
时间:2022-01-03 15:48:42

I have a socket.io server (in node.js) which I'm trying to connect a python client to, mainly to provide a command line interface to my socket server.


I'm using Python's web sockets, however, I've realised that this only supports four "events": on open, on close, on error and on message.

然而,我使用的是Python的web sockets,我意识到它只支持四个“事件”:打开、关闭、错误和消息。

My socket.io server defines custom events such as .on('connection'). How can I emit/receive such custom events in python?


Here is my script so far, which just starts up and closes, and so it does not work. import web socket, requests, thread, time host = 'http://socket-url-server.com'

这是我到目前为止的脚本,它只是启动和关闭,所以它不起作用。导入web套接字、请求、线程、时间主机= 'http://socket-url-server.com'

def on_open(ws):
    def run(*args):
        print 'did connect'
        for i in range(3):
            result =  ws.recv()
            print 'received:'
            print result
        print "thread terminating..."
    thread.start_new_thread(run, ())

def on_message(ws, message):
    print message

def on_error(ws, error):
    print error

def on_close(ws):
    print "### closed ###"

print('Connecting to %s' % host)

socket = host.replace('http://', 'ws://')
print socket
_ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket,
                             on_message = on_message,
                             on_error = on_error,
                             on_close = on_close)
_ws.on_open = on_open

Which library / method should I use otherwise? If I do a handshake and grab the socket.io server key myself, how can I emit/receive events after that?


I also tried using https://pypi.python.org/pypi/socketIO-client, but its documentation is very poor


I wrote the following script for it below but I get No handlers could be found for logger "socketIO_client" and it just hangs forever.


from socketIO_client import SocketIO, BaseNamespace

class Namespace(BaseNamespace):

    def on_connect(self):
        print '[Connected]'

socketIO = SocketIO('http://socket-server-url.com', 80, Namespace)

1 个解决方案



I met the same question and have worked around this issue on my own. herein I wrote some comments regarding to usage of the library socketIO_client and hope it helps.


Developing environment: Server/Client: nodejs / sio_client written by python

开发环境:服务器/客户端:由python编写的nodejs / sio_client。

  1. "No handlers could be found for logger "socketIO_client". It means it needs handler for logging stuff. Try "import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)" and it logged.
  2. 日志记录器“socketIO_client”没有任何处理程序。这意味着它需要处理程序来记录东西。尝试“进口记录;logging.basicConfig(水平= logging.DEBUG)”记录。
  3. "socketio_client hangs forever" since it keep reconnecting to the indicated server endlessly, i.e., Namespace object will not be adopted until socketIO object is initialized and returns. I have other thread (called thr_siohandle) which initializes the socketio object and main-thread take usage of queue included in Namespace so as to check if there's responses coming from server. It seems that your server should be accessible all the time before running your sio_client, otherwise it keeps re-connects unless you stop the program. Although you can set wait_for_connection as True to stop it, you must handle socketIO_client.exceptions.ConnectionError by yourself.
  4. “socketio_client永远挂起”,因为它不断地重新连接到指定的服务器,即。,在初始化并返回socketIO对象之前,不会采用名称空间对象。我有另一个线程(名为thr_siohandle),它初始化了socketio对象,而主线程利用了命名空间中包含的队列,以便检查是否有来自服务器的响应。似乎在运行sio_client之前,您的服务器应该是可访问的,否则它将继续重新连接,除非您停止程序。尽管可以将wait_for_connection设置为True以停止它,但是必须处理socketio_client .exception。自己ConnectionError。



[2014/02/19] Sorry, allow me to append some comments to my answers regarding to py_SIOClient.


