Just wondering, because of a problem I am running into, is it possible to create a vector of pointers? And if so, how? Specifically concerning using iterators and .begin() with it, ie: How would I turn this vector into a vector of pointers:
class c
void virtual func();
class sc:public c
void func(){cout<<"using func";}
sc cobj;
vector<c>::iterator citer
6 个解决方案
vector<c*> cvect;
cvect.push_back(new sc);
vector<c*>::iterator citer;
for(citer=cvect.begin(); citer != cvect.end(); citer++) {
Things to keep in mind:
You'll need to cleanup after your self if you use dynamically allocated memory as I did in my example
for(...) { delete *i; }
This can be simplified by using a vector of shared_ptr
s (like boost::shared_ptr
). Do not attempt to use std::auto_ptr
for this, it will not work (won't even compile).
这可以通过使用shared_ptrs的向量(如boost :: shared_ptr)来简化。不要尝试使用std :: auto_ptr,它将无法工作(甚至不会编译)。
Another thing to keep in mind, you should avoid using <
to compare iterators in your loop when possible, it will only work for iterators that model a random access iterator, which means you can't change out your code to use e.g. a std::list
另外要记住的是,你应该避免在可能的情况下使用 <来比较循环中的迭代器,它只适用于为随机访问迭代器建模的迭代器,这意味着你无法更改代码以便使用,例如一个std :: list。< p>
vector <c> cvect
is not a vector of pointers. It is a vector of objects of type c. You want vector <c*> cvect
. and the you probably want:
cvect.push_back( new c );
And then, given an iterator, you want something like:
Of course, it's quite probable you didn't want a vector of pointers in the first place...
Yes it is possible, and in fact it is necessary to use pointers if you intend your vector to contain objects from an entire class hierarchy rather than of a single type. (Failing to use pointers will result in the dreaded problem of object slicing -- all objects are silently converted to base class type. This is not diagnosed by the compiler, and is almost certainly not what you want.)
是的,这是可能的,事实上,如果您希望向量包含整个类层次结构中的对象而不是单个类型,则必须使用指针。 (未使用指针将导致对象切片的可怕问题 - 所有对象都以静默方式转换为基类类型。这不是由编译器诊断的,几乎肯定不是您想要的。)
class c
void virtual func();
class sc:public c
void func(){cout<<"using func";}
sc cobj;
vector<c*> cvect; // Note the type is "c*"
cvect.push_back(&cobj); // Note the "&"
vector<c*>::iterator citer;
for(citer=cvect.begin();citer != cvect.end();citer++) // Use "!=" not "<"
Note that with a vector of pointers, you need to do your own memory management, so be very careful -- if you will be using local objects (as above), they must not fall out of scope before the container does. If you use pointers to objects created with new
, you'll need to delete
them manually before the container is destroyed. You should absolutely consider using smart pointers in this case, such as the smart_ptr
provided by Boost
请注意,使用指针向量,您需要进行自己的内存管理,因此要非常小心 - 如果您将使用本地对象(如上所述),它们必须在容器之前不会超出范围。如果使用指向使用new创建的对象的指针,则需要在销毁容器之前手动删除它们。在这种情况下,您应该绝对考虑使用智能指针,例如Boost提供的smart_ptr。
Yes, sure.
// TestCPP.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class c
void virtual func() = 0;
class sc:public c
void func(){cout<<"using func";}
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
sc cobj;
vector<c*> cvect;
vector<c*>::iterator citer;
return 0;
Please note the declaration of vector<c*> cvect
and the use of cvect.push_back(&cobj)
From the code provided, you are using iterator in a wrong way. To access the member an iterator is pointing to you must use *citer
instead of citer
从提供的代码中,您以错误的方式使用迭代器。要访问该成员,迭代器指向您必须单独使用* citer而不是citer。
You have create vector<c*>
for a vector of pointers. Then use new
to allocate the memory for c objects and push them into vector. Also, don't forget that you have to delete
yourself and vector.clear() will not release the memory allocated for c objects. You have to store c as a vector of pointers here, otherwise the call to the virtual function will not work.
