
时间:2022-06-01 15:50:19

Currently I have an application hosted on the Google Cloud Platform that offers web analytics and provides session activity (clicks, downloads etc) and ties that web activity with web registrations.


At the moment we store all of our click and session profile data in MySQL and use SQL queries to generate both aggregate and per-user reports, however, as the amount of data has grown, we are seeing a real slow-down in query responses which is in turn slowing down page-load times.


In investigating ways we can solve this problem, we have looked into tools available on Google Cloud Platform like Dataproc and Dataflow as well as NoSQL solutions, however, I am having a hard time understanding how we could apply our current solution to any of these solutions.

在调查我们可以解决这个问题的方法时,我们已经研究了Google Cloud Platform上可用的工具,如Dataproc和Dataflow以及NoSQL解决方案,但是,我很难理解如何将我们当前的解决方案应用于任何这些解决方案。

Currently, a rough idea of our data schema is as follows:


User table
- id
- name
- email

Profile table (web browser/device)
- id
- user id
- user agent string

Session table
- id
- profile id
- session string

Action table
- id
- session id
- action type
- action details
- timestamp

Based on my research, my understanding of what would be the best solution would be to store action data in a NoSQL database solution like BigTable which feeds data into a solution like DataProc or DataFlow which generates the reports. However, given that our current schema is a highly relational structure, seems to remove the option of moving towards a NoSQL solution as all my research indicates that you shouldn't move relational data to a NoSQL solution.


My question is, is my understanding of how to apply these tools correct? Or are there better solutions? Is it even necessary to consider moving away from MySQL? And if not, what kind of solutions are available that would allow us to possibly pre-process/generate reporting data in the background?


3 个解决方案



Assuming that sessions and actions table values are not updated and only insert. The best way would be to separate the databases into two parts. Keep the MySQL DB for user and profile tables and use the BigQuery for actions and sessions.


This way you have following:


  • minimize the amount of change you have to do on the either sides (data ingestion and extraction)
  • 最大限度地减少您在任何一方必须做的更改(数据摄取和提取)
  • you will significantly reduce the cost of data storage
  • 您将大大降低数据存储的成本
  • query times will significantly improve
  • 查询时间将显着改善
  • before you know it, you will be in the big data territory and BigQuery is just the solution for it
  • 在你知道它之前,你将处于大数据领域,而BigQuery只是它的解决方案

BigQuery is the best way. But, if you have too many extra resources and time available, you can look into storing it into NoSQL db, then run a pipeline job on it using DataFlow to extract analytics data which you will again need to store in a database for querying purposes.




A couple of questions / potential solutions:


  1. Profile! If it's the same queries thrashing the database, then optimising your queries or caching some of the results for your most frequent pages can help offload processing. Ditto for database settings, RAM, etc.
  2. 简介!如果同样的查询颠覆了数据库,那么优化查询或缓存最频繁页面的一些结果可以帮助卸载处理。同样适用于数据库设置,RAM等。
  3. How big is your database? If it's less than 64GB, scaling up to a larger server where the database can fit into RAM could be a quick win.
  4. 你的数据库有多大?如果它小于64GB,扩展到数据库可以放入RAM的更大的服务器可能是一个快速的胜利。
  5. How is your data being used? If it's purely for historical data, you could potentially reduce your clicks down into a lookup table, eg. actions per session per week or per user per week. If the data is collated per 5 minutes / hour, downloading the raw data and processing it like this locally can work too.
  6. 您的数据如何使用?如果它纯粹用于历史数据,则可能会将您的点击次数降低到查找表中,例如。每周或每周每位用户的操作。如果每5分钟/小时整理一次数据,那么下载原始数据并在本地处理它也可以正常工作。
  7. You can denormalise, eg. combine user agent|session|action type|details|timestamp into one row, but you potentially increase your storage requirements and lookup time.
  8. 你可以反规范化,例如。将用户代理|会话|操作类型|详细信息|时间戳合并为一行,但可能会增加存储要求和查找时间。
  9. Alternatively, more normalisation can help too. Breaking out the user agent string into its own table will reduce that table's data requirements and might speed things up.
  10. 或者,更多的规范化也可以提供帮助。将用户代理字符串分解为自己的表将减少该表的数据要求并可能加快速度。
  11. It seems like your data might be able to be split up / sharded by user, so that could be another option.
  12. 您的数据似乎可以被用户拆分/分片,因此这可能是另一种选择。

In general, the fastest way to work these questions out is to give it a try for your specific workloads, eg. how many of your typical requests (or random dashboards) can you do on a development machine with a reasonable amount of RAM (or spin up a server/create a different test database).


Also, if you're mostly used to relational databases, there'll be some overhead in switching (particularly for bleeding edge solutions), so you need to be fairly sure that the costs outweigh the benefits before you switch, or switch a little bit at a time so that you can switch back if it doesn't work out. Again, testing helps.




