
时间:2022-03-24 16:39:27

I have a report that takes multiple values. parameter {?names} with [Allow multiple values] = "True" The problem is report gets an error if I try to include over 5000 names.. :

我有一个包含多个值的报告。参数{ ?name} with[允许多个值]= "True"问题是如果我尝试包含超过5000个名字,报表就会出错。:


:% 20请求% 20 % 20不是% 20可以% 20提交% 20 20% % 20背景% 20 processing. % 20 20% % 20 crystaldecisions.reportappserver.controllers.reportsourceclass.export(ExportOptions % 20 pexportoptions % 20 requestcontext % 20 prequestcontext)% 20 20% - 20% % 20 crystaldecisions.reportsource.eromreportsourcebase.exporttostream(ExportRequestContext % 20 reqcontext)% 20——20% - 20% % 20结束% 20的% 20内% 20异常% 20堆栈% 20跟踪% 20 - - - % 20 20% - 20% % 20 crystaldecisions.reportappserver.convertdotnettoerom.throwdotnetexception(过量ption % 20 e)% 20 20% - 20% % 20 crystaldecisions.reportsource.eromreportsourcebase.exporttostream(ExportRequestContext % 20 reqcontext)% 20% 20% 20 % 20 crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine.formatengine.exporttostream(ExportRequestContext % 20 reqcontext)% 20% 20% 20 % 20 crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine.formatengine.export(ExportRequestContext % 20 reqcontext)% 20% 20% 20 % 20 crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine.formatengine.export()% 20 20% - 20% % 20 crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine.reportdocument.export()% 20%20 20% % 20 web.wcf.matrixreports.generatereport(字符串% 20 reportname % 20 observablecollection % 601% 20 reportparameters)% 20 d % 20:

The application is silverlight. Strange thing is if I run this app on local machine with local ASP.net development server, i can generate more than 5000, but if I try the same on the server, I get an error..


1 个解决方案



My guess is that the registry entry on the server is set to its default of 1000.


On the server: - Create the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\LOV - Add a string value named 'MaxRowsetRecords' - Set to 50000 - Restart service

创建注册表项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\软件\Business Objects Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\LOV -添加一个名为“MaxRowsetRecords”的字符串值——设置为50000——重新启动服务

You'll have to ensure that the version (the 'Suite 11.5' bit) is consistent w/ your version.

您必须确保版本(“Suite 11.5”位)是一致的w/您的版本。



My guess is that the registry entry on the server is set to its default of 1000.


On the server: - Create the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\LOV - Add a string value named 'MaxRowsetRecords' - Set to 50000 - Restart service

创建注册表项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\软件\Business Objects Suite 11.5\Crystal Reports\DatabaseOptions\LOV -添加一个名为“MaxRowsetRecords”的字符串值——设置为50000——重新启动服务

You'll have to ensure that the version (the 'Suite 11.5' bit) is consistent w/ your version.

您必须确保版本(“Suite 11.5”位)是一致的w/您的版本。