
时间:2022-07-31 16:05:41

I am currently looking for a programming language to write a math class in. I know that there are lots and lots of them everywhere around, but since I'm going to start studying math next semester, I thought this might be a good way to get a deeper insight in to what I've learned.


Thanks for your replys.


BTW: If you are wondering what I wanted to ask:


"Is there a strongly typed programming language which allows you to define new operators?"


13 个解决方案


Like EFraim said, Haskell makes this pretty easy:


% ghci
ghci> let a *-* b = (a*a) - (b*b)
ghci> :type (*-*)
(*-*) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
ghci> 4 *-* 3
ghci> 1.2 *-* 0.9
ghci> (*-*) 5 3
ghci> :{
          let gcd a b | a > b     = gcd (a - b) b 
                      | b > a     = gcd a (b - a) 
                      | otherwise = a
ghci> :type gcd
gcd :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a
ghci> gcd 3 6
ghci> gcd 12 11
ghci> 18 `gcd` 12

You can define new infix operators (symbols only) using an infix syntax. You can then use them as infix operators, or enclose them in parens to use them as a normal function.


You can also use normal functions (letters, numbers, underscores and single-quotes) as operators by enclosing them in backticks.



Well, you can redefine a fixed set of operators in many languages, like C++ or C#. Others, like F# or Scala allow you to define even new operators (even as infix ones) which might be even nicer for math-y stuff.

好吧,你可以用许多语言重新定义一组固定的运算符,比如C ++或C#。其他的,比如F#或Scala,你甚至可以定义新的运算符(即使是中缀运算符),这些运算符甚至可能更好用于数学运算。


Maybe Haskell? Allows you to define arbitrary infix operators.



Ted Neward wrote a series of article on Scala aimed at Java developers, and he finished it off by demonstrating how to write a mathematical domain language in Scala (which, incidentally, is a statically-typed language)

Ted Neward写了一系列关于Scala的文章,针对Java开发人员,他通过演示如何在Scala中编写数学域语言(顺便提一下,这是一种静态类型的语言)来完成它。

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


In C++ you can define operators that work on other classes, but I don't think other primitive types like ints since they can't have instance methods. You could either make your own number class in C++ and redefine ALL the operators, including + * etc.

在C ++中,您可以定义适用于其他类的运算符,但我不认为其他原始类型如int,因为它们不能有实例方法。您可以在C ++中创建自己的数字类并重新定义所有运算符,包括+ *等。

To make new operators on primitive types you have to turn to functional programming (it seems from the other answers). This is fine, just keep in mind that functional programming is very different from OOP. But it will be a great new challenge and functional programming is great for math as it comes from lambda calc. Learning functional programming will teach you different skills and help you greatly with math and programming in general. :D

要在原始类型上创建新的运算符,您必须转向函数式编程(从其他答案看来)。这很好,请记住,函数式编程与OOP非常不同。但这将是一个伟大的新挑战,函数式编程对于数学非常有用,因为它来自lambda calc。学习函数式编程将教会您不同的技能,并通常帮助您进行数学和编程。 :d

good luck!


Eiffel allows you to define new operators.




Inasmuch as the procedure you apply to the arguments in a Lisp combination is called an “operator,” then yeah, you can define new operators till the cows come home.



Ada has support for overriding infix operators: here is the reference manual chapter.


Unfortunately you can't create your own new operators, it seems you can only override the existing ones.


type wobble is new integer range 23..89;

function "+" (A, B: wobble) return wobble is
end "+";

Ada is not a hugely popular language, it has to be said, but as far as strong typing goes, you can't get much stronger.



Another language which hasn't been mentioned yet is D. It also is a strongly typed language, and supports operator overloading. Again, it doesn't support user-defined infix operators.


From http://www.digitalmars.com/d/1.0/rationale.html

Why not allow user definable operators?


These can be very useful for attaching new infix operations to various unicode symbols. The trouble is that in D, the tokens are supposed to be completely independent of the semantic analysis. User definable operators would break that.



Both ocaml and f# have infix operators. They have a special set of characters that are allowed within their syntax, but both can be used to manipulate other symbols to use any function infix (see the ocaml discussion).



I think you should probably think deeply about why you want to use this feature. It seems to me that there are much more important considerations when choosing a language.


