使用统一框架在MVC 3中进行依赖注入

时间:2021-09-06 15:47:11

I have implemented dependency injection in MVC 3 unity framework and following the instructions.

我已经在MVC 3统一框架中实现了依赖注入并遵循了指令。

It worked , but I have a few questions regarding this:


Here is my implementation :


public interface ID

    string MReturn();

And the classes which implement this interface are:


public class D:ID
    public string MReturn()
        return "Hi";
public class E : ID
    public string MReturn()
        return "HiE";

public class F : ID
    public string MReturn()
        return "Hif";

In the bootstrapper class ,


    private static IUnityContainer BuildUnityContainer()

        var container = new UnityContainer();
        container.RegisterType<ID, D>();

        container.RegisterType<IController, HomeController>("feedbackRepo");
        container.RegisterType<ID, E>();
        container.RegisterType<ID, F>();
      // register all your components with the container here
        // it is NOT necessary to register your controllers

        // e.g. container.RegisterType<ITestService, TestService>();            

        return container;

Now my question is


"I want to set the service class D in the Homecontroller constructor, but according to the above code, it is setting "class F" in the constructor.

“我想在Homecontroller构造函数中设置服务类D,但根据上面的代码,它在构造函数中设置”class F“。

Is there any way to do this?any modification to the above code?


1 个解决方案



The reason why F is injected is because it is the last registered implementation of ID. It basically overwrites the previous registrations.


If you have different implementations of some interface/base class and you want to inject specific implementations in different controllers you could register them as named instances:


container.RegisterType<ID, D>("d");
container.RegisterType<ID, E>("e");
container.RegisterType<ID, F>("f");

and then register the controller in the container and inject the desired named instance of ID:


    new PerRequestLifetimeManager(),
    new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<ID>("d"))

Note that the controller is registered with PerRequestLifetimeManager to ensure that new instances are created for each HTTP request.




The reason why F is injected is because it is the last registered implementation of ID. It basically overwrites the previous registrations.


If you have different implementations of some interface/base class and you want to inject specific implementations in different controllers you could register them as named instances:


container.RegisterType<ID, D>("d");
container.RegisterType<ID, E>("e");
container.RegisterType<ID, F>("f");

and then register the controller in the container and inject the desired named instance of ID:


    new PerRequestLifetimeManager(),
    new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<ID>("d"))

Note that the controller is registered with PerRequestLifetimeManager to ensure that new instances are created for each HTTP request.
