How do I migrate a DB2 Database (app specific instance) from a shared AIX Server to AWS (EC2) server ? The aix server currently is shared and hosts db2 instances of other apps . I want to migrate only an app specific db2 database instance to Aws possibly running on ec2 as rds does not support db2 . Request help .
如何将DB2数据库(特定于应用程序的实例)从共享AIX服务器迁移到AWS(EC2)服务器? aix服务器当前是共享的,并托管其他应用程序的db2实例。我想只将特定于应用程序的db2数据库实例迁移到可能在ec2上运行的Aws,因为rds不支持db2。请求帮助。
1 个解决方案
AWS Database Migration Service is available to convert DB2 source DB to one of the target DB. DB2 source DB support was added recently (Apr 2018).
AWS Database Migration Service可用于将DB2源DB转换为目标DB之一。最近添加了DB2源数据库支持(2018年4月)。
AWS Database Migration Service is available to convert DB2 source DB to one of the target DB. DB2 source DB support was added recently (Apr 2018).
AWS Database Migration Service可用于将DB2源DB转换为目标DB之一。最近添加了DB2源数据库支持(2018年4月)。