
时间:2021-10-18 16:35:48

In C/C++, what is the difference between using #define [and #ifndef #endif] to create values, when you can easily do it with an int or std::string [C++] too?

在C / C ++中,使用#define [和#ifndef #endif]来创建值有什么区别,当你可以用int或std :: string [C ++]轻松完成它时呢?

#ifndef MYVAL
#define MYVAL(500)


cout << MYVAL << endl;




int MYVAL = 500;
cout << MYVAL << endl;

int MYVAL = 500;

6 个解决方案



Before I jump into history, here's a brief understanding of the difference between the two.


Variables are, well, variables. They take up space in the compiled program, and unless you mark them with const (which is a much later development than macros), they're mutable.


Macros, on the other hand, are preprocessed. The compiler never sees the macro. Instead, the macros are handled before compiling. The precompiler goes through the code, finds every macro, and replaces it verbatim with the macro text. This can be very powerful, somewhat useful, and fairly dangerous (since it's modifying code and never does any checking when doing so).


Also, macros can be set on the command line. You can define as many things as you want when you are compiling, and if your code checks for that macro, it can behave differently.


Macros existed long before C++. They have been useful for many things:

宏在C ++之前很久就存在了。它们对很多东西很有用:

  • You can use them very easily to represent constant expressions. They can save space, because they don't require any variables (though the constant expression still needs to be compiled in somewhere), and they existed before the const specifier, so they were an easy way to maintain constant "variables" - the precompiler would replace all instances of MYVAR with 500.
  • 您可以非常轻松地使用它们来表示常量表达式。它们可以节省空间,因为它们不需要任何变量(虽然常量表达式仍然需要在某处编译),并且它们存在于const说明符之前,因此它们是维护常量“变量”的简单方法 - 预编译器用500替换MYVAR的所有实例。

  • You can do all sorts of functions with them. I actually never made any myself, because the benefits never seemed to outweigh the risks. Macro functions that aren't carefully constructed can easily break your compile. But I have used some predefined macro functions.
  • 你可以用它们做各种各样的功能。我实际上从来没有做过任何事情,因为好处似乎从未超过风险。未仔细构造的宏函数很容易破坏编译。但我使用了一些预定义的宏函数。

  • #define macros are still used for many things
    • include guards (header files usually have a macro defined at the top, and check if it's defined to make sure they don't add it again),
    • 包含警卫(头文件通常在顶部定义一个宏,并检查它是否已定义以确保它们不再添加它),

    • TRUE and FALSE in C,
    • C中为TRUE,FALSE,

    • setting DEBUG mode so that code can behave differently for debugging and release. As one simple example, assertions are functions that behave differently if the DEBUG macro is present. (If it's not present, it returns completely empty code.)
    • 设置DEBUG模式,以便代码在调试和发布时的行为可以不同。举一个简单的例子,如果存在DEBUG宏,则断言是表现不同的函数。 (如果它不存在,则返回完全空代码。)

  • #define宏仍然用于许多事情,包括警卫(头文件通常在顶部定义了一个宏,并检查它是否被定义以确保它们不再添加它),在C中为TRUE和FALSE,设置DEBUG模式如此该代码在调试和发布方面的行为可能不同。举一个简单的例子,如果存在DEBUG宏,则断言是表现不同的函数。 (如果它不存在,则返回完全空代码。)

In the limited case where you're simply using a macro to represent a constant expression, you're right - they're no longer needed for that.

在有限的情况下,你只是使用一个宏来表示一个常量表达式,你是对的 - 它们不再需要它们了。



Your assumptions are wrong. #define doesn't create "values", it creates replacement text in your source code. It has basically nothing to do with C or C++ at all.

你的假设是错误的。 #define不会创建“值”,它会在源代码中创建替换文本。它基本上与C或C ++无关。



The difference is that with the macros (#) the preprocessor does a search and replace on that symbol. There is no type checking on the replace.


When you create a variable, it is typed and the compiler will do type checking where you use it.


