
时间:2022-04-05 16:27:52

I have a class like SomeController<A where A: ProtA>

我有一个类SomeController ,其中a:prota>

I have some subclasses like SubController: SomeController<SubA>


Here's a working example of how I'm trying to type check:


protocol SomeProtocol {


class SuperClass<A where A: SomeProtocol> {


class SubProtocol: SomeProtocol {


class SubClass: SuperClass<SubProtocol> {


func classTest<A where A: SomeProtocol>(classToTest: SuperClass<A>) {
    switch classToTest {
    case is SubClass: // Has warning 'Cast from SuperClass<A> to SubClass always fails'
        print("I'm a SubClass")

        print("Wasn't found")

classTest(SubClass()) // Prints "I'm a SubClass"

Functionally, the code does exactly what I want, however, I'm left with a ton of warnings saying Cast from SuperClass<A> to SubClass always fails

在功能上,代码完全符合我的要求,但是,我留下了大量的警告,说从SuperClass 到SubClass的Cast始终失败

Clearly the types are related, and clearly the code runs fine and doesn't 'always fail', so this warning seems to be wrong. Is this a current limitation or edge case of the type system, or is there a way to make the warning go away?


1 个解决方案



Defining SuperClass as it's own generic suppresses the warning. I also don't think you need a where clause to specify that A conforms to SomeProtocol.


func classTest<A:SomeProtocol, B:SuperClass<A>>(classToTest: B, useA:A) {

    switch classToTest {
    case is SubClass: // Has warning 'Cast from SuperClass<A> to SubClass always fails'
        print("I'm a SubClass")

        print("Wasn't found")



Defining SuperClass as it's own generic suppresses the warning. I also don't think you need a where clause to specify that A conforms to SomeProtocol.


func classTest<A:SomeProtocol, B:SuperClass<A>>(classToTest: B, useA:A) {

    switch classToTest {
    case is SubClass: // Has warning 'Cast from SuperClass<A> to SubClass always fails'
        print("I'm a SubClass")

        print("Wasn't found")