I can only think of one possible meaning for the word "operator" in this context, which is just syntactic sugar for a function call, e.g. foo + bar would be translated as a call to a function +(a, b).

在这种情况下,我只能想到“运算符”这个词的一个可能含义,它只是函数调用的语法糖,例如, foo + bar将被翻译为对函数+(a,b)的调用。

This is sometimes useful, but not often. I can think of very few instances where I have overloaded/defined an operator.


As noted in the other answers, Haskell does allow you to define new infix operators. However, a purely functional language with lazy evaluation can be a bit of a mouthful. I would probably recommend SML over Haskell, if you feel like trying on a functional language for the first time. The type system is a bit simpler, you can use side-effects and it is not lazy.


F# is also very interesting and also features units of measure, which AFAIK is unique to that language. If you have a need for the feature it can be invaluable.


Off the top of my head I can't think of any statically typed imperative languages with infix operators, but you might want to use a functional language for math programming anyway, since it is much easier to prove facts about a functional program.


You might also want to create a small DSL if syntax issues like infix operators are so important to you. Then you can write the program in whatever language you want and still specify the math in a convenient way.



What do you mean by strong typing? Do you mean static typing (where everything has a type that is known at compile time, and conversions are restricted) or strong typing (everything has a type known at run time, and conversions are restricted)?


I'd go with Common Lisp. It doesn't actually have operators (for example, adding a and b is (+ a b)), but rather functions, which can be defined freely. It has strong typing in that every object has a definite type, even if it can't be known at compile time, and conversions are restricted. It's a truly great language for exploratory programming, and it sounds like that's what you'll be doing.

我会选择Common Lisp。它实际上没有运算符(例如,添加a和b是(+ a b)),而是函数,可以*定义。它具有强大的类型,即每个对象都有一个明确的类型,即使它在编译时无法知道,转换也受到限制。它是探索性编程的真正优秀语言,听起来就像你将要做的那样。


Ruby does.

require 'rubygems'
require 'superators'

class Array
  superator "<---" do |operand|
    self << operand.reverse

["jay"] <--- "spillihp"


You can actually do what you need with C# through operator overloading.



 public static Complex operator -(Complex c)
    Complex temp = new Complex();
    temp.x = -c.x;
    temp.y = -c.y;
    return temp;


Like EFraim said, Haskell makes this pretty easy:


% ghci
ghci> let a *-* b = (a*a) - (b*b)
ghci> :type (*-*)
(*-*) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
ghci> 4 *-* 3
ghci> 1.2 *-* 0.9
ghci> (*-*) 5 3
ghci> :{
          let gcd a b | a > b     = gcd (a - b) b 
                      | b > a     = gcd a (b - a) 
                      | otherwise = a
ghci> :type gcd
gcd :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a
ghci> gcd 3 6
ghci> gcd 12 11
ghci> 18 `gcd` 12

You can define new infix operators (symbols only) using an infix syntax. You can then use them as infix operators, or enclose them in parens to use them as a normal function.


You can also use normal functions (letters, numbers, underscores and single-quotes) as operators by enclosing them in backticks.



Well, you can redefine a fixed set of operators in many languages, like C++ or C#. Others, like F# or Scala allow you to define even new operators (even as infix ones) which might be even nicer for math-y stuff.

好吧,你可以用许多语言重新定义一组固定的运算符,比如C ++或C#。其他的,比如F#或Scala,你甚至可以定义新的运算符(即使是中缀运算符),这些运算符甚至可能更好用于数学运算。


Maybe Haskell? Allows you to define arbitrary infix operators.



Ted Neward wrote a series of article on Scala aimed at Java developers, and he finished it off by demonstrating how to write a mathematical domain language in Scala (which, incidentally, is a statically-typed language)

Ted Neward写了一系列关于Scala的文章,针对Java开发人员,他通过演示如何在Scala中编写数学域语言(顺便提一下,这是一种静态类型的语言)来完成它。

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


In C++ you can define operators that work on other classes, but I don't think other primitive types like ints since they can't have instance methods. You could either make your own number class in C++ and redefine ALL the operators, including + * etc.

