I hope you can help me with the following problem. I have 24 directories each containing many (1000's) of files. I would like to find out which combination of directories contains the most number of duplicate (by name only) files. For example if we only consider 4 directories
dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4
dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4
with the following directory contents
1.fa 2.fa 3.fa 4.fa 5.fa
1.fa 10.fa 15.fa
1。fa 10。足总15.足总
1.fa 2.fa 3.fa
1.fa 2.fa 3.fa 5.fa 8.fa 10.fa
1。足总2。足总3。足总5。fa 8。足总10.足总
Therefore, the combination of directories dir1 and dir4 contain the most duplicate files (4).
The problem becomes quite large with 24 directories so I was thinking that I might use a brute force approach. Something along the lines of
- count all duplicate files that occur in all 24 directories
- 计算所有24个目录中出现的所有重复文件
- drop a directory and count the number of duplicate files
- 删除一个目录并计算重复文件的数量。
- replace the directory and drop another one then count number
- 替换目录并删除另一个目录,然后计数编号
- repeat for all directories
- 重复的所有目录
- get the subset of 23 directories with max number of duplicate files
- 获取包含最多重复文件的23个目录的子集
- repeat the above 2-5 and keep the 22 directories with most duplicate files
- 重复上面的2-5,并保留22个目录和大部分重复的文件
- repeat until only 2 directories left
- 重复,直到只剩下2个目录。
- choose the combination of directories with the max number of duplicate files
- 选择目录和重复文件的最大数目的组合
If any one has a way of doing this I would be very grateful for some advice. I thought of using fdupes
or diff
but cant figure out how to parse the output and summarise.
5 个解决方案
I tagged your question with algorithm
as I am unaware of any existing bash / linux tools that can help you directly solve this problem. The easiest way would be to construct algorithm for this in a programming language such as Python, C++, or Java instead of using bash shells.
我用算法标记了您的问题,因为我不知道任何现有的bash / linux工具可以帮助您直接解决这个问题。最简单的方法是使用Python、c++或Java等编程语言构建算法,而不是使用bash shell。
That being said, here's a high level analysis of your problem: At first glance it looks like a mininum set cover problem, but it's actually broken down into 2 parts:
Part 1 - What is the set of files to cover?
You want to find the combination of directories that cover the most number of duplicate files. But first you need to know what the maximum set of duplicate files are within your 24 directories.
Since the intersection of files between 2 directories is always greater than or equal to the intersection with a 3rd directory, you go through all pairs of directories and find what the maximum intersection set is:
(24 choose 2) = 276 comparisons
You take the largest intersection set found and use that as the set you are actually trying to cover.
Part 2 - The minimum set cover problem
This is a well-studied problem in computer science, so you are better served reading from the writings of people much smarter than I.
The only thing I have to note that it's a NP-Complete problem, so it's not trivial.
This is the best I can do to address the original formulation of your question, but I have a feeling that it's overkill for what you actually need to accomplish. You should consider updating your question with the actual problem that you need to solve.
Count duplicate file names in shell:
#! /bin/sh
# directories to test for
dirs='dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4'
# directory pairs already seen
for d1 in $dirs; do
for d2 in $dirs; do
if echo $seen | grep -q -e " $d1:$d2;" -e " $d2:$d1;"; then
: # don't count twice
elif test $d1 != $d2; then
# remember pair of directories
seen="$seen $d1:$d2;"
# count duplicates
ndups=`ls $d1 $d2 | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 > 1' | wc -l`
echo "$d1:$d2 $ndups"
# sort decreasing and take the first
done | sort -k 2rn | head -1
/ count_dups.sh:
1 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir2.
3 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir3.
4 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir4.
1 files are duplicated Comparing dir2 to dir3.
2 files are duplicated Comparing dir2 to dir4.
3 files are duplicated Comparing dir3 to dir4.
./count_dups.sh | sort -n | tail -1
/ count_dups。sh |排序-n |尾部-1
4 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir4.
Using the script count_dups.sh:
# This assumes (among other things) that the dirs don't have spaces in the names
cd testdirs
declare -a DIRS=(`ls`);
function count_dups {
DUPS=`ls $1 $2 | sort | uniq -d | wc -l`
echo "$DUPS files are duplicated comparing $1 to $2."
while [ $LEFT -lt ${#DIRS[@]} ] ; do
RIGHT=$(( $LEFT + 1 ))
while [ $RIGHT -lt ${#DIRS[@]} ] ; do
count_dups ${DIRS[$LEFT]} ${DIRS[$RIGHT]}
RIGHT=$(( $RIGHT + 1 ))
LEFT=$(( $LEFT + 1 ))
Can we create hash table for all of these 24 directories? If the filename is just number , the hash function will be very easy to design.
If we can use hash table, it will be faster to search and find duplication.
