
时间:2021-01-04 16:05:53

could someone please help with a questions around the parametrization of scipy distributions and how to transform them?


I basically would like to recover distribution parameters of data that I simulate with numpy...


some_data = np.random.normal(loc=81, scale=7, size=100000)

...by fitting a distribution with scipy


recovered_parms = scipy.stats.norm.fit(some_data)

For the normal distribution, this works. recovered_parms ~= (81,7)

对于正态分布,这行得通。recovered_parms ~ =(81 7)

However, for e.g. a wald distribution it does not.


some_data = np.random.wald(mean=4, scale=41, size=100000)

recovered_parms = scipy.stats.wald.fit(some_data)

Result: recovered_parms ~= (1.28,3.66)

结果:recovered_parms ~ =(1.28,3.66)

I understand that they need to be transformed but just can't figure out how. Any help appreciated.


3 个解决方案



If the problem is to just estimate the lambda and mean of the wald distribution. You can just do


mean = np.mean(some_data)
lambda_ = 1/(np.mean(1/some_data) - 1/mean) # lambda is a reserved keyword :/

This estimate seems to be pretty close than whatever the scipy.stats.wald fit is returning (if we interpret one of them as mean or we know how to interpret it)

这个估计值似乎与scipy.stats非常接近。wald fit正在回归



I don't know that you can; this appears to be a can of worms. See if you agree with my reasoning.


from numpy.random import wald
import scipy.stats

means = [1, 2, 4, 8]
samples = [wald(mean=mean, scale=1, size=100000) for mean in means]

stats = [scipy.stats.wald.fit(sample) for sample in samples]
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(means)).format(*[stat[1] for stat in stats]))
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(means)).format(*[stat[0] for stat in stats]))

scales = [1, 4, 16, 64]
samples = [wald(mean=1, scale=scale, size=100000) for scale in scales]

stats = [scipy.stats.wald.fit(sample) for sample in samples]
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(scales)).format(*[stat[1] for stat in stats]))
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(scales)).format(*[stat[0] for stat in stats]))

First I generate four samples, one for each of the means 1, 2, 4 and 8, keeping the scale the same at 1. I calculate a fit for each sample. Then I generate another four samples, one for each of the scales 1, 4, 16 and 64, this time keeping the mean the same at 1.


Here are the results.


     1         2         4         8
  1.00      1.90      3.53      6.43
 -0.00     -0.13     -0.43     -1.06
     1         4        16        64
  1.00      1.14      0.92      0.68
  0.00      0.12      0.35      0.55

I would expect the location to appear first in each pair of results but it appears that location is second. Still, at least the location does approximate the mean, even if it shows an increasing negative bias. It's difficult to interpret the scale. Over a large range the scale estimates might be on a logarithm scale.


This might be a question to put on the developer's site.




numpy.random.wald has two parameters, mean and scale. scale is, as the name suggests, a scale parameter, in the sense of a location-scale family. mean is a shape parameter; it is not a location parameter.


If you look at the docstring for numpy.random.wald, it says "Draw samples from a Wald, or inverse Gaussian, distribution." The docstring for scipy.stats.wald, however, says that it is "a special case of invgauss with mu == 1", where mu is a shape parameter of scipy.stats.invgauss. scipy.stats.wald has only two parameters, loc and scale. (All the continuous distributions in scipy.stats have these parameters.) So the parameters of numpy.random.wald and scipy.stats.wald don't match up: numpy.random.wald has a shape and a scale parameter, but scipy.stats.wald has a location and a scale parameter.

如果你看numpy.random的docstring。瓦尔德,它说"从瓦尔德,或者说反高斯分布中抽取样本"所以scipy.stats。然而,沃尔德说,它是“一个特殊的invgauss的情况,具有mu = 1”,其中mu是scipy. state .invgauss的形状参数。scipy.stats。沃尔德只有两个参数,loc和scale。(所有的连续分布在scipy中。统计这些参数。)这是numpi。random的参数。瓦尔德和scipy.stats。沃尔德不匹配:numpy.random。wald有一个形状和一个比例参数,但是scipy.stats。wald有一个位置和一个尺度参数。

Instead of scipy.stats.wald, you must use scipy.stats.invgauss to fit data generated with numpy.random.wald. scipy.stats.invgauss is an implementation of the inverse Gaussian distribution that is mentioned in the docstring of numpy.random.wald. scipy.stats.invgauss has three parameters: one shape parameter called mu, along with the standard location (loc) and scale parameters.