C/C++ compilers are often thought of as 2-pass compilers. The first pass is the preprocessor which does search and replace on macros. The second pass is the actual compilation where the declared variables are created.

C / C ++编译器通常被认为是2遍编译器。第一遍是预处理器,它在宏上进行搜索和替换。第二遍是实际编译,其中创建了声明的变量。

Macros are often used to create more complex expressions so the code doesn't have to be repeated more than once and so the syntax is more compact. They are useful, but also more dangerous due to their 'blind' search and replace nature. In addition, you can't step into a macro with a debugger so they can be harder to troubleshoot.


Also, macros do not obey any scoping rules. #define MYVAL(500) will replace MYVAL with 500 even if it occurs in functions, global scope, class declarations, etc. so you have to be more careful in that way.

此外,宏不遵守任何范围规则。 #define MYVAL(500)将替换MYVAL为500,即使它出现在函数,全局范围,类声明等中,所以你必须更加小心。



When you #define something, it will be blindly replaced whenever it's found in your code:


#define the_answer 42
/// ...

int the_answer = /* oops! */



There are few important reasons why you shouldn't use #defines. For your questions in particular I would say, #define are plain text replacements and you can't limit the scope of the macro. i.e, you can't specify an access specifier or bind it to a namespace, so once you define the macros you can use them anywhere in the files where the define is included.


With 'const' variables you can have them bound in a scope


These could help : http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/const-vs-define.html





There is a huge difference:


a) #define MYVAL 500

a)#define MYVAL 500

This will create a macro. Each of its occurences in the source code will be replaced by its raw value by the preprocessor. It completely ignores the scope and you cannot change its value


b) int MYVAL = 500;

b)int MYVAL = 500;

This is a regular variable that obeys scope rules, i. e. when declared inside a function, it cannot be seen outside it, it can be shadowed within another function, etc...


On the other hand, variables cannot be used in preprocesor conditions (#if, #endif blocks)


One last example:


#define MYVAL 500

int main() {
    int MYVAL = 10; // illegal, gets preprocessed as int 500 = 10;

Same with variable:


int MYVAL = 500

int main() {
    int MYVAL = 10; // legal, MYVAL now references local variable, ::MYVAL is the global variable



Before I jump into history, here's a brief understanding of the difference between the two.


Variables are, well, variables. They take up space in the compiled program, and unless you mark them with const (which is a much later development than macros), they're mutable.


Macros, on the other hand, are preprocessed. The compiler never sees the macro. Instead, the macros are handled before compiling. The precompiler goes through the code, finds every macro, and replaces it verbatim with the macro text. This can be very powerful, somewhat useful, and fairly dangerous (since it's modifying code and never does any checking when doing so).


Also, macros can be set on the command line. You can define as many things as you want when you are compiling, and if your code checks for that macro, it can behave differently.


Macros existed long before C++. They have been useful for many things:

宏在C ++之前很久就存在了。它们对很多东西很有用:

  • You can use them very easily to represent constant expressions. They can save space, because they don't require any variables (though the constant expression still needs to be compiled in somewhere), and they existed before the const specifier, so they were an easy way to maintain constant "variables" - the precompiler would replace all instances of MYVAR with 500.
  • 您可以非常轻松地使用它们来表示常量表达式。它们可以节省空间,因为它们不需要任何变量(虽然常量表达式仍然需要在某处编译),并且它们存在于const说明符之前,因此它们是维护常量“变量”的简单方法 - 预编译器用500替换MYVAR的所有实例。

  • You can do all sorts of functions with them. I actually never made any myself, because the benefits never seemed to outweigh the risks. Macro functions that aren't carefully constructed can easily break your compile. But I have used some predefined macro functions.
  • 你可以用它们做各种各样的功能。我实际上从来没有做过任何事情,因为好处似乎从未超过风险。未仔细构造的宏函数很容易破坏编译。但我使用了一些预定义的宏函数。

