在VS2008 C#表单项目中添加引用时,Visual Studio是否复制引用的程序集

时间:2021-01-23 15:54:43

into the project directory? Or does it simply reference the dll where it exists?


My assumption was that when you compile, it copies to dll into the local bin/debug(release) directory.

我的假设是,当你编译时,它会复制到本地bin / debug(release)目录中的dll。

I am running into some issues with a project at work involving missing third party component dll's and I am a little confused, so I'm not sure how to proceed.


Thanks, Kevin

3 个解决方案


By Default, If it is in the GAC, then it will not copy the assembly locally. If it is anywhere else, it will.


If you have any doubt, look under your references list and go to the properties of the assembly in question. There is a "Copy Local" property. If you change that property, it should copy to your output project. Redo your packaging and deploy.



A reference has a property named 'Copy Local'. If this is set to true then the assembly will be copied to the output folder.

引用具有名为“Copy Local”的属性。如果将其设置为true,则程序集将复制到输出文件夹。


It'll copy it if you tell it to in the properties for the reference. Indirect references (i.e. when a third party control needs yet another 3rd party control that isn't referenced) won't be, but I think you get a compiler warning if that is the case.



By Default, If it is in the GAC, then it will not copy the assembly locally. If it is anywhere else, it will.


If you have any doubt, look under your references list and go to the properties of the assembly in question. There is a "Copy Local" property. If you change that property, it should copy to your output project. Redo your packaging and deploy.



A reference has a property named 'Copy Local'. If this is set to true then the assembly will be copied to the output folder.

引用具有名为“Copy Local”的属性。如果将其设置为true,则程序集将复制到输出文件夹。


It'll copy it if you tell it to in the properties for the reference. Indirect references (i.e. when a third party control needs yet another 3rd party control that isn't referenced) won't be, but I think you get a compiler warning if that is the case.
