
时间:2021-01-23 15:54:49

I am writing an application where I have a form with a panel. I have noticed that when I add another form to the panel, that the added form's keyboard shortcuts stop working.


I am using the following code :


MainMenu m = new MainMenu();
m.TopLevel = false;
m.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
m.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
m.Visible = true;

Is there anyway to make the keyboard shortcuts work?



3 个解决方案


My first guess (and it's totally a guess) is that you need to pass the parent/owner when constructing the child object, rather than just assigning parent ... could you show us that part of your code?


Also, just glancing over your code, it seems strange to, for a MainMenu, set Dock to Fill....

另外,只是浏览你的代码,对于MainMenu来说,设置Dock to Fill似乎很奇怪....


Adding a form to a panel inside another form? That is not a supported scenario; frankly I'm surprised it doesn't throw an exception. A better way to do this would be to use UserControls.



I found out that it was due to focus issues.


I have since converted my forms to user controls and the problems have gone away.



My first guess (and it's totally a guess) is that you need to pass the parent/owner when constructing the child object, rather than just assigning parent ... could you show us that part of your code?


Also, just glancing over your code, it seems strange to, for a MainMenu, set Dock to Fill....

另外,只是浏览你的代码,对于MainMenu来说,设置Dock to Fill似乎很奇怪....


Adding a form to a panel inside another form? That is not a supported scenario; frankly I'm surprised it doesn't throw an exception. A better way to do this would be to use UserControls.



I found out that it was due to focus issues.


I have since converted my forms to user controls and the problems have gone away.
