
时间:2021-09-17 16:34:18

I'm using the following sql for an ADO recordset against a SQLServer backend in VB6:


select c.name, taxid=
   case when exists(select 1 from sometable where fld='abc') 
   then c.SSN else null end

When I try to update the taxid field in a row within the recordset locally ADO complains with the error "Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value." I assume it's bothered by the fact that the taxid field is coming from a calculated field and not a raw table column. For my purposes I'm never going to be persisting these changes back to the database so I'm looking for a way to tell ADO that have no intent to persist changes so that it will allow me to change the data locally.


1 个解决方案



I think that @HK1's suggestion is a good one, though I'm not sure what happens to your ability to alter any of the values in the recordset whether the column you're trying to update is computed or not. It's been a long time since I played with classic ADO but if the recordset is disconnected it may become read only at that point.

我认为@ HK1的建议很好,但是我不确定你是否能够改变记录集中的任何值,无论你要更新的列是否被计算。自从我使用经典ADO以来已经很长时间了,但如果记录集断开连接,它可能会在那时只读。

But if you have no interest in using the recordset to perform updates, and you need to alter values locally, perhaps you should consider storing the results in a local array first? That way you can minimize the locking and cursor options of the recordset, for example, and immediately close the recordset and free up those resources.


rs.Open cmd, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

Dim MyArray
MyArray = rs.GetRows()

rs.Close: set rs = nothing

Now you can manipulate MyArray however you want...

现在你可以随心所欲地操纵MyArray ......



I think that @HK1's suggestion is a good one, though I'm not sure what happens to your ability to alter any of the values in the recordset whether the column you're trying to update is computed or not. It's been a long time since I played with classic ADO but if the recordset is disconnected it may become read only at that point.

我认为@ HK1的建议很好,但是我不确定你是否能够改变记录集中的任何值,无论你要更新的列是否被计算。自从我使用经典ADO以来已经很长时间了,但如果记录集断开连接,它可能会在那时只读。

But if you have no interest in using the recordset to perform updates, and you need to alter values locally, perhaps you should consider storing the results in a local array first? That way you can minimize the locking and cursor options of the recordset, for example, and immediately close the recordset and free up those resources.


rs.Open cmd, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

Dim MyArray
MyArray = rs.GetRows()

rs.Close: set rs = nothing

Now you can manipulate MyArray however you want...

现在你可以随心所欲地操纵MyArray ......