Try Boost Pointer Container Library. It has several advantages over regular vector of pointers, like:
my_container.push_back( 0 ); // throws bad_ptr
ptr_vector<X> pvec;
std::vector<X*> vec;
( *vec.begin() )->foo(); // call X::foo(), a bit clumsy
pvec.begin()->foo(); // no indirection needed
vector<c*> cvect;
cvect.push_back(new sc);
vector<c*>::iterator citer;
for(citer=cvect.begin(); citer != cvect.end(); citer++) {
Things to keep in mind:
You'll need to cleanup after your self if you use dynamically allocated memory as I did in my example
for(...) { delete *i; }
This can be simplified by using a vector of shared_ptr
s (like boost::shared_ptr
). Do not attempt to use std::auto_ptr
for this, it will not work (won't even compile).
这可以通过使用shared_ptrs的向量(如boost :: shared_ptr)来简化。不要尝试使用std :: auto_ptr,它将无法工作(甚至不会编译)。
Another thing to keep in mind, you should avoid using <
to compare iterators in your loop when possible, it will only work for iterators that model a random access iterator, which means you can't change out your code to use e.g. a std::list
另外要记住的是,你应该避免在可能的情况下使用 <来比较循环中的迭代器,它只适用于为随机访问迭代器建模的迭代器,这意味着你无法更改代码以便使用,例如一个std :: list。< p>
vector <c> cvect
is not a vector of pointers. It is a vector of objects of type c. You want vector <c*> cvect
. and the you probably want:
cvect.push_back( new c );
And then, given an iterator, you want something like:
Of course, it's quite probable you didn't want a vector of pointers in the first place...
Yes it is possible, and in fact it is necessary to use pointers if you intend your vector to contain objects from an entire class hierarchy rather than of a single type. (Failing to use pointers will result in the dreaded problem of object slicing -- all objects are silently converted to base class type. This is not diagnosed by the compiler, and is almost certainly not what you want.)
是的,这是可能的,事实上,如果您希望向量包含整个类层次结构中的对象而不是单个类型,则必须使用指针。 (未使用指针将导致对象切片的可怕问题 - 所有对象都以静默方式转换为基类类型。这不是由编译器诊断的,几乎肯定不是您想要的。)
class c
void virtual func();
class sc:public c
void func(){cout<<"using func";}
sc cobj;
vector<c*> cvect; // Note the type is "c*"
cvect.push_back(&cobj); // Note the "&"
vector<c*>::iterator citer;
for(citer=cvect.begin();citer != cvect.end();citer++) // Use "!=" not "<"
Note that with a vector of pointers, you need to do your own memory management, so be very careful -- if you will be using local objects (as above), they must not fall out of scope before the container does. If you use pointers to objects created with new
, you'll need to delete
them manually before the container is destroyed. You should absolutely consider using smart pointers in this case, such as the smart_ptr
provided by Boost
请注意,使用指针向量,您需要进行自己的内存管理,因此要非常小心 - 如果您将使用本地对象(如上所述),它们必须在容器之前不会超出范围。如果使用指向使用new创建的对象的指针,则需要在销毁容器之前手动删除它们。在这种情况下,您应该绝对考虑使用智能指针,例如Boost提供的smart_ptr。
Yes, sure.
// TestCPP.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class c
void virtual func() = 0;
class sc:public c
void func(){cout<<"using func";}
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
sc cobj;
vector<c*> cvect;
vector<c*>::iterator citer;
return 0;
Please note the declaration of vector<c*> cvect
and the use of cvect.push_back(&cobj)
From the code provided, you are using iterator in a wrong way. To access the member an iterator is pointing to you must use *citer
instead of citer
从提供的代码中,您以错误的方式使用迭代器。要访问该成员,迭代器指向您必须单独使用* citer而不是citer。
You have create vector<c*>
for a vector of pointers. Then use new
to allocate the memory for c objects and push them into vector. Also, don't forget that you have to delete
yourself and vector.clear() will not release the memory allocated for c objects. You have to store c as a vector of pointers here, otherwise the call to the virtual function will not work.
Try Boost Pointer Container Library. It has several advantages over regular vector of pointers, like:
my_container.push_back( 0 ); // throws bad_ptr
ptr_vector<X> pvec;
std::vector<X*> vec;
( *vec.begin() )->foo(); // call X::foo(), a bit clumsy
pvec.begin()->foo(); // no indirection needed