实现二叉搜索树 - “返回类型'struct item_t *'时不兼容的类型......”

时间:2022-10-09 16:11:43

I'm trying to implement a binary search tree that holds an inventory of ordered stock. The stocked item attributes are stored in nodes as such:


typedef struct item item_t;
struct item{
    char name;
    int price;
    int quantity;
    item_t *left;
    item_t *right;

The idea is to prompt a user to enter the above attributes, and then add the entered item to a node. This is what I've written so far:


item_t *root = NULL;
item_t *current_leaf = NULL;

void prompt_user(){
    In here contains the code that prompts the user for the item attributes
    and stores it in a variable called input

void insert_node(char *input){
    /*If tree doesnt have a root...*/
    if (root == NULL){

        /*Create one...*/
        root = create_node(input);

        item_t *cursor = root;
        item_t *prev = NULL;
        int is_left = 0;
        int comparison;

        while(cursor != NULL){

            /*comparison will be 1 is the key of input is less than the key   
            of the cursor, and 2 otherwise...*/
            comparison = compare(input, cursor);
            prev = cursor;

            if(comparison == 1){
                is_left = 1;
                cursor = cursor->left;
            else if (comparison == 2){
                is_left = 0;
                cursor = cursor->right;

            *prev->left = create_node(input);
            current_leaf = prev->left;
            *prev->right = create_node(input);
            current_leaf = prev->right;

item_t create_node(char *input){

    item_t *new_node = (item_t*)malloc(sizeof(item_t));

    if (new_node == NULL){
        printf("Out of memory. Shutting down.\n");

    /*Add data to the node...*/
    update_item(input, new_node);

    new_node->left = NULL;
    new_node->right = NULL;

    current_leaf = new_node;

    return new_node;

I want root to always be pointing to the first item ever entered, and current_leaf to be pointing to the last item processed. compare returns 1 if the item being processed (input) is less than the last processed item (current_leaf). update_item is what sets the data for the new nodes (leaves).

我希望root始终指向已输入的第一个项目,并且current_leaf指向最后处理的项目。如果正在处理的项目(输入)小于最后处理的项目(current_leaf),则compare返回1。 update_item用于设置新节点(叶子)的数据。

The above isn't fully complete, but it's what I'm up to at the moment. I'm struggling to work out how to write add_node and how to keep current_leaf updated correctly.


When I try to compile I get the following errors:


$ gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -o proj2.exe proj2.c
 proj2.c: In function 'insert_node':
 proj2.c:416:14: error: incompatible types when assigning to type'structitem_t *' from type 'item_t'
         root = create_node(input);
 proj2.c: In function 'create_node':
 proj2.c:470:5: error: incompatible types when returning type 'struct item_t *' but 'item_t' was expected
      return new_node;

1 个解决方案


item_t create_node(char *input)

should be

item_t *create_node(char *input)

What you return is a structure but you should be returning pointer of type struct item.

你返回的是一个结构,但你应该返回struct item类型的指针。


item_t create_node(char *input)

should be

item_t *create_node(char *input)

What you return is a structure but you should be returning pointer of type struct item.

你返回的是一个结构,但你应该返回struct item类型的指针。