sql blob和图像类型之间有什么区别

时间:2022-06-21 13:24:00

This question was actually posed to me this morning by one of my compadres, and it completely threw me, in so far as I didn't even realise SQL had an 'image' datatype so I've always simply gone down the route of compacting files/images etc into BLOB fields.


After having a (very) quick look around msdn the most I could really find was the info that the image datatype pages works like a blob or varbinary(max) up to a [max] size of ~2GB but past this can't seem to find too much more about it.


I'm wondering if maybe the image datatype is a way of providing indexable/searchable metadata on images within SQL...?


Does anyone have anything to offer, by way of links or explanations regarding this?


Any help would be gratefully received, so many thanks in advance of any replies!


UPDATE / Possible answer


After a little more digging I've perhaps acheived some headway with this...


It may well be that my original thoughts on what the "image" type relates to may have been somewhat misguided, maybe due to the type being titled "image" (which I apparently found quite misleading on first look) which I thought related to an image in a mimetype kinda way, but which appears to infer more of a "disk-image" or "binary-image" sort of idea.


In this way it seems that the IMAGE type was introduced to SQL before the varbinary type was allowed as a (max) field, possibly as a way of storing files in SQL in the way that is now taken for granted (by myself at least) with the use of VARBINARY(MAX)...


For Reference (both reasonably old but seem to fit the bill):




If anyone can offer any constructive crit on this possible answer that would be really useful in trying to understand this...


Cheers All!

2 个解决方案



It is vendor dependent but generally:


A blob/image data type is a column type which stores binary data in the database separate from rest of the columns. So everytime you ask for image/blob data, database looks up the location and reads the data and send back to you.

blob / image数据类型是一种列类型,它将二进制数据与其余列分开存储在数据库中。因此,每当您要求图像/ blob数据时,数据库都会查找位置并读取数据并发送给您。

Some vendors do TEXT data type which is the same thing wit the the difference it accepts textual data so you can put full-text indexes on them.




As you're referencing Microsoft SQL Server, one important thing to keep in mind when choosing between IMAGE and VARBINARY data types is that Microsoft is deprecating the IMAGE type - so the fact that you did not use it is in your case a very good thing.

当您引用Microsoft SQL Server时,在选择IMAGE和VARBINARY数据类型时要记住的一件重要事情是Microsoft正在弃用IMAGE类型 - 所以您不使用它的事实在您的情况下是一件非常好的事情。




It is vendor dependent but generally:


A blob/image data type is a column type which stores binary data in the database separate from rest of the columns. So everytime you ask for image/blob data, database looks up the location and reads the data and send back to you.

blob / image数据类型是一种列类型,它将二进制数据与其余列分开存储在数据库中。因此,每当您要求图像/ blob数据时,数据库都会查找位置并读取数据并发送给您。

Some vendors do TEXT data type which is the same thing wit the the difference it accepts textual data so you can put full-text indexes on them.




As you're referencing Microsoft SQL Server, one important thing to keep in mind when choosing between IMAGE and VARBINARY data types is that Microsoft is deprecating the IMAGE type - so the fact that you did not use it is in your case a very good thing.

当您引用Microsoft SQL Server时,在选择IMAGE和VARBINARY数据类型时要记住的一件重要事情是Microsoft正在弃用IMAGE类型 - 所以您不使用它的事实在您的情况下是一件非常好的事情。
