
时间:2021-02-09 16:29:52

I am using SQL server 2005. In one of the tables, I have a column "xmldefinition" which is of ntext type. Now the data in this column is very huge and contains whole xml text.

我正在使用SQL Server 2005.在其中一个表中,我有一个“xmldefinition”列,它是ntext类型。现在,此列中的数据非常庞大,并包含整个xml文本。

eg:- <root><something1>....</something1></root>

I want to get the whole string from management studio and copy it outside in a xml file just to go through the whole xml manually. But when I query for this column and I copy and paste the data into another file, the contents are broken in middle and it is not complete.


eg:- <root><something1>........<somechar

I believe this will copy only some 8196 characters from xml data in column. So my question is, how do I get the complete data for this column manually. I can however write a C# code to read that column, but I want to do this manually in management studio. Any idea please.


3 个解决方案



Why not convert the data from NText to XML in your select statement? Then you get the option of opening up the XML in a separate window within SSMS.




The export technique shown in SQL Server truncation and 8192 limitation worked for me. In summary it says:

SQL Server截断和8192限制中显示的导出技术对我有用。总之它说:

You can export the data to a flat file which will not be truncated. To do this:


  • Right click the Database
  • 右键单击数据库

  • Click Tasks -> Export Data
  • 单击任务 - >导出数据

  • Select your Data Source (defaults should be fine)
  • 选择您的数据源(默认值应该没问题)

  • Choose "Flat File Destination" for the Destination type.
  • 为目标类型选择“平面文件目标”。

  • Pick a file name for the output.
  • 选择输出的文件名。

  • On the "Specify Table Copy or Query", choose "Write a query to specify the data to transfer"
  • 在“指定表复制或查询”上,选择“编写查询以指定要传输的数据”

  • Paste in your query
  • 粘贴在您的查询中

Remaining steps should be self explanatory. This will output the file to text and you can open it in your favorite text editor.




The only way of exceeding this limit in general is via XML. For long varchar columns I normally use something like the following (the processing instruction trick avoids < being changed to &lt; etc.)

一般来说,超过此限制的唯一方法是通过XML。对于长varchar列,我通常使用类似下面的内容(处理指令技巧避免 <被更改为<等等)< p>

select object_definition(object_id('sysdatabases')) 
 as [processing-instruction(x)] FOR XML PATH 

Of course in your case the data is already XML so a simple cast should work!




Why not convert the data from NText to XML in your select statement? Then you get the option of opening up the XML in a separate window within SSMS.




The export technique shown in SQL Server truncation and 8192 limitation worked for me. In summary it says:

SQL Server截断和8192限制中显示的导出技术对我有用。总之它说:

You can export the data to a flat file which will not be truncated. To do this:


  • Right click the Database
  • 右键单击数据库

  • Click Tasks -> Export Data
  • 单击任务 - >导出数据

  • Select your Data Source (defaults should be fine)
  • 选择您的数据源(默认值应该没问题)

  • Choose "Flat File Destination" for the Destination type.
  • 为目标类型选择“平面文件目标”。

  • Pick a file name for the output.
  • 选择输出的文件名。

  • On the "Specify Table Copy or Query", choose "Write a query to specify the data to transfer"
  • 在“指定表复制或查询”上,选择“编写查询以指定要传输的数据”

  • Paste in your query
  • 粘贴在您的查询中

Remaining steps should be self explanatory. This will output the file to text and you can open it in your favorite text editor.




The only way of exceeding this limit in general is via XML. For long varchar columns I normally use something like the following (the processing instruction trick avoids < being changed to &lt; etc.)

一般来说,超过此限制的唯一方法是通过XML。对于长varchar列,我通常使用类似下面的内容(处理指令技巧避免 <被更改为<等等)< p>

select object_definition(object_id('sysdatabases')) 
 as [processing-instruction(x)] FOR XML PATH 

Of course in your case the data is already XML so a simple cast should work!
