Castle Windsor:有没有办法覆盖组件ID?

时间:2022-01-03 15:48:36

I have the following bit of registration code:


    ServiceOverride.ForKey("shipmentDialog").Eq("ShipmentConfirmationDialog") ),

A requirement came down the line that in some instances the application is supposed to behave somewhat differently. Great I thought, this is exactly what I was using Castle Windsor for to begin with.

在某些情况下,应用程序的行为应该有所不同。伟大的我想,这正是我使用Castle Windsor开始的。

So I wrote my new components and I register them first. For example, I implement IPublishingService differently and register the new implementation first so that it is resolved over the default one above. However, a problem occurrs in the few cases where I had no choice but to use an id to wire up my service overrides. For example how do I redirect the ServiceOverride for ShipmentConfirmationDialog to use my new SpecialCaseShipmentConfirmationDialog implementation without modifying the bit of code above?


There are all sorts of mechanisms in castle windsor that I don't really understand like forwarding and ActAs that I'm hoping will provide a simple answer.


1 个解决方案


I'd keep it simple. If it's configurable, put it in the config (web.config / app.config) then just load the ID using ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["shipmentDialogToUse"];

我会保持简单。如果它是可配置的,请将其放入配置(web.config / app.config),然后使用ConfigurationManager.AppSettings [“shipmentDialogToUse”]加载ID;

Also remember that the fluent registration API is not the be-all and end-all of registration. XML still has its time and place where it's the right tool for the job.

还要记住,流畅的注册API并不是注册的全部和最终目的。 XML仍然有时间和地点,它是适合工作的正确工具。


I'd keep it simple. If it's configurable, put it in the config (web.config / app.config) then just load the ID using ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["shipmentDialogToUse"];

我会保持简单。如果它是可配置的,请将其放入配置(web.config / app.config),然后使用ConfigurationManager.AppSettings [“shipmentDialogToUse”]加载ID;

Also remember that the fluent registration API is not the be-all and end-all of registration. XML still has its time and place where it's the right tool for the job.

还要记住,流畅的注册API并不是注册的全部和最终目的。 XML仍然有时间和地点,它是适合工作的正确工具。