Just for curiosity, I've done some simple tests: 24 directories with approximately 3900 files in each (a random number between 0 and 9999). Both bash-scripts take around 10 seconds each. Here is a basic python-script doing the same in ~0.2s:
出于好奇,我做了一些简单的测试:24个目录,每个目录大约有3900个文件(在0和9999之间的随机数)。两个base -scripts每个都花费大约10秒。下面是一个基本的python脚本,在~0.2s中执行同样的操作:
import sys, os
def get_max_duplicates(path):
items = [(d,set(os.listdir(os.path.join(path,d)))) \
for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, d))]
if len(items) < 2:
# need at least two directories
return ("","",0)
values = [(items[i][0],items[j][0],len(items[i][1].intersection(items[j][1]))) \
for i in range(len(items)) for j in range(i+1, len(items))]
return max(values, key=lambda a: a[2])
def main():
path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)==2 else os.getcwd()
r = get_max_duplicates(path)
print "%s and %s share %d files" % r
if __name__ == '__main__':
As mentioned by Richard, by using a hash-table (or set in python), we can speed things up. The intersection of two sets is O(min(len(set_a), len(set_b))) and we have to do N(N-1)/2=720
正如Richard所提到的,通过使用hashtable(或在python中设置),我们可以加快速度。两个集合的交点是O(min(len(set_a), len(set_b)))我们需要做N(N-1)/2=720比较。
I tagged your question with algorithm
as I am unaware of any existing bash / linux tools that can help you directly solve this problem. The easiest way would be to construct algorithm for this in a programming language such as Python, C++, or Java instead of using bash shells.
我用算法标记了您的问题,因为我不知道任何现有的bash / linux工具可以帮助您直接解决这个问题。最简单的方法是使用Python、c++或Java等编程语言构建算法,而不是使用bash shell。
That being said, here's a high level analysis of your problem: At first glance it looks like a mininum set cover problem, but it's actually broken down into 2 parts:
Part 1 - What is the set of files to cover?
You want to find the combination of directories that cover the most number of duplicate files. But first you need to know what the maximum set of duplicate files are within your 24 directories.
Since the intersection of files between 2 directories is always greater than or equal to the intersection with a 3rd directory, you go through all pairs of directories and find what the maximum intersection set is:
(24 choose 2) = 276 comparisons
You take the largest intersection set found and use that as the set you are actually trying to cover.
Part 2 - The minimum set cover problem
This is a well-studied problem in computer science, so you are better served reading from the writings of people much smarter than I.
The only thing I have to note that it's a NP-Complete problem, so it's not trivial.
This is the best I can do to address the original formulation of your question, but I have a feeling that it's overkill for what you actually need to accomplish. You should consider updating your question with the actual problem that you need to solve.
Count duplicate file names in shell:
#! /bin/sh
# directories to test for
dirs='dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4'
# directory pairs already seen
for d1 in $dirs; do
for d2 in $dirs; do
if echo $seen | grep -q -e " $d1:$d2;" -e " $d2:$d1;"; then
: # don't count twice
elif test $d1 != $d2; then
# remember pair of directories
seen="$seen $d1:$d2;"
# count duplicates
ndups=`ls $d1 $d2 | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 > 1' | wc -l`
echo "$d1:$d2 $ndups"
# sort decreasing and take the first
done | sort -k 2rn | head -1
/ count_dups.sh:
1 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir2.
3 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir3.
4 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir4.
1 files are duplicated Comparing dir2 to dir3.
2 files are duplicated Comparing dir2 to dir4.
3 files are duplicated Comparing dir3 to dir4.
./count_dups.sh | sort -n | tail -1
/ count_dups。sh |排序-n |尾部-1
4 files are duplicated Comparing dir1 to dir4.
Using the script count_dups.sh:
# This assumes (among other things) that the dirs don't have spaces in the names
cd testdirs
declare -a DIRS=(`ls`);
function count_dups {
DUPS=`ls $1 $2 | sort | uniq -d | wc -l`
echo "$DUPS files are duplicated comparing $1 to $2."
while [ $LEFT -lt ${#DIRS[@]} ] ; do
RIGHT=$(( $LEFT + 1 ))
while [ $RIGHT -lt ${#DIRS[@]} ] ; do
count_dups ${DIRS[$LEFT]} ${DIRS[$RIGHT]}
RIGHT=$(( $RIGHT + 1 ))
LEFT=$(( $LEFT + 1 ))
Can we create hash table for all of these 24 directories? If the filename is just number , the hash function will be very easy to design.
If we can use hash table, it will be faster to search and find duplication.
Just for curiosity, I've done some simple tests: 24 directories with approximately 3900 files in each (a random number between 0 and 9999). Both bash-scripts take around 10 seconds each. Here is a basic python-script doing the same in ~0.2s:
出于好奇,我做了一些简单的测试:24个目录,每个目录大约有3900个文件(在0和9999之间的随机数)。两个base -scripts每个都花费大约10秒。下面是一个基本的python脚本,在~0.2s中执行同样的操作:
import sys, os
def get_max_duplicates(path):
items = [(d,set(os.listdir(os.path.join(path,d)))) \
for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, d))]
if len(items) < 2:
# need at least two directories
return ("","",0)
values = [(items[i][0],items[j][0],len(items[i][1].intersection(items[j][1]))) \
for i in range(len(items)) for j in range(i+1, len(items))]
return max(values, key=lambda a: a[2])
def main():
path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)==2 else os.getcwd()
r = get_max_duplicates(path)
print "%s and %s share %d files" % r
if __name__ == '__main__':
As mentioned by Richard, by using a hash-table (or set in python), we can speed things up. The intersection of two sets is O(min(len(set_a), len(set_b))) and we have to do N(N-1)/2=720
正如Richard所提到的,通过使用hashtable(或在python中设置),我们可以加快速度。两个集合的交点是O(min(len(set_a), len(set_b)))我们需要做N(N-1)/2=720比较。