C int数据类型*在实践中*

时间:2022-03-10 16:23:39

The spec is obviously vague to the point of being almost useless, but my understanding is that in practice the integer types are always as follows:


  • int - 16 bit on ancient 16 bit systems, otherwise always 32 bits even on 64 bit architectures
  • int - 古代16位系统上的16位,即使在64位架构上也是32位
  • long - always 32 bits
  • 长 - 总是32位
  • long long - always 64 bits
  • 很长 - 总是64位
  • size_t - 32 bit on 32 bit systems, 64 bits on 64 bit systems (unsigned)
  • size_t - 32位系统上的32位,64位系统上的64位(无符号)

Is that table really correct? Are there any significant implementations that violate it?


Updated Table based on responses below


  • int - 16 bit on ancient 16 bit systems, otherwise always 32 bits even on 64 bit architectures
  • int - 古代16位系统上的16位,即使在64位架构上也是32位
  • long - may be 32 or 64 bit on 64 bit systems. (Windows 32, *nix usually 64)
  • long - 在64位系统上可能是32位或64位。 (Windows 32,* nix通常为64)
  • long long - always 64 bits
  • 很长 - 总是64位
  • size_t - 32 bit on 32 bit systems, 64 bits on 64 bit systems (unsigned)
  • size_t - 32位系统上的32位,64位系统上的64位(无符号)

1 个解决方案



long - always 32 bits

长 - 总是32位

That's wrong assumption. There are platforms with 64-bit long
I think you can begin from here




long - always 32 bits

长 - 总是32位

That's wrong assumption. There are platforms with 64-bit long
I think you can begin from here
