
时间:2020-11-26 16:30:47

I have a query that grabs the first person from a department who punched in first, and the person from a department that punched in last. Essentially this shows me who opened a location, and closed a location. Below is my query I am using the "OVER" function, however the over function does not work for a dataset in VB.net Are there any other options to replace the over function with?


    SELECT timeclock.dtTimeIn, timeclock.dtTimeOut, employees.sfirstname,
       RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
       RANK() OVER (ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record gets 1

    FROM   TimeClock INNER JOIN
                         Employees ON TimeClock.lEmployeeID = Employees.lEmployeeID
    WHERE (dtTimeIn > dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, getdate())-1, 0)) AND (dtTimeOut < dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, getdate()), 0)) AND 
      (sDept IN ('1', '2', '3'))
) A
WHERE rk2=1 

3 个解决方案



You can try with this:


SELECT  tc.dtTimeIn
        , tc.dtTimeOut
        , e.sfirstname
FROM    TimeClock tc
JOIN    Employees e ON tc.lEmployeeID = e.lEmployeeID
JOIN    (               
            SELECT  DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, tc.dtTimeIn), 0) _date
                    , MIN(tc.dtTimeIn) dtTimeIn
                    , MAX(tc.dtTimeOut) dtTimeOut
            FROM    TimeClock tc
            WHERE   e.sDept IN ('1', '2', '3')
            GROUP BY
                    DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, tc.dtTimeIn), 0)
) t ON  t._date = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
AND     DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, tc.dtTimeIn), 0) = t._date
AND     (t.dtTimeIn = tc.dtTimeIn OR t.dtTimeOut = tc.dtTimeOut)
WHERE   e.sDept IN ('1', '2', '3')



You can replace it with a correlated subquery. Here is an example for rk1:


(select count(distinct lEmployeeId)
 from TimeClock tc
 where tc.lEmployeeId = timeclock.lemployeeId and
       tc.dtTimeIn <= timeclock.dtTimeIn
) as rk1

Rank can produce multiple records all labelled with 1 (when there are ties). If you really mean row_number(), then you would use count(*) in the above query instead of count(distinct).




your query just return who closed a location...


to return who open and who closed you need to change your where clause to


where rk2 = 1 or rk1 = 1

and if you will get from many sDept at same time the order should be partitioned for sDept like this


RANK() OVER ( partition by sDept ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
           RANK() OVER ( partition by sDept ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record get



setting an ambient to run your query


    declare @TimeClock table ( lEmployeeID int, dtTimeIn datetime, dtTimeOut datetime)
    declare @Employees table ( lEmployeeID int, sfirstname varchar(max),sDept varchar(max))
    declare @getDate date
    set @getDate ='02/12/2013' 

    insert @Employees 
    values (1,'Ana','1')

    insert @TimeClock
    values (1 ,'02/12/2013 08:30','02/11/2013 11:30')
    ,(2 ,'02/12/2013 08:00','02/11/2013 11:00')
    ,(3 ,'02/12/2013 08:15','02/11/2013 11:15')

your query...


        SELECT timeclock.dtTimeIn, timeclock.dtTimeOut, employees.sfirstname,
           RANK() OVER (partition by sDept  ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
           RANK() OVER (partition by sDept  ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record gets 1

        FROM   @TimeClock timeclock
        INNER JOIN @Employees Employees
        ON TimeClock.lEmployeeID = Employees.lEmployeeID
        WHERE (dtTimeIn > dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate)-1, 0)) AND (dtTimeOut < dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate), 0)) AND 
          (sDept IN ('1', '2', '3'))
    ) A
    WHERE rk2=1 



    dtTimeIn            dtTimeOut                   sfirstname  rk1 rk2
    2013-02-12 08:30:00.000 2013-02-11 11:30:00.000 Ana         3   1

see.. just who closed is in resultset

看到. .合上的就是resultset

changing the where clause...


        SELECT timeclock.dtTimeIn, timeclock.dtTimeOut, employees.sfirstname,
           RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
           RANK() OVER (ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record gets 1

        FROM   @TimeClock timeclock
        INNER JOIN @Employees Employees
        ON TimeClock.lEmployeeID = Employees.lEmployeeID
        WHERE (dtTimeIn > dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate)-1, 0)) AND (dtTimeOut < dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate), 0)) AND 
          (sDept IN ('1', '2', '3'))
    ) A
    WHERE rk2=1 
    or rk1 = 1

return both.. who open and who closed...