  • #define macros are still used for many things
    • include guards (header files usually have a macro defined at the top, and check if it's defined to make sure they don't add it again),
    • 包含警卫(头文件通常在顶部定义一个宏,并检查它是否已定义以确保它们不再添加它),

    • TRUE and FALSE in C,
    • C中为TRUE,FALSE,

    • setting DEBUG mode so that code can behave differently for debugging and release. As one simple example, assertions are functions that behave differently if the DEBUG macro is present. (If it's not present, it returns completely empty code.)
    • 设置DEBUG模式,以便代码在调试和发布时的行为可以不同。举一个简单的例子,如果存在DEBUG宏,则断言是表现不同的函数。 (如果它不存在,则返回完全空代码。)

  • #define宏仍然用于许多事情,包括警卫(头文件通常在顶部定义了一个宏,并检查它是否被定义以确保它们不再添加它),在C中为TRUE和FALSE,设置DEBUG模式如此该代码在调试和发布方面的行为可能不同。举一个简单的例子,如果存在DEBUG宏,则断言是表现不同的函数。 (如果它不存在,则返回完全空代码。)

In the limited case where you're simply using a macro to represent a constant expression, you're right - they're no longer needed for that.

在有限的情况下,你只是使用一个宏来表示一个常量表达式,你是对的 - 它们不再需要它们了。



Your assumptions are wrong. #define doesn't create "values", it creates replacement text in your source code. It has basically nothing to do with C or C++ at all.

你的假设是错误的。 #define不会创建“值”,它会在源代码中创建替换文本。它基本上与C或C ++无关。



The difference is that with the macros (#) the preprocessor does a search and replace on that symbol. There is no type checking on the replace.


When you create a variable, it is typed and the compiler will do type checking where you use it.


C/C++ compilers are often thought of as 2-pass compilers. The first pass is the preprocessor which does search and replace on macros. The second pass is the actual compilation where the declared variables are created.

C / C ++编译器通常被认为是2遍编译器。第一遍是预处理器,它在宏上进行搜索和替换。第二遍是实际编译,其中创建了声明的变量。

Macros are often used to create more complex expressions so the code doesn't have to be repeated more than once and so the syntax is more compact. They are useful, but also more dangerous due to their 'blind' search and replace nature. In addition, you can't step into a macro with a debugger so they can be harder to troubleshoot.


Also, macros do not obey any scoping rules. #define MYVAL(500) will replace MYVAL with 500 even if it occurs in functions, global scope, class declarations, etc. so you have to be more careful in that way.

此外,宏不遵守任何范围规则。 #define MYVAL(500)将替换MYVAL为500,即使它出现在函数,全局范围,类声明等中,所以你必须更加小心。



When you #define something, it will be blindly replaced whenever it's found in your code:


#define the_answer 42
/// ...

int the_answer = /* oops! */



There are few important reasons why you shouldn't use #defines. For your questions in particular I would say, #define are plain text replacements and you can't limit the scope of the macro. i.e, you can't specify an access specifier or bind it to a namespace, so once you define the macros you can use them anywhere in the files where the define is included.


With 'const' variables you can have them bound in a scope


These could help : http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/const-vs-define.html





There is a huge difference:


a) #define MYVAL 500

a)#define MYVAL 500

This will create a macro. Each of its occurences in the source code will be replaced by its raw value by the preprocessor. It completely ignores the scope and you cannot change its value


b) int MYVAL = 500;

b)int MYVAL = 500;

This is a regular variable that obeys scope rules, i. e. when declared inside a function, it cannot be seen outside it, it can be shadowed within another function, etc...


On the other hand, variables cannot be used in preprocesor conditions (#if, #endif blocks)


One last example:


#define MYVAL 500

int main() {
    int MYVAL = 10; // illegal, gets preprocessed as int 500 = 10;

Same with variable:


int MYVAL = 500

int main() {
    int MYVAL = 10; // legal, MYVAL now references local variable, ::MYVAL is the global variable