当地公司大多数雇用。 (听起来很明显,但我经常看到年轻的技术人员出于学术原因研究特定产品,然后对当地公司对他们投入学习能力的产品不感兴趣感到沮丧。)

If your job market is neutral (or you don't care where you get a job), I'd recommend sticking with the big players (SSRS, Crystal Reports are the players in the list you mentioned) because job are more plentiful there.

如果你的就业市场是中立的(或者你不关心你找工作的地方),我建议你坚持使用大型企业(SSRS,Crystal Reports是你提到的名单中的参与者),因为那里的工作比较丰富。

From there, pick the philosophy you are most comfortable with: (Beware, generalizations ahead) SSRS works best in MS-centric environments and is used more by upstart companies, due to its price. If you like new development, smaller companies and startups, this is your choice. (My opinion only: SSRS is a growing product that is backed solidly by Microsoft. It hasn't even reached its "golden age" yet, and will continue getting better in future SQL versions.) Crystal Reports is seen much more in larger corporate environments with numerous databases, and long lists of legacy systems. If you like larger corporate environments, and maintaining established systems, this is your choice. (My opinion only: Crystal reports had its golden age in the '90s, and is gradually declining in market significance. It'll still be around for decades as a big player, but I don't see them ever regaining their '90s prominence.)

从那里,选择您最满意的理念:(注意,提前概括)SSRS在以MS为中心的环境中效果最佳,并且由于其价格而被新贵公司更多地使用。如果您喜欢新开发,小型公司和初创公司,这是您的选择。 (我的观点是:SSRS是一个不断增长的产品,得到了微软的坚定支持。它还没有达到其“黄金时代”,并且在未来的SQL版本中将继续变得更好。)Crystal Reports在大型企业中看得更多具有大量数据库的环境以及遗留系统的长列表。如果您喜欢更大的企业环境,并且维护已建立的系统,那么这是您的选择。 (仅限我的观点:水晶报道在90年代有黄金时代,市场意义逐渐下降。作为一个重要的球员,它仍然会存在几十年,但我不认为它们会重新夺回他们90年代的重要地位。)



My suggestion tends to be for Crystal Reports when talking about "customer facing" reports: Invoices, Statements, Confirmations, etc

在谈论“面向客户”的报告时,我的建议往往是Crystal Reports:发票,声明,确认等

SSRS is my favoured solution for all tabular, number-centric reporting.




The only experience I have is with Crystal Reports. They seem to be nice to use once you get used to the quirks. Also if you want to print labels and such they are fairly robust. Exporting to Excel is nice but not as amazing as SSRS. I would use CR for a clientele that is somewhat savvy with computers. They can modify the reports themselves which is nice.

我唯一的经验是使用Crystal Reports。一旦你习惯了怪癖,它们似乎很好用。此外,如果你想打印标签,它们相当健壮。导出到Excel很不错,但不如SSRS那么惊人。我会使用CR作为一个对计算机有点精明的客户。他们可以自己修改报告,这很好。