
时间:2023-02-11 15:40:43

I don't know if there is a better way to use the DbContext because it is not recommended to set is as static when working with WCF. So we are creating it each time we want to access the database.


Knowing all the advantages of using Entity Framework, some become useless since we are recreating the DbContext each time; and more may cause overhead since the process of creating big entity models is to be considered.

了解使用Entity Framework的所有优点,有些变得无用,因为我们每次都在重新创建DbContext;因为要考虑创建大实体模型的过程,所以可能会导致更多开销。

What is your opinion?


2 个解决方案



Managing Lifetime

You're correct that a single static instance of DbContext is usually not recommended:


The more you use an ObjectContext, generally the bigger it gets. This is because it holds a reference to all the Entities it has ever known about, essentially whatever you have queried, added or attached. So you should reconsider sharing the same ObjectContext indefinitely.


These comments apply directly to the DbContext, because it wraps wraps ObjectContext to expose "simplified and more intuitive APIs." [see documentation]

这些注释直接应用于DbContext,因为它包装了ObjectContext以显示“简化且更直观的API”。 [见文件]

Cost of Construction

The overhead of creating the context is relatively low:


The reality is this cost is actually pretty low, because mostly it simply involves copying, by reference, metadata from a global cache into the new ObjectContext. Generally I don’t think this cost is worth worrying about ...


The common way to work with a short-lived context is to wrap it in a using block:


using(DbContext context = new SomeDbContext())
    // Do work with context

To ease with testing, you may want to have your DbContext implement some IDbContext interface, and create a factory class ContextFactory<T> where T : IDbContext to instantiate contexts.

为了便于测试,您可能希望让DbContext实现一些IDbContext接口,并创建一个工厂类ContextFactory ,其中T:IDbContext用于实例化上下文。

This allows you to easily swap any IDbContext into your code (ie. an in-memory context for object mocking.)





The best practice for webdevelopment seems to be "one context per web request", see Proper Session/DbContext lifecycle management, when working with WCF this could be translated into one context per operation (i.e. one context per WCF method call).

Web开发的最佳实践似乎是“每个Web请求一个上下文”,参见正确的Session / DbContext生命周期管理,当使用WCF时,这可以被转换为每个操作一个上下文(即每个WCF方法调用一个上下文)。

There are different ways to achieve this but one solution, probably not recommended for different reasons, is to create a new instance of the context and pass it to the constructor of your business class:


public void WCFMethod()
  using (DBContext db = new DBContext())
    BusinessLogic logic = new BusinessLogic(db);



Managing Lifetime

You're correct that a single static instance of DbContext is usually not recommended:


The more you use an ObjectContext, generally the bigger it gets. This is because it holds a reference to all the Entities it has ever known about, essentially whatever you have queried, added or attached. So you should reconsider sharing the same ObjectContext indefinitely.


These comments apply directly to the DbContext, because it wraps wraps ObjectContext to expose "simplified and more intuitive APIs." [see documentation]

这些注释直接应用于DbContext,因为它包装了ObjectContext以显示“简化且更直观的API”。 [见文件]

Cost of Construction

The overhead of creating the context is relatively low:


The reality is this cost is actually pretty low, because mostly it simply involves copying, by reference, metadata from a global cache into the new ObjectContext. Generally I don’t think this cost is worth worrying about ...


The common way to work with a short-lived context is to wrap it in a using block:


using(DbContext context = new SomeDbContext())
    // Do work with context

To ease with testing, you may want to have your DbContext implement some IDbContext interface, and create a factory class ContextFactory<T> where T : IDbContext to instantiate contexts.

为了便于测试,您可能希望让DbContext实现一些IDbContext接口,并创建一个工厂类ContextFactory ,其中T:IDbContext用于实例化上下文。

This allows you to easily swap any IDbContext into your code (ie. an in-memory context for object mocking.)





The best practice for webdevelopment seems to be "one context per web request", see Proper Session/DbContext lifecycle management, when working with WCF this could be translated into one context per operation (i.e. one context per WCF method call).

Web开发的最佳实践似乎是“每个Web请求一个上下文”,参见正确的Session / DbContext生命周期管理,当使用WCF时,这可以被转换为每个操作一个上下文(即每个WCF方法调用一个上下文)。

There are different ways to achieve this but one solution, probably not recommended for different reasons, is to create a new instance of the context and pass it to the constructor of your business class:


public void WCFMethod()
  using (DBContext db = new DBContext())
    BusinessLogic logic = new BusinessLogic(db);