
时间:2022-07-03 15:53:31

Hi im pretty new to programming and I have encountered a small issue. I am creating a simple game which has a score label. However, the score label is covered whenever a downward scrolling obstacle passes. I would like for the score label to not be covered by the obstacles.Is there a way i can change the sprite hierarchy in spritekit? Thanks


3 个解决方案



I would recommend creating a node for the static stuff that should be fixed on screen (like a game HUD). Then you set this node's zPosition to be higher then the game play node (where all game objects are placed and manipulated).


This makes it also easier implementing a camera or moving the game play node if needed without the score label or any other fixed hud element moving as well.


So you will have something like this :


SKNode *hudNode = [SKNode node];
hudNode.zPosition = 1000;
[hudNode addChild:scoreLabel];

SKNode *gamePlayNode = [SKNode node];
gamePlayNode.zPosition = 0; // Not mandatory as it defaults to 0 but I put this here for clarification

[self addChild:hudNode]; // self is your scene instance
[self addChild:gamePlayNode]; 



You can change the zPosition property of your label node, by making it 100 it will be above all other nodes (default value is 0.0):


labelNode.zPosition = 100;



Nodes are drawn in the order they are added to the scene (or parent node). You can change the order in which nodes are drawn by setting their zPosition property.


From Apple's documentation...


...The z position is the node’s height relative to its parent node, much as a node’s position property represents its x and y position relative to parent’s position. So you use the z position to place a node above or below the parent’s position.

... z位置是节点相对于其父节点的高度,就像节点的position属性表示相对于父节点的x和y位置一样。因此,您使用z位置将节点放在父节点的上方或下方。

When you take z positions into account, here is how the node tree is rendered:


  • Each node’s global z position is calculated.
  • 计算每个节点的全局z位置。
  • Nodes are drawn in order from smallest z value to largest z value.
  • 节点按从最小z值到最大z值的顺序绘制。
  • If two nodes share the same z value, ancestors are rendered first, and siblings are rendered in child order.
  • 如果两个节点共享相同的z值,则首先呈现祖先,并按子顺序呈现兄弟节点。

You can also use zPosition to optimize rendering performance...


...it might be better if Sprite Kit could gather all of the nodes that share the same texture and drawing mode and and draw them with a single drawing pass. To enable these sorts of optimizations, you set the view’s ignoresSiblingOrder property to YES.

...如果Sprite Kit可以收集共享相同纹理和绘图模式的所有节点并使用单个绘图过程绘制它们可能会更好。要启用这些类型的优化,请将视图的ignoresSiblingOrder属性设置为YES。



I would recommend creating a node for the static stuff that should be fixed on screen (like a game HUD). Then you set this node's zPosition to be higher then the game play node (where all game objects are placed and manipulated).


This makes it also easier implementing a camera or moving the game play node if needed without the score label or any other fixed hud element moving as well.


So you will have something like this :


SKNode *hudNode = [SKNode node];
hudNode.zPosition = 1000;
[hudNode addChild:scoreLabel];

SKNode *gamePlayNode = [SKNode node];
gamePlayNode.zPosition = 0; // Not mandatory as it defaults to 0 but I put this here for clarification

[self addChild:hudNode]; // self is your scene instance
[self addChild:gamePlayNode]; 



You can change the zPosition property of your label node, by making it 100 it will be above all other nodes (default value is 0.0):


labelNode.zPosition = 100;



Nodes are drawn in the order they are added to the scene (or parent node). You can change the order in which nodes are drawn by setting their zPosition property.


From Apple's documentation...


...The z position is the node’s height relative to its parent node, much as a node’s position property represents its x and y position relative to parent’s position. So you use the z position to place a node above or below the parent’s position.

... z位置是节点相对于其父节点的高度,就像节点的position属性表示相对于父节点的x和y位置一样。因此,您使用z位置将节点放在父节点的上方或下方。

When you take z positions into account, here is how the node tree is rendered:


  • Each node’s global z position is calculated.
  • 计算每个节点的全局z位置。
  • Nodes are drawn in order from smallest z value to largest z value.
  • 节点按从最小z值到最大z值的顺序绘制。
  • If two nodes share the same z value, ancestors are rendered first, and siblings are rendered in child order.
  • 如果两个节点共享相同的z值,则首先呈现祖先,并按子顺序呈现兄弟节点。

You can also use zPosition to optimize rendering performance...


...it might be better if Sprite Kit could gather all of the nodes that share the same texture and drawing mode and and draw them with a single drawing pass. To enable these sorts of optimizations, you set the view’s ignoresSiblingOrder property to YES.

...如果Sprite Kit可以收集共享相同纹理和绘图模式的所有节点并使用单个绘图过程绘制它们可能会更好。要启用这些类型的优化,请将视图的ignoresSiblingOrder属性设置为YES。