The shape parameter mu of scipy.stats.invgauss is not the same as the shape parameter mean of numpy.random.wald. If you do a little algebra with the PDFs of the two functions, you'll find that the relation is


mean = mu * scale

where mu is the invgauss shape parameter, mean is the shape parameter used in numpy.random.wald, and scale has the same meaning in both functions.


If you generate a sample using numpy.random.wald and you then want to recover the parameters by fitting the inverse Gaussian distribution to it, you must use the above relation to convert the result of the fit to the mean used by numpy.random.wald. Also, numpy.random.wald doesn't have a location parameter, so you must restrict the location of scipy.stats.invgauss to be 0 by using the argument floc=0 in scipy.stats.invgauss.fit().

如果您使用numpy.random生成一个示例。然后你想通过拟合逆高斯分布来恢复参数,你必须使用上面的关系将拟合结果转换成numpy.random.wald所用的均值。同时,numpy.random。wald没有location参数,所以您必须限制scipy.stats的位置。在scipy.statuss.invgauss .fit()中使用参数floc=0将invgauss设为0。

Here's an example. First, generate some data using numpy.random.wald:


In [55]: m = 4

In [56]: s = 41

In [57]: some_data = np.random.wald(mean=m, scale=s, size=100000)

Now fit scipy.stats.invgauss to that data, with the restriction that the location parameter is 0:


In [58]: from scipy.stats import invgauss

In [59]: mu, loc, scale = invgauss.fit(some_data, floc=0)

In [60]: mu, loc, scale
Out[60]: (0.097186409353576975, 0, 41.155034600558793)

As expected, the scale parameter is close to the parameter that was used to generate the data. To get the estimate of the shape parameter that was used, multiply mu and scale:


In [61]: mu*scale
Out[61]: 3.9997100396505312

It is approximately 4, as expected.


A plot is always useful for visualizing the fit. In the plot, the blue bars show the normalized histogram of the data, and the black curve is the PDF of the fitted inverse Gaussian distribution.


In [86]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [87]: _ = plt.hist(some_data, bins=40, normed=True, alpha=0.6)

In [88]: xx = np.linspace(some_data.min(), some_data.max(), 500)

In [89]: yy = invgauss.pdf(xx, mu, loc, scale)

In [90]: plt.plot(xx, yy, 'k')
Out[90]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11b6d64e0>]




If the problem is to just estimate the lambda and mean of the wald distribution. You can just do


mean = np.mean(some_data)
lambda_ = 1/(np.mean(1/some_data) - 1/mean) # lambda is a reserved keyword :/

This estimate seems to be pretty close than whatever the scipy.stats.wald fit is returning (if we interpret one of them as mean or we know how to interpret it)

这个估计值似乎与scipy.stats非常接近。wald fit正在回归



I don't know that you can; this appears to be a can of worms. See if you agree with my reasoning.


from numpy.random import wald
import scipy.stats

means = [1, 2, 4, 8]
samples = [wald(mean=mean, scale=1, size=100000) for mean in means]

stats = [scipy.stats.wald.fit(sample) for sample in samples]
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(means)).format(*[stat[1] for stat in stats]))
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(means)).format(*[stat[0] for stat in stats]))

scales = [1, 4, 16, 64]
samples = [wald(mean=1, scale=scale, size=100000) for scale in scales]

stats = [scipy.stats.wald.fit(sample) for sample in samples]
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(scales)).format(*[stat[1] for stat in stats]))
print(('{:>10.2f}'*len(scales)).format(*[stat[0] for stat in stats]))

First I generate four samples, one for each of the means 1, 2, 4 and 8, keeping the scale the same at 1. I calculate a fit for each sample. Then I generate another four samples, one for each of the scales 1, 4, 16 and 64, this time keeping the mean the same at 1.


Here are the results.


     1         2         4         8
  1.00      1.90      3.53      6.43
 -0.00     -0.13     -0.43     -1.06
     1         4        16        64
  1.00      1.14      0.92      0.68
  0.00      0.12      0.35      0.55

I would expect the location to appear first in each pair of results but it appears that location is second. Still, at least the location does approximate the mean, even if it shows an increasing negative bias. It's difficult to interpret the scale. Over a large range the scale estimates might be on a logarithm scale.