返回两个. .谁打开谁关闭……

        dtTimeIn            dtTimeOut               sfirstname  rk1 rk2
    2013-02-12 08:30:00.000 2013-02-11 11:30:00.000 Ana     3   1

    2013-02-12 08:00:00.000 2013-02-11 11:00:00.000 Pedro   1   3
2013-02-12 08:15:00.000 2013-02-11 11:15:00.000 Alfred  1   1

Pedro did opened and Ana closed the sDept '1' and Alfred did opened and closed sDept '2'

佩德罗打开了sDept '1, Ana关闭了sDept '1阿尔弗雷德打开了sDept '2关闭了



You can try with this:


SELECT  tc.dtTimeIn
        , tc.dtTimeOut
        , e.sfirstname
FROM    TimeClock tc
JOIN    Employees e ON tc.lEmployeeID = e.lEmployeeID
JOIN    (               
            SELECT  DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, tc.dtTimeIn), 0) _date
                    , MIN(tc.dtTimeIn) dtTimeIn
                    , MAX(tc.dtTimeOut) dtTimeOut
            FROM    TimeClock tc
            WHERE   e.sDept IN ('1', '2', '3')
            GROUP BY
                    DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, tc.dtTimeIn), 0)
) t ON  t._date = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
AND     DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, tc.dtTimeIn), 0) = t._date
AND     (t.dtTimeIn = tc.dtTimeIn OR t.dtTimeOut = tc.dtTimeOut)
WHERE   e.sDept IN ('1', '2', '3')



You can replace it with a correlated subquery. Here is an example for rk1:


(select count(distinct lEmployeeId)
 from TimeClock tc
 where tc.lEmployeeId = timeclock.lemployeeId and
       tc.dtTimeIn <= timeclock.dtTimeIn
) as rk1

Rank can produce multiple records all labelled with 1 (when there are ties). If you really mean row_number(), then you would use count(*) in the above query instead of count(distinct).




your query just return who closed a location...


to return who open and who closed you need to change your where clause to


where rk2 = 1 or rk1 = 1

and if you will get from many sDept at same time the order should be partitioned for sDept like this


RANK() OVER ( partition by sDept ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
           RANK() OVER ( partition by sDept ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record get



setting an ambient to run your query


    declare @TimeClock table ( lEmployeeID int, dtTimeIn datetime, dtTimeOut datetime)
    declare @Employees table ( lEmployeeID int, sfirstname varchar(max),sDept varchar(max))
    declare @getDate date
    set @getDate ='02/12/2013' 

    insert @Employees 
    values (1,'Ana','1')

    insert @TimeClock
    values (1 ,'02/12/2013 08:30','02/11/2013 11:30')
    ,(2 ,'02/12/2013 08:00','02/11/2013 11:00')
    ,(3 ,'02/12/2013 08:15','02/11/2013 11:15')

your query...


        SELECT timeclock.dtTimeIn, timeclock.dtTimeOut, employees.sfirstname,
           RANK() OVER (partition by sDept  ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
           RANK() OVER (partition by sDept  ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record gets 1

        FROM   @TimeClock timeclock
        INNER JOIN @Employees Employees
        ON TimeClock.lEmployeeID = Employees.lEmployeeID
        WHERE (dtTimeIn > dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate)-1, 0)) AND (dtTimeOut < dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate), 0)) AND 
          (sDept IN ('1', '2', '3'))
    ) A
    WHERE rk2=1 



    dtTimeIn            dtTimeOut                   sfirstname  rk1 rk2
    2013-02-12 08:30:00.000 2013-02-11 11:30:00.000 Ana         3   1

see.. just who closed is in resultset

看到. .合上的就是resultset

changing the where clause...


        SELECT timeclock.dtTimeIn, timeclock.dtTimeOut, employees.sfirstname,
           RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY dtTimeIn) rk1, --earliest record gets 1
           RANK() OVER (ORDER BY dtTimeOut DESC) rk2 --latest record gets 1

        FROM   @TimeClock timeclock
        INNER JOIN @Employees Employees
        ON TimeClock.lEmployeeID = Employees.lEmployeeID
        WHERE (dtTimeIn > dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate)-1, 0)) AND (dtTimeOut < dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, @getDate), 0)) AND 
          (sDept IN ('1', '2', '3'))
    ) A
    WHERE rk2=1 
    or rk1 = 1

return both.. who open and who closed...

返回两个. .谁打开谁关闭……

        dtTimeIn            dtTimeOut               sfirstname  rk1 rk2
    2013-02-12 08:30:00.000 2013-02-11 11:30:00.000 Ana     3   1

    2013-02-12 08:00:00.000 2013-02-11 11:00:00.000 Pedro   1   3
2013-02-12 08:15:00.000 2013-02-11 11:15:00.000 Alfred  1   1

Pedro did opened and Ana closed the sDept '1' and Alfred did opened and closed sDept '2'

佩德罗打开了sDept '1, Ana关闭了sDept '1阿尔弗雷德打开了sDept '2关闭了