如何在失败时从Angular HTTP Interceptor访问Response body?

时间:2021-06-02 16:01:52

I've got this factory that I'm pushing into the $httpProvider interceptors

我有这个工厂,我正在推进$ httpProvider拦截器

function httpErrorHandler($q) {
    return {
        'responseError': function (response) {
            if (response.status === 500) {
                if (response.data && response.data.html) {
                    var msg = angular.fromJson(response.data.html).Data;
                    showStatusMessage(msg, 'error'); // assume available
                } else {
                    showStatusMessage(response.statusText, 'error');
            // Always reject (or resolve) the deferred you're given
            return $q.reject(response);

and the interceptor code:


function config($httpProvider) {

When I get the failed response from the server, looking in Chrome DevTools > Network tab, selecting the failed XHR and the Response tab, I get this:

当我从服务器收到失败的响应时,查看Chrome DevTools>网络选项卡,选择失败的XHR和响应选项卡,我得到:

{"Success":false,"Data":"Error Code 0000-229566."}

and what shows up in the status message is the response.statusText


To try to be complete, here are the Response Headers:


Cache-Control:no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Content-Security-Policy:frame-ancestors 'self'
Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8
Date:Fri, 26 Aug 2016 16:26:11 GMT
Strict-Transport-Security:max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains

What I'd like is to have the "Error Code 000-1234" show up in my status message, but it's not coming. How can I get that to show up?


1 个解决方案



Instead of accessing the .Data property of the response content you are reading the statusText property of the response header. statusText seems like the description of the response's status code, more here.

您正在读取响应标头的statusText属性,而不是访问响应内容的.Data属性。 statusText看起来像响应的状态代码的描述,更多这里。

Scripted a working sample:https://embed.plnkr.co/xz54Mh2zGguHB0cLquGE/ My error message property is .status_message instead of .Data


responseError: function (response) {
    NOTE: if "status_message" is not in the parsing string JSON.parse(response.data.html).status_message 
    will thrown an undefined error and break the execution
var msg = !response.data ? 'Error occured ...'
    : !response.data.html ? response.data.status_message : JSON.parse(response.data.html).status_message;
$alert.show(msg, 'danger');

return $q.reject(response);



Instead of accessing the .Data property of the response content you are reading the statusText property of the response header. statusText seems like the description of the response's status code, more here.

您正在读取响应标头的statusText属性,而不是访问响应内容的.Data属性。 statusText看起来像响应的状态代码的描述,更多这里。

Scripted a working sample:https://embed.plnkr.co/xz54Mh2zGguHB0cLquGE/ My error message property is .status_message instead of .Data


responseError: function (response) {
    NOTE: if "status_message" is not in the parsing string JSON.parse(response.data.html).status_message 
    will thrown an undefined error and break the execution
var msg = !response.data ? 'Error occured ...'
    : !response.data.html ? response.data.status_message : JSON.parse(response.data.html).status_message;
$alert.show(msg, 'danger');

return $q.reject(response);