This might be a question to put on the developer's site.




numpy.random.wald has two parameters, mean and scale. scale is, as the name suggests, a scale parameter, in the sense of a location-scale family. mean is a shape parameter; it is not a location parameter.


If you look at the docstring for numpy.random.wald, it says "Draw samples from a Wald, or inverse Gaussian, distribution." The docstring for scipy.stats.wald, however, says that it is "a special case of invgauss with mu == 1", where mu is a shape parameter of scipy.stats.invgauss. scipy.stats.wald has only two parameters, loc and scale. (All the continuous distributions in scipy.stats have these parameters.) So the parameters of numpy.random.wald and scipy.stats.wald don't match up: numpy.random.wald has a shape and a scale parameter, but scipy.stats.wald has a location and a scale parameter.

如果你看numpy.random的docstring。瓦尔德,它说"从瓦尔德,或者说反高斯分布中抽取样本"所以scipy.stats。然而,沃尔德说,它是“一个特殊的invgauss的情况,具有mu = 1”,其中mu是scipy. state .invgauss的形状参数。scipy.stats。沃尔德只有两个参数,loc和scale。(所有的连续分布在scipy中。统计这些参数。)这是numpi。random的参数。瓦尔德和scipy.stats。沃尔德不匹配:numpy.random。wald有一个形状和一个比例参数,但是scipy.stats。wald有一个位置和一个尺度参数。

Instead of scipy.stats.wald, you must use scipy.stats.invgauss to fit data generated with numpy.random.wald. scipy.stats.invgauss is an implementation of the inverse Gaussian distribution that is mentioned in the docstring of numpy.random.wald. scipy.stats.invgauss has three parameters: one shape parameter called mu, along with the standard location (loc) and scale parameters.


The shape parameter mu of scipy.stats.invgauss is not the same as the shape parameter mean of numpy.random.wald. If you do a little algebra with the PDFs of the two functions, you'll find that the relation is


mean = mu * scale

where mu is the invgauss shape parameter, mean is the shape parameter used in numpy.random.wald, and scale has the same meaning in both functions.


If you generate a sample using numpy.random.wald and you then want to recover the parameters by fitting the inverse Gaussian distribution to it, you must use the above relation to convert the result of the fit to the mean used by numpy.random.wald. Also, numpy.random.wald doesn't have a location parameter, so you must restrict the location of scipy.stats.invgauss to be 0 by using the argument floc=0 in scipy.stats.invgauss.fit().

如果您使用numpy.random生成一个示例。然后你想通过拟合逆高斯分布来恢复参数,你必须使用上面的关系将拟合结果转换成numpy.random.wald所用的均值。同时,numpy.random。wald没有location参数,所以您必须限制scipy.stats的位置。在scipy.statuss.invgauss .fit()中使用参数floc=0将invgauss设为0。

Here's an example. First, generate some data using numpy.random.wald:


In [55]: m = 4

In [56]: s = 41

In [57]: some_data = np.random.wald(mean=m, scale=s, size=100000)

Now fit scipy.stats.invgauss to that data, with the restriction that the location parameter is 0:


In [58]: from scipy.stats import invgauss

In [59]: mu, loc, scale = invgauss.fit(some_data, floc=0)

In [60]: mu, loc, scale
Out[60]: (0.097186409353576975, 0, 41.155034600558793)

As expected, the scale parameter is close to the parameter that was used to generate the data. To get the estimate of the shape parameter that was used, multiply mu and scale:


In [61]: mu*scale
Out[61]: 3.9997100396505312

It is approximately 4, as expected.


A plot is always useful for visualizing the fit. In the plot, the blue bars show the normalized histogram of the data, and the black curve is the PDF of the fitted inverse Gaussian distribution.


In [86]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [87]: _ = plt.hist(some_data, bins=40, normed=True, alpha=0.6)

In [88]: xx = np.linspace(some_data.min(), some_data.max(), 500)

In [89]: yy = invgauss.pdf(xx, mu, loc, scale)

In [90]: plt.plot(xx, yy, 'k')
Out[90]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11b6d64e0>]
