
时间:2021-02-08 15:39:16

I'm stuck on this code:



OleDbCommand cmd1 = new OleDbCommand();
cmd1.Connection = con;
cmd1.CommandText = "update login set password='"+passw.Text+"', Username='" + username.Text + "', firstname='" + user_name.Text + "', address='" + useraddress.Text + "',contact_no='" + usercontactno.Text + "',email='" + useremail.Text + "',birthday='" + userbirthday.Text + "',age='" + userage.Text + "' where id=" + nem + " ";


The query is working well but every time I run it, it says that "password='"+passw.text+"'" has a syntax error. If I remove that line the update works correctly.

该查询运行良好,但每次运行时,它都说“password ='”+ passw.text +“'”有语法错误。如果我删除该行,则更新正常。

2 个解决方案



Password is a reserved keyword. You need to quote it as [Password] or "Password", e.g.:


   cmd1.CommandText = "update login set [password]='"+passw.Text+"', Username='" + username.Text + "', firstname='" + user_name.Text + "', address='" + useraddress.Text + "',contact_no='" + usercontactno.Text + "',email='" + useremail.Text + "',birthday='" + userbirthday.Text + "',age='" + userage.Text + "' where id=" + nem + " ";

Also, another important thing you need to avoid is passing input strings into the SQL statement like this. You need to take quotes in the input strings. First name set to Bla'bla will break your code. The best way to avoid this is to use parameters.


Finally, both the connection and the command object are disposable, so it would be best to wrap them in a using block.




The two most likely issues I see right now:


  1. passw.Text might not have a value and the login table, password column does not allow null values
  2. passw.Text可能没有值,登录表,密码列不允许空值

  3. the login table does not have a column called "password"
  4. 登录表没有名为“password”的列



Password is a reserved keyword. You need to quote it as [Password] or "Password", e.g.:


   cmd1.CommandText = "update login set [password]='"+passw.Text+"', Username='" + username.Text + "', firstname='" + user_name.Text + "', address='" + useraddress.Text + "',contact_no='" + usercontactno.Text + "',email='" + useremail.Text + "',birthday='" + userbirthday.Text + "',age='" + userage.Text + "' where id=" + nem + " ";

Also, another important thing you need to avoid is passing input strings into the SQL statement like this. You need to take quotes in the input strings. First name set to Bla'bla will break your code. The best way to avoid this is to use parameters.


Finally, both the connection and the command object are disposable, so it would be best to wrap them in a using block.




The two most likely issues I see right now:


  1. passw.Text might not have a value and the login table, password column does not allow null values
  2. passw.Text可能没有值,登录表,密码列不允许空值

  3. the login table does not have a column called "password"
  4. 登录表没有名为“password”的列