If practical, do not store the massive amount of data at all!


Instead, summarize (aggregate) chunks of data as they arrive, then store the summaries.




  • Perhaps one-tenth as much disk space needed;
  • 可能需要十分之一的磁盘空间;
  • Reports are perhaps 10 times as fast,
  • 报告的速度可能快10倍,
  • Can be done in the existing RDBMS.
  • 可以在现有的RDBMS中完成。



  • You cannot retrofit a different summarization. (OK, you could keep the raw data and start over; this may be better anyway.)
  • 您无法改进不同的摘要。 (好的,你可以保留原始数据并重新开始;无论如何,这可能会更好。)
  • More code complexity.
  • 更复杂的代码。

Discussion of Summary Tables.




Assuming that sessions and actions table values are not updated and only insert. The best way would be to separate the databases into two parts. Keep the MySQL DB for user and profile tables and use the BigQuery for actions and sessions.


This way you have following:


  • minimize the amount of change you have to do on the either sides (data ingestion and extraction)
  • 最大限度地减少您在任何一方必须做的更改(数据摄取和提取)
  • you will significantly reduce the cost of data storage
  • 您将大大降低数据存储的成本
  • query times will significantly improve
  • 查询时间将显着改善
  • before you know it, you will be in the big data territory and BigQuery is just the solution for it
  • 在你知道它之前,你将处于大数据领域,而BigQuery只是它的解决方案

BigQuery is the best way. But, if you have too many extra resources and time available, you can look into storing it into NoSQL db, then run a pipeline job on it using DataFlow to extract analytics data which you will again need to store in a database for querying purposes.




A couple of questions / potential solutions:


  1. Profile! If it's the same queries thrashing the database, then optimising your queries or caching some of the results for your most frequent pages can help offload processing. Ditto for database settings, RAM, etc.
  2. 简介!如果同样的查询颠覆了数据库,那么优化查询或缓存最频繁页面的一些结果可以帮助卸载处理。同样适用于数据库设置,RAM等。
  3. How big is your database? If it's less than 64GB, scaling up to a larger server where the database can fit into RAM could be a quick win.
  4. 你的数据库有多大?如果它小于64GB,扩展到数据库可以放入RAM的更大的服务器可能是一个快速的胜利。
  5. How is your data being used? If it's purely for historical data, you could potentially reduce your clicks down into a lookup table, eg. actions per session per week or per user per week. If the data is collated per 5 minutes / hour, downloading the raw data and processing it like this locally can work too.
  6. 您的数据如何使用?如果它纯粹用于历史数据,则可能会将您的点击次数降低到查找表中,例如。每周或每周每位用户的操作。如果每5分钟/小时整理一次数据,那么下载原始数据并在本地处理它也可以正常工作。
  7. You can denormalise, eg. combine user agent|session|action type|details|timestamp into one row, but you potentially increase your storage requirements and lookup time.
  8. 你可以反规范化,例如。将用户代理|会话|操作类型|详细信息|时间戳合并为一行,但可能会增加存储要求和查找时间。
  9. Alternatively, more normalisation can help too. Breaking out the user agent string into its own table will reduce that table's data requirements and might speed things up.
  10. 或者,更多的规范化也可以提供帮助。将用户代理字符串分解为自己的表将减少该表的数据要求并可能加快速度。
  11. It seems like your data might be able to be split up / sharded by user, so that could be another option.
  12. 您的数据似乎可以被用户拆分/分片,因此这可能是另一种选择。

In general, the fastest way to work these questions out is to give it a try for your specific workloads, eg. how many of your typical requests (or random dashboards) can you do on a development machine with a reasonable amount of RAM (or spin up a server/create a different test database).


Also, if you're mostly used to relational databases, there'll be some overhead in switching (particularly for bleeding edge solutions), so you need to be fairly sure that the costs outweigh the benefits before you switch, or switch a little bit at a time so that you can switch back if it doesn't work out. Again, testing helps.




If practical, do not store the massive amount of data at all!


Instead, summarize (aggregate) chunks of data as they arrive, then store the summaries.




  • Perhaps one-tenth as much disk space needed;
  • 可能需要十分之一的磁盘空间;
  • Reports are perhaps 10 times as fast,
  • 报告的速度可能快10倍,
  • Can be done in the existing RDBMS.
  • 可以在现有的RDBMS中完成。



  • You cannot retrofit a different summarization. (OK, you could keep the raw data and start over; this may be better anyway.)
  • 您无法改进不同的摘要。 (好的,你可以保留原始数据并重新开始;无论如何,这可能会更好。)
  • More code complexity.
  • 更复杂的代码。

Discussion of Summary Tables.
