
时间:2022-02-16 16:27:11

I am confused about when to use primitive vs. non-primitive(?) types (i.e. int vs. Integer) in Java. I realize that in some places you can't use primitive types (for example when making use of generics). But what about in "normal" code? Is there a performance penalty for using non-primitive types? What about when working with Android?


***My question is very similar to this question, which was discovered by one of the posters below. The answers to the linked question give additional insights into this question, which are not covered below.


*** "non-primitive" types are officially referred to as reference types.


5 个解决方案



Short answer: An int is a number; an Integer is a pointer that can reference an object that contains a number. Using Integer for arithmetic involves more CPU cycles and consumes more memory. An int is not an object and cannot passed to any method that requires objects (just like what you said about Generics).

简短回答:int是一个数字;整数是一个可以引用包含数字的对象的指针。使用Integer进行算术会占用更多CPU周期并消耗更多内存。 int不是一个对象,不能传递给任何需要对象的方法(就像你对Generics所说的那样)。



Non-primitive types are objects. They have to be dynamically allocated, garbage collected, and checked for null-ness (although some of these operations may get removed by an optimizing compiler). Reading their actual value requires loading from a pointer. Primitive types are values. They generally take up less space and are faster to access.


A good rule of thumb is, use primitive types unless you need polymorphism, in which case use the corresponding object.




There is a slight penalty for converting between the types (autoboxing). Also int will have a bit less overhead so I would always go with int if you can.

在类型之间进行转换(自动装箱)会有轻微的损失。 int也会有更少的开销,所以如果可以的话我会一直使用int。

Also see this question: When to use primitive and when reference types in Java




As an OO purist, you would likely shun the primitives altogether and damn the performance costs and lack of postfix operators. (Yes, there is a performance cost.) You may also adopt this approach simply from extensibility considerations as a designer (without necessarily being hung up on purity.)

作为一个OO纯粹主义者,你可能会完全避开原语,并且会损害性能成本和缺乏后缀运算符。 (是的,有性能成本。)您也可以简单地从作为设计者的可扩展性考虑中采用这种方法(不一定是纯粹的。)

As a practical matter (outside of theoretical and aesthetic questions), use the primitives everywhere you can and use the object version where you can't use primitives. (You already mentioned one such case. The language and APIs will drive this decision.)

作为一个实际问题(在理论和美学问题之外),尽可能使用基元,并使用不能使用基元的对象版本。 (您已经提到了一个这样的案例。语言和API将推动这一决定。)

As a performance freak, you would likely shun the object versions and you may not really care too deeply if you step on a few OO golden rules and sacrosanct no-goes: performance is king and you make your decisions accordingly.


I'd recommend option 2 as a good place to start until you develop your own dogmatic preferences! :)

我建议选择2作为一个好的开始,直到你开发自己的教条偏好! :)



My view: Using Integer as parameters or return values allows one thing that primitive ints don't allow: Using null. But is this a good idea? I think it rarely ever is.


As far as performance is concerned: The compiler will optimize your code to some degree, so that is most of the time not a real concern.




Short answer: An int is a number; an Integer is a pointer that can reference an object that contains a number. Using Integer for arithmetic involves more CPU cycles and consumes more memory. An int is not an object and cannot passed to any method that requires objects (just like what you said about Generics).

简短回答:int是一个数字;整数是一个可以引用包含数字的对象的指针。使用Integer进行算术会占用更多CPU周期并消耗更多内存。 int不是一个对象,不能传递给任何需要对象的方法(就像你对Generics所说的那样)。



Non-primitive types are objects. They have to be dynamically allocated, garbage collected, and checked for null-ness (although some of these operations may get removed by an optimizing compiler). Reading their actual value requires loading from a pointer. Primitive types are values. They generally take up less space and are faster to access.


A good rule of thumb is, use primitive types unless you need polymorphism, in which case use the corresponding object.




There is a slight penalty for converting between the types (autoboxing). Also int will have a bit less overhead so I would always go with int if you can.

在类型之间进行转换(自动装箱)会有轻微的损失。 int也会有更少的开销,所以如果可以的话我会一直使用int。

Also see this question: When to use primitive and when reference types in Java




As an OO purist, you would likely shun the primitives altogether and damn the performance costs and lack of postfix operators. (Yes, there is a performance cost.) You may also adopt this approach simply from extensibility considerations as a designer (without necessarily being hung up on purity.)

作为一个OO纯粹主义者,你可能会完全避开原语,并且会损害性能成本和缺乏后缀运算符。 (是的,有性能成本。)您也可以简单地从作为设计者的可扩展性考虑中采用这种方法(不一定是纯粹的。)

As a practical matter (outside of theoretical and aesthetic questions), use the primitives everywhere you can and use the object version where you can't use primitives. (You already mentioned one such case. The language and APIs will drive this decision.)

作为一个实际问题(在理论和美学问题之外),尽可能使用基元,并使用不能使用基元的对象版本。 (您已经提到了一个这样的案例。语言和API将推动这一决定。)

As a performance freak, you would likely shun the object versions and you may not really care too deeply if you step on a few OO golden rules and sacrosanct no-goes: performance is king and you make your decisions accordingly.


I'd recommend option 2 as a good place to start until you develop your own dogmatic preferences! :)

我建议选择2作为一个好的开始,直到你开发自己的教条偏好! :)



My view: Using Integer as parameters or return values allows one thing that primitive ints don't allow: Using null. But is this a good idea? I think it rarely ever is.


As far as performance is concerned: The compiler will optimize your code to some degree, so that is most of the time not a real concern.