Example codes like this:


class ChatNamespace(BaseNamespace):
    def on_connect( self ):
        print "connected."
    def on_sayhello_response( self, data ):
        print "response:", data 

sio = SocketIO(host, port, ChatNamespace)
chatns = sio.define(ChatNamespace, '/chat')

while (1):
    chatns.emit('sayhello', {'name':'John'})

Command 'sayhello' in this example will be inactive when the connection is reset, and the Namespace object chatns is no longer accessible (no error emerged either). Therefore, it could be worked around by re-defining the dedicated namespace every time before emitting message since we do not know whenever the connection will be reset (and it doesn't matter in my opinion). Hope it helps for people working on py_SocketIO_Client.


SUPPLEMENT 2014/09/09 As I used node(.js) as backend server, but this library seems not to be update for months and its socket.io supports only on socket.io < 1.0.0. Remind to check your package version please before you choosing this library. Hope it does help ppl facing same problem like mine.

补充2014/09/09,因为我使用node(.js)作为后端服务器,但是这个库似乎几个月都没有更新,它的套接字也没有更新。io只支持插座。io < 1.0.0。在您选择这个库之前,请提醒您检查您的软件包版本。希望它能帮助ppl公司面对和我一样的问题。



I met the same question and have worked around this issue on my own. herein I wrote some comments regarding to usage of the library socketIO_client and hope it helps.


Developing environment: Server/Client: nodejs / sio_client written by python

开发环境:服务器/客户端:由python编写的nodejs / sio_client。

  1. "No handlers could be found for logger "socketIO_client". It means it needs handler for logging stuff. Try "import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)" and it logged.
  2. 日志记录器“socketIO_client”没有任何处理程序。这意味着它需要处理程序来记录东西。尝试“进口记录;logging.basicConfig(水平= logging.DEBUG)”记录。
  3. "socketio_client hangs forever" since it keep reconnecting to the indicated server endlessly, i.e., Namespace object will not be adopted until socketIO object is initialized and returns. I have other thread (called thr_siohandle) which initializes the socketio object and main-thread take usage of queue included in Namespace so as to check if there's responses coming from server. It seems that your server should be accessible all the time before running your sio_client, otherwise it keeps re-connects unless you stop the program. Although you can set wait_for_connection as True to stop it, you must handle socketIO_client.exceptions.ConnectionError by yourself.
  4. “socketio_client永远挂起”,因为它不断地重新连接到指定的服务器,即。,在初始化并返回socketIO对象之前,不会采用名称空间对象。我有另一个线程(名为thr_siohandle),它初始化了socketio对象,而主线程利用了命名空间中包含的队列,以便检查是否有来自服务器的响应。似乎在运行sio_client之前,您的服务器应该是可访问的,否则它将继续重新连接,除非您停止程序。尽管可以将wait_for_connection设置为True以停止它,但是必须处理socketio_client .exception。自己ConnectionError。



[2014/02/19] Sorry, allow me to append some comments to my answers regarding to py_SIOClient.


Example codes like this:


class ChatNamespace(BaseNamespace):
    def on_connect( self ):
        print "connected."
    def on_sayhello_response( self, data ):
        print "response:", data 

sio = SocketIO(host, port, ChatNamespace)
chatns = sio.define(ChatNamespace, '/chat')

while (1):
    chatns.emit('sayhello', {'name':'John'})

Command 'sayhello' in this example will be inactive when the connection is reset, and the Namespace object chatns is no longer accessible (no error emerged either). Therefore, it could be worked around by re-defining the dedicated namespace every time before emitting message since we do not know whenever the connection will be reset (and it doesn't matter in my opinion). Hope it helps for people working on py_SocketIO_Client.


SUPPLEMENT 2014/09/09 As I used node(.js) as backend server, but this library seems not to be update for months and its socket.io supports only on socket.io < 1.0.0. Remind to check your package version please before you choosing this library. Hope it does help ppl facing same problem like mine.

补充2014/09/09,因为我使用node(.js)作为后端服务器,但是这个库似乎几个月都没有更新,它的套接字也没有更新。io只支持插座。io < 1.0.0。在您选择这个库之前,请提醒您检查您的软件包版本。希望它能帮助ppl公司面对和我一样的问题。