在C ++中,您可以定义适用于其他类的运算符,但我不认为其他原始类型如int,因为它们不能有实例方法。您可以在C ++中创建自己的数字类并重新定义所有运算符,包括+ *等。

To make new operators on primitive types you have to turn to functional programming (it seems from the other answers). This is fine, just keep in mind that functional programming is very different from OOP. But it will be a great new challenge and functional programming is great for math as it comes from lambda calc. Learning functional programming will teach you different skills and help you greatly with math and programming in general. :D

要在原始类型上创建新的运算符,您必须转向函数式编程(从其他答案看来)。这很好,请记住,函数式编程与OOP非常不同。但这将是一个伟大的新挑战,函数式编程对于数学非常有用,因为它来自lambda calc。学习函数式编程将教会您不同的技能,并通常帮助您进行数学和编程。 :d

good luck!


Eiffel allows you to define new operators.




Inasmuch as the procedure you apply to the arguments in a Lisp combination is called an “operator,” then yeah, you can define new operators till the cows come home.



Ada has support for overriding infix operators: here is the reference manual chapter.


Unfortunately you can't create your own new operators, it seems you can only override the existing ones.


type wobble is new integer range 23..89;

function "+" (A, B: wobble) return wobble is
end "+";

Ada is not a hugely popular language, it has to be said, but as far as strong typing goes, you can't get much stronger.



Another language which hasn't been mentioned yet is D. It also is a strongly typed language, and supports operator overloading. Again, it doesn't support user-defined infix operators.


From http://www.digitalmars.com/d/1.0/rationale.html

Why not allow user definable operators?


These can be very useful for attaching new infix operations to various unicode symbols. The trouble is that in D, the tokens are supposed to be completely independent of the semantic analysis. User definable operators would break that.



Both ocaml and f# have infix operators. They have a special set of characters that are allowed within their syntax, but both can be used to manipulate other symbols to use any function infix (see the ocaml discussion).



I think you should probably think deeply about why you want to use this feature. It seems to me that there are much more important considerations when choosing a language.


I can only think of one possible meaning for the word "operator" in this context, which is just syntactic sugar for a function call, e.g. foo + bar would be translated as a call to a function +(a, b).

在这种情况下,我只能想到“运算符”这个词的一个可能含义,它只是函数调用的语法糖,例如, foo + bar将被翻译为对函数+(a,b)的调用。

This is sometimes useful, but not often. I can think of very few instances where I have overloaded/defined an operator.


As noted in the other answers, Haskell does allow you to define new infix operators. However, a purely functional language with lazy evaluation can be a bit of a mouthful. I would probably recommend SML over Haskell, if you feel like trying on a functional language for the first time. The type system is a bit simpler, you can use side-effects and it is not lazy.


F# is also very interesting and also features units of measure, which AFAIK is unique to that language. If you have a need for the feature it can be invaluable.


Off the top of my head I can't think of any statically typed imperative languages with infix operators, but you might want to use a functional language for math programming anyway, since it is much easier to prove facts about a functional program.


You might also want to create a small DSL if syntax issues like infix operators are so important to you. Then you can write the program in whatever language you want and still specify the math in a convenient way.



What do you mean by strong typing? Do you mean static typing (where everything has a type that is known at compile time, and conversions are restricted) or strong typing (everything has a type known at run time, and conversions are restricted)?


I'd go with Common Lisp. It doesn't actually have operators (for example, adding a and b is (+ a b)), but rather functions, which can be defined freely. It has strong typing in that every object has a definite type, even if it can't be known at compile time, and conversions are restricted. It's a truly great language for exploratory programming, and it sounds like that's what you'll be doing.

我会选择Common Lisp。它实际上没有运算符(例如,添加a和b是(+ a b)),而是函数,可以*定义。它具有强大的类型,即每个对象都有一个明确的类型,即使它在编译时无法知道,转换也受到限制。它是探索性编程的真正优秀语言,听起来就像你将要做的那样。


Ruby does.

require 'rubygems'
require 'superators'

class Array
  superator "<---" do |operand|
    self << operand.reverse

["jay"] <--- "spillihp"


You can actually do what you need with C# through operator overloading.



 public static Complex operator -(Complex c)
    Complex temp = new Complex();
    temp.x = -c.x;
    temp.y = -c.y;
    return temp;